Ch.4 Morning glorry

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As Eren woke up he had gotten out of a bed that was not his and went to wash his face. He was disgusted that he drank that much. He went downstairs looking for levi not remembering a thing that happened last night. He had found the raven man sleeping on the couch and went to wake him.

Levi's POV
" Levi ?" I hear and angel in my sleep and start to wake, only to realize it was not an angel but just Eren being an ass by waking me. " What?" I mumble back still extremely tiered from last night. As I wake up and drive us home Eren turns to me. " Do you remember anything that happened last night ?" Suddenly I felt my body tense up. Did he remember what I said last night ? If he does I'm screwed. " No , I was really drunk and I think I passed out on the couch, what about you ?"

I lie , I am to scared to tell Eren that I like him and I refuse to look weak. " I don't remember much , all I remember is you talking to your friends and bringing me drinks. I didn't think you where that drunk but hey maybe my mind is being a bit to hung over." Eren said that , almost to indecent but I shoo the thought of him remembering and move on with my day. As we get to our dorms we tell each other good bye and head off to get dressed for our first school day of training.

Time skip (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) ~ training

Eren's POV

As I get ready for what they have in store for training me and Armin head out on the field. " LINE UP!" Our Sargent calls to us , spitting as he speaks. I hustle to find my way into the line and find myself between a strange girl with glasses and one with a potato in her face. " Eren ! I'm so glad you could make it , This is Sasha." The potato girl , Still shoving the food in her face hole waved. For training we had to do many different exercises and I hated them all.

100 jumping jacks
150 push ups in a row
15 min long planking
Obstacle corse
50 pull ups
200 sit ups
And a mile cool off

And that was our work out for day 1. As I am sweating so much I could fill Sea World up twice it was time for lunch. As my body mopes in pain back to the dorm.I see Marco already there with Ramen, Jean Is there too. " Eren ! I made you ramen." Marco smiles while Jean slurps his Ramen , looking grumpy as usual." Nah I'm okay I think we have pizza in the fridge but thank you." I smile and get a dirty look from Jean. " How was your first day of training Eren ? Was it all you expected ?" Marco asked paying no attention to Jean and that pissed him off.

"Yea it was okay but I have class so I have to go now Marco thank you for the Ramen." " Okay I'll see you later have a good day."

Time skip (^ω^)~ walking to class

As I make my way to class I am grabbed by the wrist and taken around the corner. It was Levi and he seemed a bit nervous. " Do you remember last night Eren I need to know." He looked troubled as he had said this and stared into my eyes waiting for reply. " I already told you no Levi why ? Did I say something stupid ? If I did just forget about it." Levi looked at me still pinning me to the wall. " I like you Eren ." Levi shocked at the words that had just came out of his mouth. " L-Levi is this a joke ?" I say stunned that he liked me. Then I remembered , Levi was not drunk that night , he had told me he liked me . " This is no joke." Levi manages to slip out before our faces smash together and our lips entwine.

Levi had kissed my roughly begging me for the entry of his tongue against my lips. As I let him slowly enter thoughts zoomed in my mind. Where we dating now ? I don't understand, is this a sick joke , no Levi is not that much of and ass. As our lips separated Levi stared into my eyes and moved closer . I could feel his hot breath on the nape of my neck as he whispered.

" I want you to be mine brat " I could tell he was smiling as he walked away. " Now get to class , you are late as it is." Said the raven still smiling. " No thanks to you !" I said as I could feel my face hot and blushing , Levi wanted me just as I had wanted him. If what he said is true I can't wait to see him soon.

Yay so got some action in there ^_−
Hope you guys enjoyed :) love you <3

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