The wedding day

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It's the day of Naruto and Hinata's wedding. It was a very special day for them. Naruto Gives Lee the rings and let's him make sure everything is ok while Sasuke and shikamaru help Naruto with his suit and hair. Naruto walks out with Lee behind him then shikamaru then Sasuke then choji then sai.

The girls walk out ino, Sakura, Tenten, and temari, finally Hinata comes down the aisle in a long white dress with her father by her side as Hinata walks up to Naruto Naruto shakes Mr.Hyuga's hand and says "thank you sir."

5 minuets go by and the man reads out "you may now say your vows Hinata you first."

Hinata looks down at cards she wrote and reads of them and says "Ok.. um I just wanted to say that Naruto you have been the love of my life since we met when I first layed eyes on you I knew what love at first sight was even when I didn't know what love was. You always treated me so good as a friend and even better as a girlfriend. So with this said I love you and trust you with all my life Naruto Uzamaki."

"Mr. Uzamaki the man says" Naruto looks Down at a sheet of paper he has in his hand he folds it up and gives it to Lee "I want this to be from the heart not just off a piece of paper" the boy says as he puts his hands behind his back.

" Hinata Hyuga I love you so much I wouldn't be able to put it in words you changed my life forever and even though I was to dumb to realize about your love for me I found out about my feelings for you and the first kiss we shared. Im not talking about the one on the roof. About the one that night of the party. Was when I knew I was in love with you I had gotten into multiple fights over you a car crash and my feelings were all jumbled up but when you came and hugged me you made me feel warm inside I never wanted you to stop. You made me feel amazing inside and you gave me butterflies all the time so Hinata I just wanted to say I love you with all my heart and through thick and thin I will always be there for you on your happiest and worst days." The boy ends tearing up.

Hinata tears up and tries not to ruin her makeup.
"Wow that was very powerful the man says looking at Naruto." "Do you Naruto Uzamaki take Hinata Hyuga to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The man asks "I do" Naruto responds surely

"And do you Hinata Hyuga take Naruto Uzamaki to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The man says and looks at hinata "I do yes" she says holding Naruto's hands "The rings please" he says looking towards Lee.

Lee checks his pocket but doesn't find the ring he looks at shikamaru who checks his pockets and looks at Sasuke, Sasuke checks his pockets and no ring he looks at choji choji checks also no ring. Naruto starts to get mad and choji nudges sai who checks his pocket and when he checks his back pocket he pulls out a little black box

He steps forward with a chuckle and hands it to Naruto who is laughing but at the same time tearing up. He puts the ring on hinatas finger as she does him. "You may now kiss the bride" he says happily
Naruto pulls Hinata in for a very passionate kiss in between kisses Naruto says " I love you so much baby" and continues to kiss her.

Sai pushes a bottle of champagne to the front of the line we're Lee was standing and Lee shook up the champagne and let it fly over Naruto and Hinata during there kiss he then pours the Rest of the bottle on top of narutos head drenching him in champagne.

Naruto is drenched in champagne from trying to cover up Hinata from getting wet. Hinata slowly backs away from Naruto and lets out a light laugh. Naruto chuckles a bit. He takes off his blazer and is soaking wet.

Choji comes over and brings Naruto, Hinata, and Lee towels. At the after party there wasn't a lot of drinking only dancing and fun Naruto sat next to Hinata and Lee next to Tenten. The all talked for a bit until Tenten asks "so Hinata are you thinking of changing or keeping your last name?" "Well Hinata Uzamaki does have a nice ring to it so I want to change it Mrs. Lee" she stares at Tenten jokingly while sipping her drink.

"So our honey moon Wear do you want to go" Naruto asked "I don't care as long as I'm with you anywhere is perfect" she replies as she lays her head on Naruto's chest

- time skip 1 month- Hawaii-

It's early in the morning and Naruto wakes up to Hinata making him breakfast in a beach house they rented for their honeymoon. " Hinata baby you didn't have to" he said "it's fine I enjoy cooking for you Naruto." "What are we doing today"she asks I don't know yet we can hang around and check out some of the volcanoes, whatever you want to do I'm fine with" the boy says

Most of the day the couple just hung out around the beach it wasn't until the end of the day were they had some real fun. Naruto and Hinata went to go see fire dancing and an all you can eat restaurant. They also went to a bar where the alcohol is just a little bit stronger.

Later that night Naruto and Hinata got into bed ready to sleep Naruto turned over and looked at Hinata and said "hey baby can i ask you something?"
"Sure" she replies " I want to know how you feel about a kid because I honestly want one." The boy says with a strange confused tone.

Hinata looked up she got on top of Naruto and started to kiss him. "I think a kid would be great." She replied in between kisses.

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