Secret Admirer (2)

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Every time Harry got one of those beautifully sealed letters he felt dizzy for the rest of the day. Everything looked prettier, everything seemed to glow and he felt light as a feather.

At one point Harry had thought that maybe, just maybe this person had given him a love potion, but all of Harry's worry was put to rest when Madam Pomfrey had kicked him out for wasting her time over nothing.

Yet he noticed one more strange thing that had been happening alot to him. His eyes would always wander to none other than Draco Malfoy.

Harry honestly wasn't sure why. Malfoy was an annoying prat, but it seemed his eyes had a mind of their own throughout most of the day.

Most terrifying was when they unexpectedly made eye contact. Harry would be a flustered mess after that. It meant nothing of course, the intense eye contact with his enemy just freaked him out a bit...

Anyway, Harry was more than thrilled upon finding out that yet another letter had arrived early one morning at breakfast.

"You got another letter, Harry," Ron smiled, handing it to a giddy Harry, "this time I didn't open it." he added awkwardly.

Harry noticed Hermione wasn't here yet. But brushed it off nonetheless and looked at his letter.

This time a tulip was attached to the envelope. It seemed to be maroon and white, the colors mixing so beautifully. Like paint in water, or coffee and cream.

It wasn't pressed, but it seemed a charm had been placed upon it so that it will never die.

Harry also stared at the wax again, he loved the different colors, this time it was the same as the tulip, a mix of red and white.


Harry opened the letter, carefully placing the tulip on the table.

Dear Potter,
I had to tell you, you're eyes are gorgeous. I feel myself drowning within them, its terribly hard to look away. They remind me of a forest, of life, I love them.
With my whole heart I am yours,

Harry felt that he would never get tired of these, never in a million years.

"Oh!" Hermione suddenly pipped up, plopping down next to Harry, "You got another letter!" She was probably in the library studying, sometimes she would get caught up and nearly miss breakfast.

"Yeah." Harry breathed, smiling slightly.

"There you are, Hermione!" Ron said, "I was getting worried."

"Hi Ron." She smiled and then turned back to Harry, "Is that a tulip?" she asked, pointing at the flower on the table.

"I think so."

"What do you think it means, Hermione?" Ron asked, leaning forward to inspect it.

"I've actually read about tulips! They are one of my favorite flowers." she sighed dreamily, "may I?" she asked, pointing towards the flower.

Harry nodded.

She picked it up carefully to inspect it.

"Oh! This is a variegated tulip!" she bubbled.

"That doesnt tell me much." Harry said, scratching his head.

Ron nodded.

"Well tulips typically represent deep love." she smiled, looking at Harry, "of course it does depend on the color, this one here is a variegated tulip," she looked at it a bit closer.

"Mhm." Harry hummed, urging her to continue.

"If I'm not mistaken I believe they mean beautiful eyes. Due to their striking color patterns," she said, placing the tulip back on the table, "They are one of the most popular too, which is understandable."

Harry stared at the tulip.

Beautiful eyes.

"Thanks Hermione."

"Hey, didn't they write that you have beautiful eyes in the letter?" Ron interrupted.

Harry snapped his head towards him, "How do you know that?" he squinted.

"Uhh, you mumbled something out loud while reading it so I just assumed."

"Oh," Harry blushed, "Yeah, they did actually."

"Wow!" Hermione cooed, "Thats so sweet."

"It's a bit creepy too." Ron mumbled.

"Why do you say that?" Harry asked, cocking his head slightly.

"I don't know. How many people do you make eye contact with- and I mean like deep eye contact, where you really notice these things?" Ron queried.

"No offense mate, but I didn't know you had green eyes until second year." He continued awkwardly.

"He is right you know. Eye color is one of the last things- atleast not the first thing you usually notice about someone. Unless they have a very intense one." Hermione interjected.

"Oh." Harry said, suddenly hyperaware of all eyes staring at him.

It was only the usual though. Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Malfoy...

And it definitely wasn't any of them.


ObViOuSlY  😏 (yall kno wassup)
yall i hate myself so much sumtimes
wtf. I seriously write these letters, seal em with wax, flowers and art and send em to... NO ONE. ABSOLUTELY NO ONE CJSKFKSKMF. They just sit in my closet in a box forever forgotten. Ive written like 6 to my phantom lover and then 3 to draco (idk why i just feel a connection with him somehow but the draco i write to is super realistic and not like these stories or the movies idk) and then i wrote one to peter pan cuz that shitbag never took me to Neverland and i had to write sumthing to let him go.

anyway. i dont gain weight 😏😏😏 jelous?

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