Big days for everyone

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It's the night of October 10, 2020 Naruto Uzamaki's birthday. "Damn I can't believe your going to be 20 I feel like last year went by so fast" said sasuke. "Yea? with rehab and everything I feel like it was really long but hey atleast I can walk." Said the blonde headed boy.

"It's been a while since we've all hung out like this"said ino. Guy came to the living room with a cake that said "happy birthday Naruto!!" On it every one sung happy birthday and let Naruto blew out the candles. They eat the cake and talk for a bit before deciding to go in the pool.

Once they all get changed and get into the pool choji yells "chicken fight!!" As Shilamaru gets on choji's shoulders, ino gets on sai's, Hinata gets on Naruto's, and sakura on sasuke's. They all have a 4 way chicken fight tournament the winner ended up being choji and shilamaru.

After spending an hour in the pool they all decided to relax and watch a movie. It's was about 12:00 and everyone passed out before the movie even finished Naruto woke up on the floor next to the couch Hinata was sleeping on he got up and picked up Hinata bridal style carefully trying not to wake her.

He carry's her up to his room and places her on the bed. "Even when you sleep your the most beautiful girls I've seen I love you so much Hinata" the boy whispers to himself and gives Hinata a kiss on the forehead.

Naruto makes his way back down to the living room and takes the empty couch and falls asleep.

The next morning everyone woke up except for Lee. So they all decided to put him onto a mattress and let him float in the pool. They start to splash Lee with water and he turns and falls into the pool. "What the fuck!" Lee yells. Shikamaru goes to help Lee out of the pool but he gets pulled in then everyone jumps in the pool. After a while everyone decides to go home when sasuke left it was only Lee and Naruto.

For most the time they played video games together and talked "I'm thinking about marrying out Tenten"Lee said "woah really" Naruto said suprised "well yea I love her and I think it's time" lee replies

The blonde head boy smiled "that's good I'm happy for you" he said. "With that being said I want you to be my best man." Lee replied. "Yes of course without a doubt." Naruto says to lee

The next day Naruto and lee invite everyone over to surprise Tenten. As everybody shows up they wait on Tenten. When she shows up everybody greets her they all hang out for a little while to make things less suspicious. After a bit all the boys go into Lee's room and the girls into Naruto's they tell Tenten they will be back. Shikamaru walks out first then Choji , Sasuke , Naruto, and finally Lee all dressed int tuxedos. The girls walk out after I'm dresses. They make a path for Lee as he walks towards Tenten.

She has a surprised look on her face. Lee takes her hand and gets down on one knee and opens a little black box with a ring and a diamond top of it. "Will you Tenten make me Rock Lee the happiest man in the world and marry me?" "OH MY GOD YESS YESS 100 times" Tenten says excitedly. Everyone claps for them and Lee kisses Tenten and puts the ring on her finger.

- time skip 5 months-

"So it's today today is the big day" Sasuke says to Lee patting him on the back. The boys get out of a limousine dressed nicely in black tuxedos. They walk over to the ceremony entrance and make sure everything is in place and good a couple hours go by and the important part of the ceremony starts but Lee told everyone especially Naruto and Sasuke that drinking is very minimal.

Naruto walks up behind Lee, then Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, and sai they were all inplace waiting for the girls to come out. The girls come out with Tenten in front then Hinata, Sakura, and ino. When the pastor tells Lee to say his vow he starts to read of a paper " Tenten, how did I get so lucky to find you you are apart of me now and I never want to let go of you I love with all my heart and I want you to be with me forever." When Lee finished Tenten had started to cry her vows were short but powerful.

Lee let's put a tear and Naruto pats him on the back to comfort him. "Do you Rock Lee take Tenten to be you lawfully wedded wife" the pastor asks "I do" Lee responds "and do you Tenten tal Rock Lee to be your lawfully wedded husband" the man asks "yes I do" says Tenten tearfully "the rings" the man states as Naruto pulls out a small black box from his back pocket with two rings inside he hands it to Lee.

Lee puts the ring on Tenten's finger as she does Lee. The man takes a breath and says "You may now kiss the bride" Lee pulls Tenten close to him and they share a passionate kiss. Everyone claps but Naruto runs into the building as everybody is confused he unbuttons hit blazer and runs as fast as he can. He comes back running with a bottle of champagne. As he runs done the aile he shakes it.

"Fuck yesss let's gooo Leeeeeeee" he yells once he gets colors to Lee he pops open the glass and sprays it all over Lee as Tenten backs up trying to not get wet. He pours some onto Lee's head then puts his arm around Sasuke and pours some into his own mouth cheering. Everybody laughing. At the end of the ceremony Lee asks Tenten to move in with Him and Naruto as she replies yes excitedly

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