Chapter 5

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After school I walked home to think. My father who I've haven't seen since I was three, decided to write me a letter saying I was in danger. There was nothing wrong with where I live. It was a normal neighborhood and everyone was nice around here. Well, except for Sophie and her snobby group of minions.

I walked through the front door and saw my mom sitting at the island, reading a magazine. Well, I might as well ask her.

"Hey mom?" I asked.


"Umm, I know I don't ask about him, but what did Dad do for a living?" I asked nervously.

"Umm, why do you ask?" She said looking concerned about the topic.

"He mailed me a letter......saying something about being in danger and that the reason he's not here with us is because his job was important and it protected us." I said, handing her the letter from earlier.

She looked at it before swearing, "I knew this would happen soon. I just thought it would be at least when you were a full grown adult." She walked to a cabinet before grabbing a video tape. "Your dad left this for you before we left. To be honest, I never believed anything he said about his job, but everything is in there."

I hesitated before grabbing the video and walking to my room. Good thing I still had a VCR, even though there is probably no one else who has one. I pressed play and soon I saw my father's face.

"Hey baby girl, I made this video for whenever you question about your daddy. Hopefully you are at least seventeen, anyway, Mommy is done dealing with my crap and I understand how she feels if I haven't seen it myself. Daddy is a vampire hunter if that makes any sense. Basically our family on my side has it in our blood which means you do too. Vampires are disgusting blood sucking murderers that don't deserve to be on this planet. For people like me and you, it is easy to tell that there is one around. They are ice cold, have super speed, they are already dead, so they are invincible unless you have the right tools. They are not like those stupid Twilight vampires that sparkle okay? They do not want someone to love and they can not be in the sunlight. Unless, they are wearing this special ring that protects them from the sun. I hope you never have to encounter one since you're not with me to train. I love you baby girl and I will never forget you."

I turned it off as I thought of everything he said. Then suddenly, memories from the past month came to me.

I pictured the first night I met them and Elisa was in my room.

"I remember when I was like that. All these bright colors and such, that goes away once you're around people like me and things happen. Then you don't see any color in the world."

I pictured the night Elisa went off on Riker.

"It doesn't matter what you think Riker! If you trust people too soon and they find out what you are, they could make it public. Then we would be dead. The only reason I ever chose to do this to you because it was either this or death! But, with you trusting this girl after not even a day could get us killed anyway! So, shut your big mouth for once and actually think about who you would be putting in danger!"

Then touching Ross' hand that was ice cold while grabbing a cup.

Almost immediately after that, I pictured and felt Riker putting his hand that was ice cold on my knee and I saw that he had a ring on his ring finger.

That day at school when Ross talked to Elisa.

"Elisa, you can't let them get to you. If you lose it, everyone might just find out."

Those visions played over and over again in my head. Suddenly, as soon realization hit me, I got dizzy and fell to the floor. No, this can not be true. My first friends in a lifetime, and they could've killed me. I stood up the best I could and put on my sweater before walking out my room. I walked straight out of the house without even telling my mom I watched the video. I have no idea what I was doing, my body just took over as I walked across the street to the Lynchs. I opened the door to see Ross, Elisa, Riker, and Rydel in the living room. They looked at me confused and suddenly word vomit came out my mouth without even thinking.

"I know. I know what you are, what you can do. Yea, that secret you all are desperately trying to hide, I figured it out." I said in a harsh tone before storming out.

I was in the middle of the road when I felt a gush of wind hit me, I turned to see Riker and started walking again.

"Kristen, please let me explain. What you're thinking isn't the same as the actual truth. Please Kristen." He jogged up more, catching me before I got to the door.

"You know what, I'm actually surprised that you haven't killed me yet. I entered your home, invaded your privacy, and believed that you could be my friend. When all along, you were something that I didn't expect you to be. I don't think I can trust a blood sucking monster to ever be near me!" I yelled slamming the door in his face.

I ran into my room and locked the door before curling into a ball and sobbed into my knees. I stayed like that for what seemed like forever. Just then, I hear a tap on my window. I look up to see Riker standing on the roof that went over the front porch and he looked upset. No Kristen, don't you dare go to him. He can hurt you, he lied to you, he ruined your trust. Without even listening to my thoughts, I opened up the window like an idiot.

He jumped in and landed on my bed, "Kristen, before judging us from the things you heard or read, please let me explain."

I crossed my arms over my chest, "You have 5 minutes."

"Okay, the main thing about us is that we don't just suck the life out of people. We only change people when they are sick or we take blood from a blood drive. We are not monsters and it's not our fault that we are like this. Please don't remove me or my family from your life. Besides my family, I've felt as if I could trust you with anything....."

I interrupted him, "Well, apparently you don't because you couldn't even tell me what was going on. I have questioned you practically since we met."

"I know, but this isn't the type of thing you can just blurt out and people would be fine about it. We could die if the wrong person knew. I was scared that if I told you......." He got silent and looked down at the ground.

"What were you scared about if you told me?" I asked, uncrossing my arms.

He looked up and a tear ran down his face, "I was scared you would think of us as freaks or murderers and never speak to me again and I know it's crazy, considering we only known each other for a month, but I don't want you to leave me."

I got on my knees on floor so my face could be level with his, considering that he was sitting on my bed. I looked up into his big hazel eyes that were begging to drop more tears. "Riker, I don't care what happens, I would never leave you. You guys are my first friends since like...forever. I want you to know that you can tell me anything. You don't need to hide from me, okay?" My hands found their way to cupping his face as I talked.

After saying that we kept silent, just looking into each other's eyes. Then out of nowhere, Riker reaches down and presses his lips against mine.


Okay, lately I've been getting stuff saying that my chapters are shorter than how they were when I wrote Truth Be Told and that I need to stop working at night. Listen, right now we are remodeling my house, like we are literally taking everything down and replacing it also cleaning every spot. I mean seriously, we pried the walls off. Why do it when it's fall? I don't know cuz my parents decided to do it then. So, night is the only time I can work on it and I'm trying to get most of the book done before November since that's when Secrets Never End comes out. I only usually get internet one day a week and that's when I head to the library which leaves me with 1 or 2 hours tops. What I'm saying is, if my chapters are short and a little rushed then I'm sorry. But, that just means there are more chapters to come and I get internet soon, so my chapters could be more detailed. ILY

                                                                                                           -Elisa <3

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