Birthday girl

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It's December 26 one day before Hinata's birthday. "Hey Lee do you mind if I blow some money?"Naruto says "How much." Lee asks "well I want to get Hinata a nice car for her birthday and I was thinking a Tesla model x? It's like 100 thousand." Naruto says with a worried expression on his face. "Sure I honestly don't care. Remember your my brother Naruto spend money just don't let us go broke." Lee said jokingly. "What the fuck thank you Lee I love you man!" Naruto says hugging Lee.

Naruto finally leaves the dealership with a new Tesla and he brings it to the house and hides it in the garage. The next day he invites everyone over for Hinata's birthday. Everyone came over and had fun. By 8:00 everyone sang happy birthday and was giving out gifts. When everyone was done Naruto told Lee to get the car out of the garage.

When Lee came back and gave Naruto the keys he stood up and said " hey guys I know we're all having fun and all but I just wanted to say that Hinata I love you so much and honestly I feel like sometimes I don't deserve you your so sweet and cute and always happy and a world without you is a world not worth living in." Hinata stood up and hugged Naruto he pulled back and gave her a kiss as everyone awwed and clapped.

"Now your going to have to close your eyes and trust me" Naruto said as he put his hands around her eyes. He tapped Shikamaru and motioned him to open the front door. "Holy shit Naruto" ino yelled Sakura starred at the car in front of the house then at Naruto "you got her that" she mouthed" Naruto walked Hinata out of the house and in front of the car as everyone followed.

"The love of my life deserves the best" he whispered into her ear and took his hands off her lavender eyes.
She stood there in awe and squealed "oh my fucking god Naruto this is for me? Thank you thank you thank you." She yelled and hugged Naruto well want to take her for a spin?

Hinata gets in the car and Naruto gets into the passenger seat. "Do you like it?" He asks "I fucking love it are you kidding me Naruto. You didn't need to do this." She replied "Yea I wanted to get you something you wouldn't forget he replies" "oh trust me baby I can't forget this." Hinata says laughingly.

Naruto and Hinata go back to the house and everyone goes out to watch a movie. It was a horror movie so Hinata was clenching onto Naruto the whole movie but he didn't mind he blushed when she put her head on his chest.She fell asleep in him for the rest of the movie.

When the movie was over Naruto gently tapped Hinata to wake her up. Hinata wakes up with a slight sigh continued by a yawn.

Today was also the day Naruto met Hinatas parents they new about him but didn't know his name or looks. Naruto's car roars as Hinata gives him the directions. Hinata stares at Naruto for a minute they come to a stop at a red light. She puts her hand on the back of his neck and plays with the hair he has there.

"I love you so much"she says touching the boys golden hair as the car roars and jumps on the green light. "I love you too Hinata." Naruto says with a smile on his face. "We're here please be nice" Hinata says as Naruto puts the car In park

Hinata knocks on the door. Her father answers and gives her a hug. "Hey sweetie it's so good to see you." He says with a smile on his face has he looks at Naruto his smile fades. "Naruto Uzamaki" the blonde haired boy says as he put out his hands. "Your that rich boy's brother correct?" "Um not biologically but yes I treat him like I would my brother." Naruto says

Naruto says still shaking the mans hand. "Firm grip you have son, you aren't dating my daughter just for her looks are you. I'd images that's what you playboys do just have sex all the time and party."

"Um No sir." Well my first time was with your daughter and let me tell you she is beautiful. Naruto thought and wanted to say but he knew he couldn't. "Ok come In son." The man says and let's them into his home.

Dinner will be ready in five minutes make yourself comfortable. Naruto is looked around soon to realize Hinatas mother had died. By looking at family photos.

Hinata put her hand on his back and stood next to him. "She's beautiful." The boys says. "Now I know where you get your good looks from." He smiles continued with a small chuckle.

"Yea I miss her I think about her every now and then. I remember she's will always be with me." Don't cry Hinata not now come on. She thinks to herself.

Naruto, Hinata, and her father are at the table eating as he asks. "So what do your parents do Naruto? And how do you know lee." "Well um like I said he's basically my brother, are parents met before even having us so we grew up together. I don't want to talk about my parents though." The boys says "Oh come on tell me I want to know I bet Hinata does too." The man says
"Dad stop" she says her dad looks at her and says "what I just want to know what they do it's not that big of a deal hina." "He doesn't want to talk about it dad just leave it alone."

She defends Naruto as he stare's at the food. "What are you hiding something boy are they drug dealers? Mob is that why you are so rich?" The man looks at Naruto intensely with a straight face. "Go on you probably lied you probably go to parties every night." The man says and scoffs "fucking rich people and power" the man says under his breath

Naruto pounds his fist on the table the man looks up from his drink with a surprise. "THEY ARE DEAD AND SO ARE LEES THEY DIED IN A CAR CRASH ME AND LEE WERE THE ONLY SURVIVOR'S SO YOU CAN SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME OR MY FAMILY!" Naruto screams at the man crying.

Naruto runs out the door and into his car as Hinata and the man sit at the table motionless and suprised.
All they hear are the tires screeching out of the driveway. "Hinata I'm-" the man is cut off by his daughter "stop dad just stop." She says and whips her long purple hair around with tears in her lavender eyes. She walks to her room and shuts the door.

Hinata try's to call Naruto but he's not picking up.
So she decides to text him.
(Text message)
Naruto I'm so sorry I tried to stop him. I'm sorry to hear about your parents but please stay safe and don't do anything dangerous my dad was out of line and didn't mean it I love you Naruto.

The girl I didn't know I needed - a naruhina fan fiction Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora