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Levi's POV

If you had ever looked at the snow in France as it falls to the ground you will know why it's my favorite holiday. That and it's my birthday. Ah yes my birthday , a time where I get less presents but more family over . It's wonderful in it's own little way . I make my way to the bathroom when I hear groaning from the bed.

. " Lllllleeeeevvvviiiii" I see a goofy haired brat looking at me from the other side of the room . I giggle . " What the hell do you want ?" I say jokingly . " C'mere " he whispers waving his hand in my direction. I move my way over to the bed and sit down . Eren motions for me to come closer and places a sweet good morning kiss on my lips . I pull away and smile . " Well my prince it's my birthday , I get what ever I want . " He looks at me with huge eyes . " What are you gonna d-" I sweep him off the bed and pick him up bridal style . Eren lets out a huge gasp when I pick him up and starts to flail his arms everywhere . " Put me down I am no child ." Eren yells in a whiny tone . " Then quit making a fuss like one brat , We are going to the kitchen .

"I set him in his chair and go to make coffee . " PRESENTSSSS" Eren yells wide eyes , seeing the presents under the tree . I laugh , he really is just like a kid. I walk over to our little table and place the cups with wispy steam clouds forming on the top of them . I glance at Eren's face , painted with joy and dusted with bright pink cheeks .

"You wanna open them while it cools ?" I point over to the neatly wrapped boxes with colorful paper . Eren nearly falls out of his seat i pick him up and place him on our love seat . I walk over to the tiny tree we have and pick up a present . I hand it to Eren " whoa , that's huge !" Eren excitedly smiled , I knew this was his favorite Holiday . After his parents where killed he didn't have much happiness anymore but Armins mom made sure Christmas was the greatest time of the year .

Eren's POV

I look at the ginormous box in front of me and set it on my lap . I slowly unwrap the paper looking at Levi's face as I tear each piece of paper off slowly . " Come on hurry " I see Levi looking impatient , I giggle as his face turns tomato red . I open up the box to see a whole bunch of paper inside and proceed to find another box...... And another.......and another ...... after about ten boxes one after another I see a little red box.

My heart stops and fills with something I've never felt before . I can't tell if the churning and flipping of my intestines is of joy or shock . I look at Levi who's eyes are staring at me with full anticipation. I can feel my face and eyes staring in awe as my fingers dance across the satin fabric in glee. I find the opening of the little box and slowly pry the hinges apart. I gasp at the sight of a little silver band with my birthstone on it - a little blue aquamarine. Its linked to a chain that Levi with gentle hands clasps around my neck. Happiness flows throughout my veins as I see Levi smile.

"Eren , this is my promise ring ." I giggle , " Like from the seventies ?You are so corny ." he laughs a little and looks back at me . " I know how people in the past have hurt you , how my father took your parents away and how I hurt you. My promise to you Eren Yeager is I will never hurt you , and even one day. I will marry you . I swear I will marry you ." I feel his loyalty right in my heart. His eyes start to water as I kiss his checks . " Now , Mr. Birthday boy no crying , I can't take it when you cry ." he chuckles as he embraces me and kisses me softly on the lips . He looks into my eyes " now , do you want pancakes or can I have my present now ."
He picks me up and takes me to the bedroom
" Present "

So hey guys what's been happening , yea so I finished this chapter !!! Finally I mean god that took way to long . I hope you all enjoy it , have a great dayyyyyy

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