Pt 18: Camp fate III {Lost in the woods}

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~Your Insights differs from what you see by sights~

Happy reading

At the Camp.
Wendy's POV.

*screamings* Aarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Well, the screaming goes on like that.

I was having a perfect nap not until Zoey's scream blew my eardrums off! Well, literally.

"What's up with her now?", Isabella says in a yawn, while stretching her body.

"I don't know what's wrong with her but I sure can help out in putting her in her place...", Slumbering lucy says while rubbing the sleep off her eyes which made it hard to know if she was rolling her eyes or not.

".... Aarghhhhhhhh!!!... Help!!!... Meeee!!!!!....", She goes on with the yell.

"Okay that's it!", Mackenzie storms off, while unzipping the tent.

"Hey, wait up!" We say as we go after her.

Surprisingly, we weren't the only ones who were awakened by Zoey's screeches! When we got there, other students including the principal and few teachers clustered Zoey's tent. With the look of things, it's as if Principal Ellison is scolding her already, well, not everyone likes the idea of someone interrupting his/her beauty SLEEP!

"And what in intonation is going on here, Miss Perkins?!!!", she starts it off with a scowl.

"I saw a ssss-nnnn-... Ssssssss-....."

"A sssss- what?", Miss Ellison asks impatiently.

"A ssss.... SNAKE!!!!", Zoey yells out the more as she flutters around while dramatically fanning her hands. Typical Zoey!


"Oh my God! Can you imagine?", Mackenzie whispers irritatedly into my ears.

"Yeah, I know... It seems silly, but we can't just refute the fact we are in the woods, anything can be living in here", I say, but she agrees in another eye roll.

Some of us rolled our eyes to it and others were kinda eager to know how a snake got into her darn tent. Well, I did both.

"What?!... A snake?... Are you sure of what you saying?", Principal Ellison asks uncertain.

"Yeah, I saw... It... In... there!", she squirms as she pointed quivering, towards her tent.

"Lemme go see for myself", principal Ellison says as she Proceeds inside.

"Umm, be careful", Zoey says.

Just as P.Ellison proceeded into the tent, Chloe and Joey flinched out from the tent. We had to shift back a little cos you know, I thought they saw the presumed 'snake'

"Oh, hey there peop-... ouch!", Joey jolted Chloe's sides.

"Umm, I meant, a lovely morning to you principal Ellison!", she corrects herself with an awkward smile.

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