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Naruto had just walked into his 1 period class choji already in class Naruto took a seat next to his friend as the teacher called attention to the front of the class he introduced himself as Mr.Yamato choji was good at math so he helped Naruto a lot. Second period was irrelevant as Guy used to be a world history teacher so he taught Lee and Naruto at a young age. 3rd period was English with Mr. Iruka which was a pretty easy class he had know Naruto since grade school. 4th period was free period with Sai they drove around and went out for lunch.

Then came 5 period he met Hinata at her locker and they walked together to the class she was blushing as people started when the walked in together she tried to hide her face Naruto decided to sit next to Hinata as she was the only one he was really friends with in that class.

The teacher walked in and introduced himself as Mr.Hatake but asked to be call Mr. kakashi. He then said the person you sit next to is your new partner for the rest of the year. Hinatas eyes widened and she blushed a little Naruto smiled and said "that's great we're gonna be partners Hinata." Partners with Naruto! Hinata blush grew a to a rose red.

Then came 6 period who was taught by Mr. Asuma
It's was pretty boring just boys running around playing basketball mostly. 7 period was business Mrs. shizune it was a pretty boring class they only learned about how to save money and to not gamble or invest in stupid things. Because she had a friend who was really bad at it.

The day ends today was mainly just the introduction of classes and students. Naruto goes to the parking lot where he says bye to his friends and picks Lee up and go home.

It's been about a week and Naruto has grown his connection to Hinata a lot he noticed that she's less shy around him. But Naruto had found himself with a D in the class and of course Hinata had an A so Mr.Kakashi held Hinata after class and told her "can you please tutor Naruto he's close to failing and I don't want that for him." "Ok I will try my best" she responds.

After class she tells Naruto about his new tutoring Naruto is hesitant about it but says "ok can you come over after school? No one will be home and I can take you home after." Hinata blushes and responds "um yea" cool Naruto says with a smile on his face and walks away to his next class. Alone with Naruto... a date? No no he's my best friend no he's my friend that I kissed and he doesn't remember. I still love him but I have to push it down I can wait for him but he's just a friend just a friend. Hinata thought to herself it was about 2:40 and school let out Lee and shikamaru went to choji's to hang out and Sakura Sasuke ino and Sai went to all go to Sakura house.

Naruto and Hinata pulled into the driveway of the mansion. Naruto put the car in park and got out he opens the door for Hinata and asked her if she wanted a drink she said no but he grabbed himself a beer. He lead Hinata to his room. Almost an hour later Naruto felt like he was ready for class tomorrow. Hinata had felt good about Naruto "so now what?" Naruto asked "well you can just take me home now" Hinata replied "I mean it's only 4:00 how about we just hangout like friends no tutoring. "Yea sure" Hinata said with a smile on her face. Naruto and Hinata were laughing dancing and for hours.

They were having so much fun they lost track of time blasting music through the house singing and then they saw Lee come through the door "what are you doing" he asked "nothing just hanging out having fun" Naruto replied "it's 9:00 y'all have been here for hours." Lee says Hinata had sudden shock on her face. "I need to get home" she said "shit ok I'll drive you" Naruto said rushing to his car he puts his foot on the brake and pushes in the button and the car roars very loudly he starts to speed down the highway but slows down and Hinata starts tapping his arm she points towards a cop car Naruto slows down to the speed limit and goes past him smoothly when the cop is out of sight Hinata tells him to hurry and go faster he makes it to her house half the time it would normally take

Hinata hugs Naruto from across the center console and holds him tight Naruto blushes and hugs her back he starts to grin thank you so much Naruto you don't know how much trouble I would've been in" she said "it's fine honestly" he said to here

It's been 4 days it's a Friday Hinata has been tutoring and hanging out with Naruto all week. Today was the day of the test to see if Naruto was actually paying attention. Mr. kakashi hands out the test Naruto flips through it 50 questions! I'm gonna fail oh no Hinata helped me for nothing. he thinks to himself. The school bells ring and Mr.kakashi tells the students to turn in their test.

The next day Lee text the group chat too meet them at his house to hang. Everyone comes over and sai is the first one to grab a beer Naruto takes it from him and puts it back saying "remember last time you two Drank" staring at ino and Sai "yea that's not happening again not here" everyone sat down and played games on the new consoles Lee got. "how are you Hinata" Naruto asks "I'm good how do you think the test went?" She asks.

Before Naruto could say anything Sakura pulls Hinata aside "your not blushing or stuttering around Naruto anymore?!" She says "no I've learned to control it we talk all the time now and sometimes we hug" Hinata replies. "So your feelings for him are gone?" She asked "no they are still there strongly in fact but we've become really good friends and I want him to take his time I don't want to rush him" Hinata replies. Sakura squeezes Hinata In happiness.

"So you and Hinata eh?"Sasuke says to Naruto "no we're just really good friends, when she said she loved me I didn't know what to say I've never really felt loved before we are really good friends now we hang out a lot." The boy says

The girl I didn't know I needed - a naruhina fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now