Chapter 25

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Kristen P.O.V.

"But, I need you to do something for me......" He looked straight into my eyes.

"What's that?"

He took a deep breath, "......I need you to wake up."

"What?" I asked, shocked.

"Please, just wake up." Riker cupped his hand on my cheek. "There's no time, just do it."

"What are you talking about?"

"Wake up!"


I stirred awake as I am being shook by somebody. "It's about time you woke up." I heard a familiar voice. I jerked my head to the person that said it. My mom was sitting on the end of the bed, smiling. I saw that she still had a huge belly.......she was still pregnant? I looked around to see that I was in my room and it looked as if I just moved in.

I ran to my mirror and started examining myself. I pulled back my hair to reveal my neck, there were no marks. I lifted up my top lip, there weren't any fangs. I wasn't thirsty for blood, my eyes weren't red, I could feel the air conditioning as I grew goosebumps.

"Kristen?" My mom asked.

I turned my head towards her, looking confused"Yeah?"

"Are you alright?"

"Um, I think so. What time is it?"

"It's seven, you came up here to get ready for the dinner with our neighbors. I guess you fell asleep. But, I came up here to tell you they're here." She explained.

Without hesitation, I dart out my bedroom door. I stop at the stairs and think for a minute and go back to my room, pulling my mom into a big hug. I nuzzled my head into her neck, "I love you mom."

She hugged me back, "I love you too sweetie, but what has gotten into you. You saw me half an hour ago."

"I just thought I'd say it."

"Well, we don't want to keep our guests waiting, now do we?" She smiled and I ran downstairs.

I saw all the Lynchs standing in my living room, smiling. Even Ross and Riker! They weren't in dark colors at all. We got to introducing each other and when they gave me a hug, they were warm?

I looked around, "Where's Elisa?"

"Elisa?" Ross asked.

"Who's that?" Replied Rocky.

"Ross, isn't that the girl in your class from last year?" Stormie asked.

"Yeah, but she moved in the middle of the year after Sophie made fun of her for something." He looked at Stormie, then to me.

"I remember how Ross would always come home talking about her. I think they would've made a cute couple." Stormie beamed.

"Mom! You've never seen her." Ross defended.

"Yeah, but the stories you told were so cute."

"She never even talked to me, I guess she was too shy." Ross looked down.

"Have you tried talking to her?" I asked.

"Yeah, but every time I did, Sophie came in and cut her off. Elisa never got in a word. The day I was going to actually talk to her and confront Sophie if she tried butting in, I found out she moved."

'Elisa would've not let Sophie control her life.' I thought to myself.

"Well," My mom spoke, breaking the long silence. "Dinner is done."

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