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Darkness , this is what I remember , hatred this is what I feel , sadness , this is what I see all around me . Inside me .

Eren's POV

I look into the cold dead eyes of the past I had left behind. I wasn't ready. It was him . Levi's dad was the one who took my family away . I wasn't ready for this train to hit me and break each of my bones slowly , to be the most painful , but it happened. I look into cold dead eyes and a fake smile. " Nice to meet you Eren I have heard a lot about you lately from Levi." " Dad stop it ." Levi said , his face fully flushed and flustered.

His Icy voice burrowed deep into my mind , unable to move I answer. " I have heard a bit about you too , the pleasure is mine." I swallow hard as he smirks , I know he remembers me , I know .

Levi's POV

" Eren ? " You can sit down now " I look at him wondering why he was acting so weird , he never gets this way. He looks like he is almost in tears , I have to get him alone soon.

Time skip \(^o^)/
After dinner

After dinner we all sit on the couch to watch the big game. I turn to Eren and pull him next my old room in the house. " What's the matter ?" I look into him dying to figure out what's wrong. He starts crying and shaking. " Nothing - I'll be okay , I promise." I take my hand to his chin pulling him closer to my face and looking into his eyes. " When your ready , I need you to tell me ." I kiss him lightly.

"I want to go to sleep." he says to me in his puppy voice and heads off to my old room.

Eren's POV
I make my way , still crying like a child who scraped his knee . I can't tell Levi , can I ? No . it would ruin him , what if he thought I way lying ? I couldn't take that. I lay down in the nice bed and try to fall asleep.

Levi's POV

I was about to go to sleep when I heard screaming coming from my room. " EREN ?!?" I yell running to my room at full force , there he was. My Eren was sitting up in our bed sobbing even more than the afternoon. He turns to me , his eyes red and puffy. " I'm fine." he says to me in an almost choking voice. " Eren you are not fine ! Tell me what the hell is going on, you can trust me." I look into his eyes and hold him right to my chest. " I just had a bad dream that's all." I hear a knock on the door.

Its just my dad. " is everything okay in here boys ? Do you need anything." I look at him and smile , no everything is alright dad Eren just had a bad dream. He looks at Eren and smiles " Well I hope everything is alright now, good night boys." As he leaves I look into Eren's eyes , he looks drained , lifeless." Eren , please tell me." I look at him , sadness starting to rise in me. " I can't , I will tell you in the morning." my heart breaks at those words. I lay next to Eren and try to fall asleep , holding him in my arms , wishing for him to be okay.

Time skip Σ(゚д゚lll) Morning time

Eren's POV

I can't breath , I'm suffocating. It's like everywhere I go he is always there taunting me with his smile and laughter. I go to take a shower to ease my mind that is jumbled up. I go into Levi's old room and remove my clothing and put a towel around my body.

I walk to the bathroom and he stops me. Frightened I try to move away , but the hallway is to small to back up far. " So we meet again kid." he smiles at me , I can feel his breath on my chest. I call for Levi. " he's out buying things from the store with the girls , why don't you shut you fucking mouth" He says as he slaps me to the ground , Hovering over me . "Don't forget that promise I made to you all those years ago , I will keep it.

"He smiles a smile that makes me want to vomit. He moves away from me and I scatter to the bathroom and lock myself in it. I start sobbing violently. What will I tell Levi. I can't tell Levi, If I do he might not believe me and He might get hurt. What will I do. Levi , Levi .


Hey guys I hope you liked that chapter c: happy holidays and don't forget to vote <3 it helps me out a lot. Well I love you all , and a new chapter will be out soon. Hope you all have a fantastic day (-; )

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