The test

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It's Monday and the day the 5 period class gets their tests back. First period was long and boring because Choji wasn't there he had to help his mom who was in a accident recently. Second period went by fast as usual. Then came 3rd it was boring but they just watched a movie, 4th Naruto and Sai went to the nearest restaurant and got lunch.

Finally 5 period came around Naruto entered the class just as the bell rang he sat down and Mr.kakashi went on with his instructions about a project and asked Hinata and Naruto to stay behind after the bell. Today the learned about dna. The class went by pretty slowly but at the end of the class Kakashi called everyone's name for them to come up and grab their test and leave one by one once everyone was called on and left. He called Naruto and Hinata to his desk.he looked at them and sat in silent for a minute. "Are we in trouble Mr.Kakashi?" Naruto asks "um no but I did want to talk about your tests." He replied

"Um you two didn't cheat did you?" Mr.Kakashi said What of course not." Hinata replied " ok Hinata I want you to continue tutoring Naruto because whatever you two are doing is working, Hinata as expected you got an A-94% but Naruto you had gotten an A as well but your is a 100%.I'm very proud of you and this will bring your grade up exceptionally" Mr.Kakashi "thank you Mr.Kakashi!" Naruto said him and Hinata exit the room Naruto hugs Hinata tightly "thank you so much you helped me out a lot" he said Hinata blushed a little unexpectedly Naruto's hug"it's honestly no problem I enjoy helping you Naruto" she replied.

Naruto was walking towards his next class he realized that he felt wired without Hinata with him he went to look in his bag for his test but also realized had left his test in kakashi's class. He walked back and he saw Hinata so he decided to walk with her because her class was on the way back. He saw a boy at his locker looking at her butt Naruto got red and walked up to the boy. "What are you looking at" he said "that girls ass it's fat I want to grab it" Naruto was shocked and froze the boy walked over to Hinata "hey I just wanted to say your body is beautiful and I'd be grateful if you let me take care of you." The boy said Hinata said no and walked away the boy got mad and grabbed her butt Hinata gave a loud yelp and covers her body where the boy touched her and everyone looked Naruto got even more red and walked over to the boy.

He grabbed the boy on the shoulder and turned him he immediately punched the boy in the face and kept hitting him until the boy was bleeding. He hits hard and dangerously, he has a short temper almost like a fox Hinata thought.The boy hit Naruto back and the started to fight. Naruto had already made him bleed but he wanted the boy to feel pain for what he did to Hinata.

The boy throws a punch and Naruto blocks and catches it and puts the boys face on the ground holding his arm in the air. "Her ass was soft" the boy said to Naruto Naruto felt the anger pent up inside him the took the boys arm and stomped on his elbow forcing it to snap inward breaking his arm the boy yells a very loud scream. "Do you understand pain now?" Naruto asked the boy.

Hinata ran to Naruto and grabbed him pulling him out of the school and into his car she got in and told him to drive. "Why the hell would you do that Naruto?!" Hinata said "he touched you" he replied "every time someone looks at me wrong doesn't mean you need to hurt them." She said "it's more than that" Naruto said "what is is then Naruto what?" Hinata questioned. "I-I don't know" he said "your my best friend and I'm not gonna let you get disrespected like that and you shouldn't let yourself either." Naruto said with anger.

Naruto got home with hinata in the car and went inside immediately Guy asked "why aren't you two in school and why are you bleeding Naruto?" Naruto ignores guy and goes straight to his room slamming the door. "He got into a fight and broke a kids arm" Hinata said to guy. "He broke a kids arm over what?" Guy said trying to stay calm but angrily. "Um over me" Hinata said hesitantly.

"What happend" guy asked " a boy was staring at my body and had groped me. Naruto had the boy on the ground but he didn't keep his mouth shut and he said my butt is soft and Naruto lost his shit and kicked in the kids arm." She explained "Are you ok Hinata?" Guy asked "I'm fine just a little shook" she responded. "I'll go talk to Naruto. I'll call the school and tell them that I need you guys for an emergency" Guy said.

Guy walked into Naruto's room with a concerned look on his face. Naruto was sitting on his bed playing with his hair. Guy gazed at Naruto "look at me in the eyes Naruto." Guy said. Naruto looked up at Guy "I'm sorry, I lost my temper" he said "it's ok you were protecting your friend But you did go a lot too far."

Hinata was downstairs by herself with a glass of water. "Why would he even feel the need to go up to him in the first place" was Naruto jealous that another boy was looking at me? No I already told Naruto how I felt and that feeling for him has only gotten stronger since we've been hanging out a lot recently. Hinata thought to herself.

"What even made you approach the boy?"Guy asked
"I don't know I just didn't like the way he was looking at her and was talking about her."
"Oh I get it, your jealous" Guy said. Naruto's face turned red .

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