we meet again

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Weeks went by and the heros only saw the backs from the vigilante groupe if they even saw them. The only 3 that did cross way with them and they not immedantly run from, were Aizawa, Yamada and Kayama. The 3 noticed that The white one wasn't seen since the night he talked to Aizawa. The whole behaviour of the group was strange. Sometimes they see them being serious as if lives were at stake and other times they were the craziest people the trio ever saw. In some situations the trio couldn't help but laugh at the shit they saw. 

They were patroling in the middle of the night when something flew past them. "Augh damn it!" They heard behind them, when they turned they saw the black haired one. " You good Fushiguro?!" they heard another yell. "Oh fuck off, Itadori!! If i didn't take the hit Izuku would have and you know that Gojo would have killed us both if he is hurt in anyway tomorrow." Fushiguro yelled back. "Megu, How often do i need to say it i'm not a kid anymore, i can take a hit, too!" Izuku yelled at Fushiguro. "Sip it! and you are still a child!" Fushiguro yelled getting up. "Ähm.. I don't think it's a good idea to stand up in your condition." stated Yamada a bit concerend. "Huh?! Oh no! Please fucking leave!" Fushiguro groaned. "Fushiguro who are  you talking to?" asked Itadori dodging an attack. "Idiot , concentrate on the fight! I come in a second!" yelled Fushiguro.  "What are they fighting, i can't see anything?" wondered Yamada. "and that's good! Now fucking leave before you are seeing what we are fighting!" yelled Fushiguro at the heros before running back into the fight down the street. The heros did not leave, they went to them. Then they saw something running at them, what they never saw before. "What the fuck is that?!" yelled Kayama. "Oh fuck!" Izuku yelled. Itadori ran and pushed the 3 heros out the way. "I said leave, not coming closer!" ranted Fushiguro. Itadori took the hit for the heros and was slamed into the grund. "Oh shit!" yelled Aizawa looking at the cracks in the streets on the ground. Itadori then got up slowly. "Yuji! I think it would be better if you sit out for the rest of the fight." said Izuku standing infront of the heros looking at Itadori. While this happened Fushiguro managed to beat the curse. "It's over!" called Fushiguro out. When he looked at Itadori he cringed. "And here i thought i got away badly. Damn, Itadori we need to go to a hospital." stated Fushiguro forgetting about the heros. "Yeah i think i broke some of my bones with that hit i took" Itadori lying down again. " Don't you dare die on me again!" called Fushiguro out. "We can call Recovery Girl, she lives near here!" commented Aizawa consernd about the die again thing. "Oh right you guys are here."said Fushiguro, just then he collapsed too. "Oh nonono! Guys wake up!" yelled Izuku before getting his phone out, calling someone."Please be near here!" begged Izuku waiting for the other person to pick up. 

"Gojo! Itadori and Fushiguro collapsed! They aren't responding!" Izuku said paniking. The other person ended the call. Izuku ran to Fushiguro and pulled him to Itadori. He sat with them crying. "Hey there, little listner? Could you let us take them to Recovery girl to let her look at them?" asked Yamada only to be ignored by Izuku. Izuku constantly checked the pulses of the other 2. "Izuku!" someone called out. Izuku's head snapped up. "Gojo! We are here!" he responded.  "What happend?" asked Gojo. "We were fighting a curse, it was at least first grade. Everything was fine but then the cursed got stronger and Megu took a hit for me. He was thrown to the end of the street by the impact. Then those 3 heros appeared,Megu warned them and said they should leave, but they didn't. Yuji pushed them out the way and took a hit for them. He was slamed in to the street and you can see what happend. I took a stand before the 3 heros, to protect them while Megu fought the curse. Itadori got up, but only slowly. Megu beat the curse and talked with Yuji, who laid down again. Megu collapsed shortly after and since then both are unresponsive." quickly answered Izuku. " Damn they got hit pretty bad. It's okay, Izu. they are going to be okay most likly." responded Gojo. "Come on. Help me get them to a hospital." Gojo gently said to Izuku who nodded. Gojo went and lifted Itadori, being carefull of the open wounds. Izuku tried lifting Fushiguro but couldn't. Just then Aizawa put a hand on his shoulder. "Let me  help you it's the least i can do." he said. Before he lifted Fushiguro up he looked at Gojo seeing him nod at him. "The house of Recovery Girl is nearer than the hospital it would be bettter to go to her." commented Kayama. Izuku and Gojo thought before agreeing. "Lead the way." Gojo said and they all began running as best as they could  to Recovery Girl. 

When they got to her house Chiyo opened the door, being already infromed about it by Present Mic. "Oh dear, get them inside the living room!" she exclaimed upon seeing the 2 young adults. "Hey there. Izuku it's going to be okay. They are strong." said Gojo trying to comfort the crying Izuku. He went and hugged the boy. " You can leave" he said to the 3 heros. "No, I might need their help seeing that the boy needs you at the moment." exclaimed Chiyo. "Fine, but the moment the 2 are good to go home we leave" responded Gojo. "Look we are sorry for wha happened." said Yamada. "I sure hope you are. You aren't going to tell anyone not even that damn rat, that is your boss, what happened tonight and what you heard, or i am coming for you." Gojo threaten the heros. "We can't complety keep quiet up this!" argued Aizawa. "Aizawa, dear do as he told if you ever want to get treated again." threaten Chiyo while healing the 2 unconciuses teens. "Why are you doing this?" asked Gojo just as suprised as the other heros. "Let's just say I had a little chat with that friend of yours and he told me that you guys are doing just as much as heros, but are risking your live daily." she explaind. "huh? intressting." said Gojo under his breath. Izuku was alrady sleeping in Gojos arms. "How is the little boy, you kind of adopted back then?" Chiyo asked being finished with healing the worser wounds and patching up the rest. "Oh yeah he is doing just fine. He was shy at first but now he is a savage little shit. I did raise him good in the last 3 years. He is also one of the reason why the people back there don't hate the heros as much as they used to. He and Itadori, the pink haired, presuaded us to help people in danger even if it isn't something we fight normaly. He is kind hearted." Gojo answered before laughing  a little. "You should have seen the others, that lived there, when they heard in what condition i found him. They were ready to kill who  ever did that to him. It was quite funny to see." He added. Chiyo laughed at that. "Was it any kind of how these 2 reacted?" she asked. "Oh no, those two were clam compared to them." responded Gojo looking over to the still unconciuse students of him. "Aha now that i think about you three can say that you came across us when we were just walking and heard our names. It must suck calling us by our hair colours and i don't think that your boss doesn't already know you came into conatct with us." Gojo said.  "Alright."responded Aizawa. After a few hours the 2 teens woke up and the four went away. Gojo still had Izuku sleeping in his arms.

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