Chapter 16

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The blood tasted so good and refreshing. I think I could be great at being who I am.

"Kristen!" I heard someone scream. I dropped Sophie's lifeless body to the ground and looked towards whoever shouted my name. I saw Elisa with a shocked expression near the door. "What happened?"

I looked over at Elisa coldly, "Ask Riker."

Suddenly, a baby's cry filled the air. I snapped my head over in the direction of the kitchen. I saw Ross there with Ryder in his arms. I tried walking over there to get Ryder, but before I could Elisa pinned me to the ground.

"Ross, take the baby away from here!!! She cannot be anywhere near him at the moment!! Run!!" Ross looked up at us before using his vampire speed to run out the front door.

"Get off me!" I yelled, rolling us over to where I was on top of her. I go to bite her when she used all her power, which was more than mine, and threw me across the room where I hit the ground, getting knocked out cold.

Riker P.O.V

I stood there in shock, processing everything that just happened. Just to think, I caused all of it. Elisa walked next to me, "Are you back to your old self or are you going to try and kill me too?"

"I'm back." I mumbled barely over a whisper, still not moving.

"Good. Listen, I need to go see where Ross took the baby. While I'm gone, try bringing Kristen back to her...."

I interrupted her, "I could never bring her back. Kristen is dead, now there's just a killer inside of her body. She's gone...and I'm the reason why."

"Join the club. Riker, Kristen might not be her complete self, but that is sure damn close. Just because her heart isn't beating doesn't mean she still isn't her. Yeah, maybe she can't have kids now or the fact that she now craves blood doesn't make her the same, but you can still bring in the girl you fell in love with. Just try and make it work." Elisa replied.

"Okay, I will. I'm sorry Elisa, I know you heard everything I said at the Casablanca and I just wanted to say...."

"You don't need to explain, you weren't yourself and you were right, I do tend to order people around a lot."

"But that's to protect us."

"Exactly, I got to get going." She then surprised me by reaching up and hugging me tightly. "Glad to have you back."

Then before I could say anything else, she threw Sophie's body over her shoulder to hide her before seeing Ross and ran out the back door, running through the woods. I looked over at Kristen's unconscious body and picked her up to carry her to my room. I switched the lock, so the only way out is to use a key which I had in my back pocket, then I sat on Rocky's bed, waiting for her to wake up.

Elisa P.O.V

I walked through the doorway of the cabin that me and Ross found. I stopped when I saw Ross sitting on the windowsill, looking at Ryder in awe. Guilt washed over me at that moment. He was one of the only guys who ever dreamed about having kids of his own and I took it away. Sometimes I wonder how great his life would be if I never came into it. He wouldn't have been beaten to where the only chance of living was to be dead, he wouldn't have killed his own brother, Kristen wouldn't fall in love with a vampire and die......because of me there were three deaths. Make that four if you count Sophie. I tell you what though, I am going to find a way to change that.

"Baby, why are you crying?" I looked up to see Ross looking at me with worry.

That's when I realized there were tears falling down my face. "S-sorry." That was the only thing that came out my mouth.

"Sorry about what?" This time Ross stood up and walked over to me.

"I ruined your whole life. The only thing you ever wanted was kids and I took that away! And its not just your life I completely ruined, Riker got dragged into this too. His whole love life crashed because of me. Your lives would've been so much better if I was gone."

"No, it wouldn't."

"Yes it would Ross! If I was gone and never came in your life you would still be alive! You wouldn't have the urge to kill, you could have a family with the love of your life and be happy!"

"Now that's where you are wrong Elisa. How could I have a family with the love of my life when she isn't there?" I looked up into Ross' big brown eyes when he asked that. "None of this is your fault, you are not the reason I changed. Sophie is the one that got all those guys to beat the crap out of me because she couldn't accept the truth. Yeah, you might've changed me which took away my life, but you gave me a new one. One that I could live with you. I might not be able to have my own kids, but my biggest dream was to find you. To be loved the way I love you. I don't need to have my own kids, we could as easily adopt and make them part of the family. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you weren't with me. I love you Elisa." This time his lips were a centimeter away from mine.

"I love you too." I broke the space between us by kissing his lips tenderly. I pulled back and grabbed Ryder. I looked at him and smiled. "You know, if we were to become our own family, I know you would be a great dad."

"And you would be a perfect mom." I looked down and tried to ignore what he said.

"Yeah, hey we might need to go. Here, hold Ryder so I can call Riker."

"Wait, is he back to normal?" Ross asked picking up Ryder.

I nodded my head as I walked out the cabin, getting my phone out and dialing Riker's number. It rung a few times before I got an answer.


"Riker, is Kristen okay?"

"I don't know, she isn't waking up...wait who's at the door?" I heard him question himself.

"What's going on?"

"There's a guy at the door, I can't really see what he looks bedroom window doesn't have that view. What the hell?! He just broke in!"

"I know you're in here you little beast!"

I widened my eyes at that voice, it couldn't be. "Riker, get out of there! Take Kristen and go through the window! Don't try hiding, just leave!"

I heard banging on one of the doors through the phone, then I heard a lot of shuffling. I kept listening until the call ended.

"Ross, we have to go now!!" I yelled running into the cabin.

"What happened?"

"He found us, Riker and Kristen are in danger."
Sorry it took so long. I've told a few of you that this was supposed to be done last Tuesday, BUT I had to rewrite the chapter like ten times. Anyway, tell me what you think. Vote & comment.

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