Pt 7: Birthday Catastrophe....

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Hello lovelies, how have you been doing for the past three days, Hope cool?.
I want to say thank you for all your supports, I love you so much.😘🥰

Now back to the Story.
Welcome to chapter seven, I hope you enjoy every passing moment in this chapter.
P.s Remember to vote and make comments...

Saturday, 27th of July.
At the Mall, 3:00 pm.
I'm at the mall searching through every store like a confused person, I couldn't find Wendy or Adrian.

They were supposed to be here, buying the decorations for Zoey's party. Ugh, maybe they have left already, Wendy has a lot of burden on her shoulders, I really wanted their help for the present I'll give to Zoey.

I don't even know why I'm stressing myself for a girl who hates me to death! for no reason at all. She better accepts my gift with all due respect, cos I wouldn't suffer for someone who would not appreciate my efforts. I continued with the search.

Like, come to think of it, "I'm in a Mall, I'm talking of an enormous Shopping mall, and I can't find something, anything for this bitch!" I said almost giving up on the search.

Zoey it's a spoilt brat that was so damn lucky to come from a rich family, What on earth will I buy for her, that she doesn't have already!, Is it a shoe or handbag? The girl already got a collection of those in her closet, I'm fuck*n sure of it, Is it jewelry or clothes? She has a mall for those in her cupboard literally, Makeup kits? Nah, I'm not going to try that, A car? 'Haaaaa', I laughed, I'm not that desperate.

"Think big girl," I said while using my hand to hit my forehead. I continued with that for a minute, Then I realized that my head it's already starting to hurt.

I need to give her something that she doesn't have, something that she doesn't value but makes meaning to her life, something that money can't buy, and lastly, something that's gonna change her life and also mine, I need her off my back for a while.

"A Glue!", I said excitedly, yeah that girl needs her mouth shut, that'll change her life as well as mine.

"No, that will be harsh", I said, even if that's what she needs.

Then suddenly the idea struck me like lightning, how couldn't I have thought of this, "Silly me", I said giggling while evacuating from the mall.

I was excited, I kept on running, I didn't have time on my side, it's almost evening, I need to get her present ready before Night falls.

I was running as fast as I could, "How big is  this mall?" I asked myself, my legs killing me already.

I was such in a hurry that I wasn't watching out for where I was going, then I collided on somebody, we fell to the floor, with my body on top of the stranger.

"Can't you watch out for where you're going?" I said while lifting myself off the ground, My head still aching from whacking the chest of the stranger.

"Hey, Calm down. I wasn't the one running and not thinking straight", The Stranger said.

I realized that voice instantly, bringing myself to reality, You wouldn't believe the person standing in front of me.

"Logan"? I asked in disbelief, I cleared my eyes to make sure it wasn't the fall, that was making me see things.

"Hi, erm Stacey, right"? Wow hearing him pronounce my name, made electricity spark from the inside of me.

"Yeah it is. What's your chest made of, bricks?" I said still trying to gain myself.

He laughed, "Sorry about the accident Stacey, But where are you heading to in such haste?

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