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Eren's POV

Ah I loved winter , I loved the smell of it and the snow. it brought back such amazing memories of me and Armin.
"Eren ? , Hey look out side ." Armin was smiling and pointing out to his frosted window. " isn't it beautiful ?" " Yea " I say with low spirits , I was a nine year old boy , I was supposed to love snow. I was supposed to love a lot of things.

"Boys !" Armins mother would call to us from downstairs. " Want hot chocolate?" As soon as we heard those words we raced downstairs almost falling on our faces. ah how I loved winter , the playing in the snow , the snowballs , Christmas.


As it was thanksgiving break everyone was hustling around to get their work done and go home." Eren ?" Levi comes up behind me hugging my waist."hey" I look back at him blushing a bit. Levi lets go of my waist and steps I front of me. " I don't want to freek you out , do you want to spend thanksgiving with me and my family ?"

I look at Levi , stunned he asked me then agreed with a smile and a kiss. I now passed him by and had to move on to my classes. I was so happy that he wanted me to meet his family for the first time.

Time skip d(^_^o)

Levi's POV

" Eren hurry up damn it I want to be there before the sun falls." I look into the bathroom and see Eren finally getting out of the shower. God why is he so cute , I can't handle this. " And get some clothes on." I look at him smiling pressing my lips to his . Eren rushes and throws cloths on and some Axe.

"Okay lest go brat ." I say ruffling his now not so nicely done hair. As we go to the car and start driving we start to sing along to the radio. The songs Went from pop , rap , and classic rock. " If you want it you got it , if you want it baby you got it." " And I will walk 500 miles and I will walk 500 more , just to be that man who walks 5,000 miles just to fall down at your door .... DADADADA DADADADA "

Time skip ( T_T)\(^-^ ) the dinner

Eren's POV
We made it to the house on the wonderful thanks giving and was greeted by a beautiful woman in her 40's and I young woman in her teens. " Ah you must be Eren , welcome." She takes my coat and hangs it on a hook by the door.

She then shows me to the dinning room and sits me down in a chair. " Eren , this is my sister Mikasa." Levi looks to the young woman in the chair across from me. " Hello." she says , speaking shyly before turning to her mother. " Mom where is papa ? " " He is coming back from a business trip he will be here soon, just wait a moment." Soon we all hold hands around the table and say grace. As time passed on that ha almost been forever it was time for desserts when we heard someone come in through the door. " honey your home ." Mrs.levi stands up with her short stature and rushes to a man much taller than her , as does Levi and Mikasa. I stand up from the table and shake his hand .

My heart stops.

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I have had so much going on lately that I have not had much time to fit it in even when I've tried . I still love all of you , tell me what you think in the comments . I will also try to update as soon as possible. so I love you guys see you soon (-; )

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