Chapter 9

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I walked through the front door of my house and went towards the staircase.

Jason stopped me, "Hey Kristen, why are you home so early?"

I looked over at him hesitantly, "Did you not get a call from school or anything?"

He shook his head, "No, why? What happened?"

I let out a nervous laugh, " I kind of sorta maybe punched someone in the face."

He widened his eyes, "You kind of punched someone in the face? Did you kind of start the fight or was it self defense?"

"Well, she's a known bully around school and she actually got people to beat someone up so bad that they could've died. She came up and started stuff with me and I had to stand my ground because I didn't want to end up like that person."

He nodded his head, "Well, since this is the first time of me hearing about you being violent, so there's no real punishment. Just don't let it happen again. I won't tell your mother, but if the school calls her, then that's between you two."

"Okay, thanks." I turned around and ran up the stairs to my room. I looked into my future brother's room before walking into mine. My mom was now eight months pregnant, so we decided to finally decorate the room. Obviously the walls were blue and it contained stars among the walls. So far, the only furniture in the room was a changing table, a dresser, the crib, and a rocking chair my mom got from grandma. I suddenly got a weird feeling in my stomach and felt light headed. I fell into the wall and made my way to my room before shutting the door. I collapsed on my bed and closed my eyes.

After what seemed like five minutes, I heard a tap on my window. Did Riker seriously ditch school just to see me? I opened my eyes and moved the curtain to see Elisa. I sat up and opened the window letting her in. "You know," she began as she got in the window. "You really shouldn't have your bed right next to the window. Someone could end up sneaking in and having a better advantage at kidnapping you. Or that baby boy your mom is having can climb up here when he's older and fall out the window."

I laughed, "That's why my window is always locked and closed. And how did you know that my mom was having a boy?"

"I can see his room across the hall. Everything in it is made mainly for a baby boy."

I looked over at my door which was wide open. I looked at Elisa confused, "How did my door even get open? I closed it five minutes ago when I came in here."

"If you were only here for five minutes, then where were you the past three hours after you got out of school?"

"Three hours? I immediately came here after I left and then you were at my window. I thought you skipped too."

" ended three hours ago. Those 'five' minutes you had your eyes closed, you probably fell asleep. And someone was in here when you did. Do you have any idea who it could've been?"

"I don't....." I was interrupted when Jason yelled up the stairs for me.

"Kristen! There's someone at the door for you!"

I looked at Elisa, "It's probably Riker, whatever you wanted to say when you came here, do you think you could tell me later?"

"That's fine, all I was gonna say was sorry for being an emotional wreck the other day." Elisa said, getting up to climb out the window.

"Oh, its okay, don't worry about it. Uhh, talk to you later." I said walking out my door.

I walked down the stairs expecting Riker, but instead I see........Sophie?

"Umm.......Sophie, why are you here? Where is my step dad?"

"He said something about picking up your mom since her car wouldn't start."

I sighed, "Well, is you coming here some devious plan to get me back for what happened?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, I came to apologize for how I treated you since you came here. I never really gave you a chance before deciding how to act. It turns out that you are a very cool person and you are very pretty too. Umm, I was thinking that maybe we could start over?" She said in a nice tone, which really wasn't normal ever since I've been here.

I had a feeling that she was lying and probably just putting her plan to work, but if I didn't go along with her then she wouldn't leave, "Sure, we can start over."

She looked over excited, "Great! We're going to be great pals!" She said before leaving.

I stood there shocked. Did I punch her into a totally different person?

Before I could do anything else, Riker came right through the door. Like, he literally busted it down. He came in looking as if he was in a rush.

"Could you not twist the handle like a normal person? You just broke my door."

"Kristen, hurry up and get ready we have to head to the hospital." He said with a worried look.

"Woah, Riker what is going on?" I said concerned.

"It's your mom and Jason. They got in a crash and now they are in the E.R."

I stood there in shock, I couldn't move or say anything. The only thing I could do was blink and open and close my mouth like a fish. Just then, I felt tears swell up in my eyes. Riker came up and held me tight.


Chapter 9!!!!! Hope you like, vote and comment!:)

                                                                         -Elisa <3

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