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Eren's POV
I feel as if sawdust was building up in my throat . It's scratchy and dry , even when I inhale my tears it still stays desert like. I slouch over my legs and touch my feet. I feel abandoned by every sense in my body . He isn't here yet , I'm terrified for when he returns . I can't feel , well more like I have the pain of everything at once but it's numbed my frail body. It's been how long ? I've counted to ten about .... I don't remember .

I can't see my surroundings for there are no Windows where I am only an overhead lamp that flickers on and off while buzzing like a hornet . I am soiled , and smell so bad that every breath I take it burns my nostrils . All he does to clean me is letting a stream of water out of a hose hit my body . letting me freeze . My mind goes blank and I hear static , I'm alone and unable to see . Am I going mad ? " Eren !" I look up to see a smiling face , it's Levi ! " Levi ! I miss you so much , I'm so sorry " I look at his beautiful face , tears well up in my eyes . Levi looks at me and kisses my cheek ." it's okay , I'm here now " I look at him with such happiness I don't feel my body being dragged across the concrete , my body being torn to bits by the rubble and pebbles on the ground .

All I can hear is Levi's calming , comforting voice . " I love you Eren ." This plays in my mind so much I can't feel the hot metal touching my skin and I can't hear it boiling and sizzling . Then I see Levi start to fade away and a light hits my eyes , I cry for him begging him not to leave me again. Then I realize where I am ... I'm still here in this place with no windows crying for someone who will never come.

I get hoisted up by the chains again , making me we weightless . like a bird almost . He's here , he had been here all along , torturing my body to it's limit . I can't see.

Levi's POV
It's been a week , a whole week of me calling and calling . If I could get a signal through to Eren for just fifteen seconds . just fifteen , I could have him back . I am going back to the academy to try again so but first I'm going to my fathers house to have him help me look . I put my gun and badge on and head out the door .
Time skip Driving

As I look out the window I see passing cars and trees that are frozen , they look like they are barley holding on for dear life . Their leafs crushed Beneath the snow ready to rot when it's Icy blanket melts. I sigh , where could Eren have gone ? I feel terrible , I think he was just stressed that's why he was saying all of those impossible things ... I pull up into the driveway and step out onto the graveled surface. As I make my way up to the door a billion things rush through my mind . It's like someone is running a marathon in there . I knock onto the freshly painted door and my mother Lets me inside . I ask politely where dad is . " Oh him , hmm I don't know , maybe you should try the old barn . Or Erwin's fathers house ." " The old barn ? What the hell is he doing up there ?" I ask slightly confused.

"I don't know , I never go up there . He said he was working on a new dining table for the living room . " I reply with a simple " oh ." and I say my goodbyes to my mother and Mikasa . I make my way up to Erwin's fathers house slightly humming to myself along along with the radio. I finally Arrive to his home all for a simple ." you just missed him , he was here about an hour ago ."
I now make my way to the old barn which is extremely hard to drive to . All of the pricker bushes and trees in the way , only our family knows where it is .

The old barn is a two story building with dull chipping blue paint . it used to be red but father hates red so one summer he painted it blue . I make my way though the twists and turns of the woods and find my self at the chipping pain of the barn. It's freezing outside so I hurry my way to the large door . I knock to no answer but I hear rustling on the inside . I'm worried about an intrusion so I take my gun out of my holster . I am prepared for anything so I slowly open up the door .

I freeze .
Ey guys sorry for not updating ;~; but hey I hope you enjoy this chapter . My friend was bitting my elbow for most of it >.>
Well I love you all
Byeeee (^o^)

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