Chapter 3

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"What is it?" Riker asked looking concerned.

"Well um..." Nope I can't do it, I'll think of something else. "I'm real nervous about going to the new school and all. I was wondering if maybe, only if you want to, show me around school? Maybe help me get more comfortable with it?"

"Oh, sure I'd love to. Like what Rydel said, maybe we could get the same classes and I could show you around. But, I thought from what your mom said, you guys are used to moving around."

"Well, yeah we do move around. A lot. Heck, I've probably been to almost every school in the U.S, but I still get nervous about going to a new school. Especially since being the new girl is so nerve wracking and makes it hard to make friends. So far, I have gone 5 or 6 years without any friends to talk to except for my mom. As dorky as that sounds, my mom is my best friend." I said looking down at my hands in my lap.

Riker put his hand on my knee and I felt coldness cover my knee, but I also felt what feels like a spark going up my leg. "Don't worry about being the new girl, everyone in this family will make you feel comfortable and you'll make friends like crazy at this school. If you need anything, you can just ask me." Riker said comforting me.

I smiled at him, trying not to shiver at his ice cold hand. "Thank you Riker."

Before we could say anything else, Rydel burst in the room which made us both jump and Riker jerked his hand away. "Guys, they made the schedules early! We can get online and see which classes we have."

I looked up at her, "There's no way they have mine, I just moved here."

"They could always put you in the classes you were supposed to be at your old school or maybe your parents assigned you to the school early." Riker suggested.

"It's just my mom and Jason, I have no memory of my dad except that he left me and my mom when I was five. But, yea maybe my mom did."

"Okay, well let's see." Rydel said getting her phone back out, Riker and I following her action.

"I have Home Ed, Algebra, History, Spanish, Biomedical, and Drama." Rydel said.

"I have Woodshop, JROTC, French, History, Algebra, and Drama." Riker said, looking at his phone.

I scrolled through mine, trying to find my schedule. "I do have my schedule. It is Home Ed, JROTC, French, Algebra, Biomedical, and Drama."

"So we all have drama together, Kristen and I share Home Ed and Biomedical together. Riker, you and Kristen share JROTC and French."

Riker turned to me, "You do JROTC?"

"Um..yea. My mom signed me up for it freshman year. She says it's a good way to stay fit just in case something was to happen. She wants to be sure I can protect myself since I'm usually on my own." I said looking down.

There was a knock on Rydel's door before Stormie poked her head in. "Guys, it's time to go to bed if you want to get used to the school schedule."

Riker went to walk out the door to go to his room. "Alright girls, see you in the morning. Night."

Rydel and I both said our goodnights before he walked out.

"So, how did it go?" Rydel asked.

I looked at her, "How did what go?"

She gestured to the door, "You and Riker. By the way he had his hand on your lap, I'm pretty sure you two got along. What did I miss?"

I shook my head, "Nothing really. He just said he was sorry for the way he acted and we agreed to be friends. As for his little hand gesture, his hand was ice cold. May I ask why?"

Rydel shook her head, "I honestly don't know why." She might have said that, but I can tell she was hiding something. But, I let it go.

We got ready for bed and I layed down, but after an hour or so, I couldn't fall asleep for some reason. I looked over at Rydel to see her sound asleep. I slowly crept off the bed and out the door. I walked down the stairs slowly and as quiet as I could. I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I usually don't snoop in on people's conversations, but I felt as if I had to this time.

As I got closer, I heard the voices more clear.

"Guys, she isn't that bad. Once you get to know her...." Riker began, but got interrupted.

"Dude, you known her for one day. For all we know, she could be know what." I think Ross' voice said.

They weren't supposed to be back tonight according to Riker.

"I don't think she is." Riker argued.

"It doesn't matter what you think Riker! If you trust people too soon and they find out what you are, they could make it public. Then we would be dead. The only reason I ever chose to do this to you because it was either this or death! But, with you trusting this girl after not even a day could get us killed anyway! So, shut your big mouth for once and actually think about who you would be putting in danger!" Elisa whisper yelled.

What the heck were they talking about?! How could I be put in them in danger and what was Elisa talking about?

Riker started talking again, "You're the one to talk Elisa. Standing in Kristen's room, talking to her about how things change around you. 'Seeing no color in the world.' If that doesn't get her suspicious, then she must be pretty clueless."

"Riker, she's been through a lot!" Ross yelled.

"And I haven't! It was as difficult for me as it was for her!"

"No it wasn't Riker! She grew up like that, she has been hiding day in and day out since she was born. Don't you think what happened a few months ago was the worst thing she could go through. It was terrible for her." Ross spoke softer.

I heard a sniff, "I'm leaving, I need to calm myself down. Riker, I never said you couldn't be friends with her. Just don't trust so soon, please." Elisa said, then I heard a door shut. She probably left out a different door.

I heard Riker sigh before opening the fridge. I quietly walked to the stairs before acting as if I just came down and also just woke up. I walked into the kitchen, rubbing my eyes. I looked to the left to see both Ross and Riker.

"Oh, Hey you two. it okay if I get a glass of water?"

Riker looked at Ross before Ross spoke. "Uh, yea you don't really need to ask." He turned around and got a glass out of the cabinet and handed it to me.

I reached for it and my hand touched his. Just like Riker's, ice cold. I tried my best to ignore it as I filled the cup with water. I took a sip before putting it on the counter.

The room was just filled with silence and I've never had such a weird first night at a new house.


Alright, kind of a terrible chapter but hey, I'm tired and it's not my best work. Sorry, Hope you enjoy it. 5 votes for chapter 4:)

                                                                                          -Elisa <3

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