Chapter 13

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We stayed like that for a while. When we pulled apart, I looked up into his mesmerizing eyes. Then out of nowhere, my mind spoke for itself, "Stay with me."

"I thought you were leaving soon." He said.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. But, I want to be with you until then. I want you to stay with with me tonight."

Riker smiled but soon it faded, "I can't."

I looked up at him, "Why not? Riker, this is the last time I get to see you."

"Well, if I stay tonight then tomorrow it will be too hard for me to let you go. I'm surprised I am able to do it now, I might not control my feelings as good tomorrow when you leave." Riker said, resting his forehead against mine.

I blinked away some tears, "Oh, I guess that's alright." I looked down as I put my head on his chest. Tears started to run down my face which added to the amount of water on me.

"Hey hey hey, don't cry. Please don't cry. I love you too much to see you like this. I'm sorry, I can't stay. You need to understand that I'm not staying so you don't end up hurt and neither do I." I nodded my head and looked into his eyes again.

"Then, I guess this is goodbye."

His eyes got sadder, "I guess it is."

I started to walk back to my house as our interlocked hands pulled away. I slowly walked back to my house. When I reached the front porch, I looked back and Riker was gone. I sighed before walking in. Elisa was still there, holding Ryder. I smiled at her, receiving a smile back.

"I'll stay here and watch Ryder for you if you'd like."

"Don't you want to be with Ross?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "He can survive without me for a night. I'm pretty sure he's tired of me anyway." She laughed, making me laugh too.

"Sure, you can stay, but you don't have to just to watch Ryder." I sat on the couch and ran a hand through my hair. "Elisa, do you think its the best idea that I'm leaving?"

"Well, it will save your life because staying here could hurt you."

"But what about Riker? He'll be crushed."

"Honestly, I don't know what would happen but if you're not here to see that he's hurting, then it could hurt you worse than just thinking of it. In fact, I know just by looking at your neck that you saw what Riker could do, didn't you?" Elisa said looking at me.

"What do you mean?" I knew what she meant, but I didn't exactly want to tell her.

"Kristen, did Riker....... kill someone?" We stayed silent as I looked down.

"He......he did last night and came here this morning all bloody and he was crying and......" I bursted into tears.

Elisa put Ryder in the play pen my mom got 3 months ago and comforted me. "See Kristen, this is why it's best. Look, your life is at risk and if you end up turning, you could end up hurting the baby."

"I would never hurt him. He's my brother." I defended.

"And Ross never saw himself hurting Riker did he?! When you first turn, you need blood. So the closest source becomes the victim, no matter how close that person is to you. That's why Ross attacked Riker and that's why there is a possibility that you could attack Ryder." Elisa said knowingly.

I looked down and nodded, "I never thought of it like that. I should be thinking of Ryder."

Elisa nodded her head in agreement. "So do you want to get pizza or something? Its just me and you tonight since everyone is busy."

"Sure and we can watch some movies on Netflix or something." I said going to get everything set up while Elisa ordered pizza.

"Anything specific?"

"Just get a meat lovers for me."

"I'll make that a large then since that's what I like." She said continuing to talk into the phone.


I woke up the next morning on the couch with Elisa on the love seat, playing with Ryder. I sighed dramatically knowing today was the day I left everything. I was leaving the romantic moments I would see between Ross and Elisa, I was leaving my new best friend Rydel, I was leaving school, I was leaving Rocky, Ryland, Stormie, Mark, Ratliff, I was leaving the moments I stood up to Sophie, but most of all................................ I was leaving Riker. I never thought leaving would be painful. But Riker.... He was my everything. I love all of his flaws, his secrets, his dorky smile, I love him.

"Good morning, you ready to go?" Elisa asked. I looked over at her and nodded.

I gathered up everything I needed and what Ryder would need. About 15 minutes later, we headed to the airport. I walked in and sat down, waiting for my plane to board. Elisa sat next to me and to be honest, she was one of the people I least expected to treat me so nicely. All I did was invade her privacy and betray her trust, and she was still by my side! No one else came to say goodbye. Everyone that I would miss, didn't even show up. Elisa interrupted my thoughts by tapping on my shoulder. I looked at her and she pointed her finger somewhere. I followed with my eyes and landed on across the room. Riker was across the room looking as if he'd gone mad, looking for something. His eyes landed on me before rushing over to me.

"Kristen! God, I'm so glad I caught you. After what I said yesterday, I realized that.....I could never let you go. You are the best thing that happened to me and if you left, I don't know what I'd do. I-I love you Kristen. Just stay here in Cali.....with me." He was on his knees and his eyes were pleading. It killed me and possibly him for me to say this.

"Riker.............I can't. I love you too, but I got to do what's best for Ryder. You hurt me too much and one of these days you're going to hurt me so bad that I'll change. That could risk Ryder's life. I'm sorry Riker." Tears streamed down my face as I watched tears pool up in Riker's eyes.

He slowly got off his knees as he stood up, "I-I guess you're...right. I'll miss you and I will never forget you."

I pulled Riker in a tight hug, "I'll never forget you either. I love you."

They called for me to board the plane and it made me hug Riker tighter. I cried hard into his chest and all I can say is that its a good thing I'm not wearing makeup or it would be all over his shirt. We pulled apart and I grabbed my bag, along with Ryder and headed to the plane.

I looked back to see Riker no longer there. I bit my bottom lip and turned back before leaving. I would never see Cali or anyone from here again.

Here's chapter 13!!! Tell me what you think!:)                               -Elisa<3

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