Chapter 11

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Detective Harris and Blake were standing at the front door like they said they were going to do earlier.

"Good evening Miss Bailey, I hope you didn't forget about the little session we are suppose to have. It will only be a few minutes, we just need to ask a few questions related to what happened tonight."

I nodded my head, "Alright, is it okay if some people are here?"

"That's fine, more people to help with the case. Go ahead and get everyone settled up. We'll wait right here."

I nodded my head before walking into the kitchen where Elisa was now holding Ryder. "Guys, the detectives are here. They want to ask some questions."

We all went to the living room before I let the detectives in. They sat on the couch and I pulled up one of the living room chairs across from them, making the only thing between us the coffee table. Detective Harris pulled out a photo and slid it across the table so I could look at it.

"Kristen, do you know Greg Kinsey?" She asked looking at me.

As if on sync, Riker, Elisa, and Ross widened their eyes and looked at the picture. I look at them then at detective Harris.

"He's my uh.... He's my biological father. I haven't seen him since I was a little kid."

Through the corner of my eye, I saw Ross and Elisa look at each other as Riker looked at me with disbelief. His eyes on me burned and I could feel the hurt in them. Detective Harris looked down.

"Oh wow. I honestly didn't think that." She turned to detective Blake. "I assumed it would be an ex but not the dad."

"Wait, what is going on?" I asked.

"Kristen, we already told you about how we thought the death was no accident. Well we also have a feeling that Greg was the suspect."

"Why would he be? He hasn't been on our lives for years, why show up now?" I said, remembering my thought when he wrote me that letter.

Detective Blake finally spoke, "Miss Bailey, did he ever give you any hints that he was coming back." I just looked down.

"Kristen, Greg is known for being delusional, always calling in saying there is...vampires attacking people. We didn't do anything so he said he would take things into his own hands. Next thing we know, people said that they caught him starting fires, killing random people." As she continued talking, my neck burned more and more.

"He sent me a letter, talking about us being in danger and everything he did was to protect us. He then said that vampire hunting was in my blood."

"Uhm, thanks for your cooperation. We'll tell you more information when we get it." Detective Harris said gathering up her notes.

I led them to the door to escort them out. When I turned around, everyone was still in shock as they continued to stare at me. Riker looked like he was going to break down any moment.

"He's your dad?" He asked.

I looked down, "Yes."

Elisa gave Ryder to Ross to put back in the carrier. "Why did you never tell us? We told you everything about us just to find out that you were the one that could kill us. How could you?" She said, clearly trying to keep calm so the baby didn't awake.

"I'm sorry, but believe me, I am not anything like him. After he said his thoughts about vampires in that video he left me, I saw that you were nothing like that. I would never try to break your trust I don't even have any contact with him."

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