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It's been about an 5 minuets since Naruto left hinatas house. He's just been driving around Naruto thought about his parents it made him mad the way the man disrespected them. He started to push his foot on the gas he got onto the highway he was very mad.

He didn't realize how fast he was going he looked down and saw 150 on his dash. He hit the shift at the perfect time and the car roared and went on he looked down again 195-196-197! (Top speed for this of car) "woooooooooo" Naruto yelled as the engine grew louder.

All the sudden Naruto felt a bump he had hit a branch that was on the highway he lost control and started to spin out he tried to control the car but it only made it worse especially going so fast. He hit a curb. Just as he felt safe he felt the car move up like everything was in slow motion.

A flash of his father hovering over his body with Lee's parents in the front seat of a car came over his eyes. Hitting the curb made the tire run up it giving the care enough momentum to flip landing on the roof Naruto was very very badly injured.

He was in a white room and the floor was water but he could walk on it. He saw his father and ran up to him and hugged him "Naruto my boy" the man said as a woman with long red hair joined the hug.

"We missed you ya know?" She said "but fortunately your time isn't hear yet." The man with the same blonde hair Naruto had said. "Wha-... what do you mean your my mom and dad." The boy cried as he hugged his father again felt his body get sucked away.

He slowly opens his eyes to see all his friends holding hands in the hospital chairs and a crying Rock Lee hovering over him. "Oh thank god thank god" the boy yelled and hugged Naruto tightly crying into his shoulder.

Naruto put his arm around Lee and winces in pain as he realizes his arm is in a cast. "I'm so sorry I'm sorry." Naruto said crying in the hospital bed. Everyone one was there. Hinata came next "he's all yours" Lee said tearfully as he sat down next to TenTen he put his head on her shoulder as she held him he cried.

"Oh my god Naruto thank god your alive, you flatlined 3 times we all thought you were dead the nurse said if the last one wasn't long enough that one would've been the one to kill you." The girl said crying he hugged her with all his might "I love you Hinata thank you for always caring for me through thick and thin." The boys said with his harms around the girl.

Everyone took turns hugging Naruto. "Guy" Naruto said weakly "I'm sorry for all the trouble me and Lee have caused you I love you like a father." The blonde boy said crying.

"It's ok Naruto I'm just happy your alive." I love you too and remember no matter what I will always love and take care of you and Lee as my own children." Guy said crying as Lee joins the hug.

Naruto saw the pictures of the wreck as he laid in bed the front right of the car was all pushed in along with the top of the car was pushed in as well the spoiler came off when the top of the car collided with the ground almost every window was broken except the windshield and the back right which the windshield was entirely cracked.

The car was completely upside down. "If Naruto didn't have his seatbelt on he would've been dead" said guy from a distance. A man came in and covers his mouth and almost cried when he saw the condition Naruto was in it was Hinatas father.

Guy greeted the man and stepped outside to talk to him. "You said what!" Guy almost yelled a loud punch was heard. " if you think you can disrespect Minato Namikaze and kushina Uzamaki like that you are sadly mistaken sir" Guy yells as the boys ran out to contain guy.

The man comes back after guy leaves with an black eye and ice pack on his face. "I'm sorry Naruto I feel responsible for this and if you would let me I'd like to pay for your medical bills. I know I antagonized you and honestly it wasn't my intention so for whatever its worth I'm sorry."

"Yea, cool you don't need to pay anything it's fine." Naruto says looking away from the man. "Um ok I'm really sorry, sincerely I am." The man says with a worried tone. The man walks out of the room saying nothing. Naruto starts shaking rapidly. "He's having a seizure" Sasuke yells

Sakura runs and yells for a nurse who gets the doctor they immediately try to contain him. Once he is contained they take him to icu.

"The boy is going to need surgery" the doctor says. "Thank you dr.Tsunade" Sai says. Everyone waited for Naruto's surgery to end. It came to the point where they were all sleeping on the chairs in the room. TenTen slept in a chair with Lee. Sai and ino took a chair. Sakura and Sasuke took another other. Shikamaru and choji got their own and Hinata slept on another.

The next morning Dr.Tsunade came out with Naruto in a wheelchair. "He's in better condition than yesterday I'll say that. I'm suprised you really love him that much you stayed here overnight. Hmph He hurt his spine badly He broke his right arm. And will most likely will never walk again." The dr stated

Everyone gasped in shock as she explained that Hinata and lee crying as Shikamaru got behind Naruto in the wheel chair and took him to his room. Him and choji picked up Naruto and put him on the hospital bed.

The girl I didn't know I needed - a naruhina fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now