Chapter 8

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I walked into Riker's room and Riker was sitting on his bed, "Kristen what are you doing..."

Before he could finish, I smashed my lips into his as we shared a passionate kiss. Just like the first one, it felt magical and fireworks went off everywhere. We pulled apart when we ran out of breath.

"I don't know why you stopped talking to me after our first kiss, but I want you to know that I am perfectly fine with you being a vampire. I heard all about what happened between you, Ross, and Elisa. I don't want you thinking that I would ever leave you. I might have had a past of not keeping a stable home, but I will make sure this one stays perfect. Just so I can be with you. I-I love you Riker." I said looking into his perfect eyes.

"I love you too Kristen. I always will." He cupped my face and kiss me again.

---next day at school---

I was walking to my locker to get stuff for Biomedical.  News went around school about what I said to Sophie and every now and then, people would laugh at her. I closed my locker when I saw her approach me. Great.

She flashed her evil smirk, "Why, you think you're so cool don't you?"

"Well, I don't consider myself like that, but other people seem to think so."

"Listen here, I will make you regret being born. You will never be one of us."

"I don't want to be one of you." I interrupted her.

"Well good, because everyone here will consider you a laughing stock. Honey you should realize that once you mess with queen bee, you will get stung." She said flipping her hair and smiling.

I start laughing, "Bitch, don't you know? Once a bee stings, it dies." In a fast motion, I punched her right in the nose, knocking her to the ground. Everyone gasped as her nose slowly started bleeding. "See if your plastic surgeon can fix that. Oh, and when you get the time, come up with a better metaphor."

Before I could walk away someone said my name. "Kristen Bailey, come to my office now." I turned to see Ms. Harris, the principal and she didn't look very pleased. I rolled my eyes as I walked into her office.

"Why would you punch Sophie in the face?"

"I was defending myself from a bully. That's how I was raised."

"I have never heard a complaint of Sophie being a bully and just so you know, before you showed up there were no physical violence in this school. Now, I know you're new here and I don't know where you come from, but here we don't do violence. If I see anything like this again, you will have to leave this school district."

No physical violence? Ms.Harris must be on drugs or she didn't hear what Sophie and the jocks did to Ross. She isn't going to tell me what to do with my life. She started talking again.

"Okay, since this is first offense, you will have to go home for the rest of the day."

I rolled my eyes as I got up and walked out the office. I went to my locker and got my things. I turned and saw Riker, "What happened? I just saw you come out of the principle's office."

I chuckled a bit, "I kinda punched Sophie in the face, making her nose bleed. I didn't know fake noses could bleed." We both laughed for a while.

"Well, what did she say?"

I sighed as I slammed my locker shut, "She said if I do anything like it again, I have to leave the district. When I tried to tell her I was defending myself from Sophie, she said she never heard any complaints of Sophie being the way I said she was."

Riker's eyes went wide, "What?! No, she can't do that! You can't leave! Kristen....." I interrupted him.

"Riker, I already told you that I'm not leaving no matter what. Sophie isn't going to change that." I reached up and pecked his lips before heading out the front door.

Sophie's P.O.V.

Gosh, I'm going to find a way to put that Kristen girl down, just like what I did with Elisa. But, how? Just then, I heard a locker slam. I looked around the corner to see Kristen with.....Riker? I listened to their conversation.

Kriten looked at Riker, "She said if I do anything like it again, I have to leave the district. When I tried to tell her I was defending myself from Sophie, she said she never heard any complaints of Sophie being the way I said she was."

Riker widened his eyes and looked heart broken. "What?! No, she can't do that! You can't leave! Kristen....."

"Riker, I already told you that I'm not leaving no matter what. Sophie isn't going to change that." She then leaned up and kissed him before leaving. Ooh, so she does have a weakness. I'm going to enjoy this as much as I did when I ruined Elisa's life. First step, find some dirt on her that she doesn't want Riker to find out.


Okay I am super duper shmuper sorry that this is a very very VERY short and very crappy chapter, but my teacher decided to be a big meanie and give me buttloads of homework. I usually make sure I at least update once a week, so here it is. Again, sooo sorry for the shortness, but hey,  it just means I have more chapters to add on before it ends. Vote and comment, ILY:)

                                                                     -Elisa <3

Love Bites BackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora