The apology

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It's been 3 days since the ticket incident with Hinata and she had a weak off of school. Naruto has been thinking about what she said in the car. No she meant as a friend right? But Sakura said she's been In love with mean since 3 grade?! I don't understand right now! It's hurting my head. Naruto thinks to himself. Naruto and Lee talk about the ticket Lee says "the ticket is no problem but the real problem is what's happening between Naruto and Hinata." "Well I don't know what to do she confessed her love for me that started 9 years ago and I was oblivious to it what do I do lee?" "Well first try to apologize and if that doesn't work try reaching out to Sakura or ino and see if they've heard from her."
(Text message)
Hey Hinata look I'm sorry about the other day I should've been respectful of you and you were right I could've caused a crash injured or possibly killed some one I just want to say I'm really sorry and I hope you can forgive me hit me back when you can.!

It's been about two days since I texted Hinata I'm going to call Sakura. "Hey have you heard from Hinata I sent her a text a couple of days ago but she hasn't even opened it so I feel worried about her." "Hey Naruto yea I have she just doesn't want to talk to you right now she's still kind of sad about the whole i love you thing."" Oh um ok so you mind if I come over and see her in person I feel like I have to be there for it to count as an apology it just doesn't feel right over text""sure Naruto I'm not going to tell her though it's all in you"

Naruto finally decides to go over to Sakura to apologized in person so he ask Lee to take him since he didn't want to drive and get in more trouble because of the ticket. Naruto arrives at Sakura house and knocks on the door. Hinta answers the door and says "Sakura not here you can go" in a sleepy sad voice she goes to close the door but Naruto catches it. "Actually I'm her to see you Hinata" he says "no thanks" Hinata responds.
Naruto opens the door and follows Hinata in the house. Hinat yells "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOU!" Hinata runs into the bedroom and locks the door Naruto walks after her he bangs on the door he says "I'm sorry Hinata it was a stupid mistake I know I shouldn't have been driving recklessly like that please just forgive me." "It's not about that Hinata responds from the other side of the door" Naruto automatically thinks about hinatas words in the car "I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" "Look Hinata I'm sorry I never caught on I just I thought you were always shy I never realized that it was just me you were shy around." He says

Hinata didn't answer. Naruto knocked on the door again asking "please Hinata let me in can we just talk?" Still no answer from Hinata. "Look Hinata I don't really know what love is I've never felt it before like real love it's Never happend to me. love you just not in the way you want me too I love you like I love Sakura and ino and Choji. Can I please just have some time to think about what you said I mean We are still best friends... right?" The boy asked Hinata unlocked the door tearfully and said "yea" she said and walked past Naruto and walked over to the door "can you please just leave Naruto? Hinata said tearfully i also need sometime to think." Naruto walks towards the door but before he leaves he hugs Hinata. She starts blushing a rosey red color started to cover her face she was in shock" N-N-Naruto?" She said Naruto continued to hug her he felt their body's touching and he felt warm inside he whispers in Hinata's ear"I'm really sorry"in a sad rough voice
Naruto let go of the hug and walked out. Hinata closed the door instantly and start to smile she gets hot when Naruto hugged her.

It was about a week later he hadn't talked to Hinata since he hugged her except for seeing her in the hallways of konohaHigh she would on my say hi or nod nothing else. It's A Friday and the boys were drinking when Naruto came back to the house from school Lee and Sasuke they were both having fun messing around around when Naruto finds them in the living room the boys decide it would be nice to throw a party it was about 11pm and the party just started there wasn't many people their yet except for shikamaru,Choji, ino, and Sai no sign of Sakura or Hinata. About 2 hours pass and the party really starts as the big mansion floods with high school students it's only 1 am and people are already drunk The house is Crazy and a mess. He spots Hinata walk in and Sakura after her she's wearing black shoes, black yoga pants and a pink shirt that is tied in the back making it tight around her so you can see her body's curves. Naruto stands still staring at Hinata for about a minute.

Wow she's fucking stunning he thinks to himself Naruto walks away from his group of friends and drunkenly walks over to Hinata and Sakura he reaches them. "Hey Hinata" he says "oh hey Naruto" she said shyly come on let's have some fun it's a party you too Sakura everyone's near the pool" he guides them to the kitchen holding onto hinatas arm as if they're in a hurry Hinata blushes as she looks back at Sakura. "What do I do?" She asked her Naruto not being able to hear them as the music is too loud he gets shot glasses a bottle of tequila and vodka and told Hinata and Sakura to get beers for themselves.

He continues to guid them through the back door to their friends at the pool. Naruto looks around and as they are walking towards their friends he spots a boy roaming hinatas body with his eyes. The boy says "come over here and let me hit" Hinata immediately runs to their friends but Naruto gets mad he chugs the rest of his beer and throws it at the boy "a throw and a miss" the boy antagonizes Naruto which makes him more mad "the fuck is your problome bro"Naruto yells "bro I didn't know that was your girl" "she's not but she is my friend so I wouldn't let anyone disrespect her like that" Naruto is almost yelling Hinata and all they're friends are staring. Sasuke walks up and ask "what happened" Naruto tells him "he's cat calling Hinata and disrespecting her and I won't accept it." "Oh I see" sasuke says with a grin "ok I'm going to go" Sasuke says and walks behind the boy and pushes him into Naruto instantly Naruto pushes the boy off of him and pushes him into the pool everyone starts to laugh and Sasuke laughs at the boy

Naruto pulls the boy out of the pool but puts him on the ground and instantly starts punching him in the face making the boy bleed and excessively coughing up blood. Naruto then drags the boy around the house and outside of the main gates and leaves him on the side of the street. Naruto walks back to his friends they all look at him as he has blood all over his jeans and fist and his shirt is soaked from dragging the boy. Choji pats Naruto on the back saying "good job"
Hinata still suprised with what Naruto did she asks "y-you did that f-for me N-Naruto?" "Yea of course Hinata your my best friend" Hinata starts to blush heavily and hugs Naruto around the waist tightly Naruto suprised he didn't know what to do he froze up.

Hinata is hugging me what do I do... Naruto panics to himself in his head

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