Chapter 20

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"Wait, so Ms.Harris is here for revenge? How did she know Sophie was dead, you hid her body in the woods, didn't you?" Riker said, standing up.

After Ross finally let Elisa go, he went to the kitchen and fixed her a bowl of coco pebbles as she spoke. "That's the thing, she must've informed either Kristen's father or her mother that she was going there. When she didn't give them anymore information, they went to search for her, coming with the conclusion of her death." Ross handed her the bowl and her eyes widened as a smile grew. "Thanks babe!"

"How would they come to the conclusion if they never found the body?" Riker asked.

"It doesn't matter how it happened, all that matters is that it did. We barely have any time now to train Kristen and we have to start as soon as possible. I'm pretty sure it'll be long before she's trained." Elisa explained.

"It shouldn't take that long. I feel strong enough as it is." I said defensively.

Suddenly, she reached over and pinched my arm. I yelped and pulled back. She gave me a look before replying. "That should feel like a tap by the time we're done."

"Elisa, don't give her a hard time. She doesn't need that much strength. All she needs is the strength in her heart. The willpower saying she can defeat her father. It will hurt him most to raise yourself up with courage. Its all in the heart and brain, not the body. Which is why Elisa is in this with the boys. They'll be the muscle and speed, taking out the rest of his army down as you and only you deal with your father." Emily explained.

"Well, she needs some if the other people are going to attack her." Elisa argued.

"Not going to happen. I set up an arrangement to how you will fight. Since you have certain weaknesses like each other, Riker and Elisa will fight outside of the house, getting everyone in the army. As for Ross and Kristen, you two will stay in the house where your father will most likely come in to get Kristen. Like I said, this house is spiritual and they roam around Kristen since she is an unusual and powerful species. They can be controlled by you and waiting for every command. That's why I made you leave, they were all surrounding you and not the machine to heal Elisa, but once you left they healed her right away. Ross will be in here with her just in case there are stragglers who end up getting past Riker and Elisa which is most likely not going to happen." The elderly woman said.

"Who all do you think is in his army?" I asked.

"Normal people that he's close to. Like that principal you were talking about. Just people that think they can withstand a vampire, but I tell you what, I've trained Elisa since she was a little girl. She could kill every single one while a Riker sits back and relaxes."

"I might just do that." He said laughing.

"No you're not. She was just injured and is still sore. They are coming within the next few days and I don't want that much pressure for her." Ross said.

"Calm down Ross, he was just joking. Plus, even if I am hurt I can definitely take them all by myself." Elisa said, sitting back in her chair.

"How long, exactly, do we have?" I asked.

"Two days." Emily answered.

"Two days?!" Me, Riker, and Ross shouted.

"Th-that isn't enough time for me to learn all of what I can do. It''s IMPOSSIBLE!" I shouted. As if on cue, all the power shut off and the only light to make things visible was the sun coming from the window.

"Looks like you're half way there." Elisa said getting up. "Now get them to turn it back on."

"I don't know how."

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