huh? okay?

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The 4 hadn't left to long, when the heros heard screaming. Of course, they ran outside and to the screaming. When they got near they didn't expect to seeing Fushiguro and Itadori apollogizing to Gojo who stood infont of them. Izuku was lying against a wall near them. "You damn idiots i said to you that you should watch over Izu for me and what do guys do , you made him cry. Itadori, why didn't Sakunna heal you like he always did before?" gojo ranted. "Uhm..  You see he said it was my fault  for taking the hit for the heros and said that i should suffer for it. I think he just wants me to suffer because i made Izu worry, you know how he is."replied Itadori. "I did look after him, so you can't say anything to me. He didn't get hurt! You would have done the same thing." argued Fushiguro. "You right i would have gotten in between the attack and Izu, but i wouldn't have gotten punched across the street. Izu cried himself to sleep, for fuck sake. Wait till the girls hear about that." responded Gojo. "Oh god please have mercy, they are going to kill us!" begged Itadori. He and Fushiguro got pale like a sheet of paper. "Erm, Are you okay?" asked Yamada. The  heads of the trio turned so fast, that the heros flinched. "Oh it is just you. What are you doing to Izuku?!" demnaded Gojo looking at Aizawa that was crouching before Izuku putting something over the boy. "Nothing to hurt him. I just put Yamadas jackte over him, cause he was shaking." replied Aizawa. "Shaking...? Oh shit get away from him!" called Gojo out. Itadori, Fushiguro and Gojo ran to Izuku. Itadori pulled Aizawa away. Fushiguro pushed the other heros back and Gojo swapped Izuku of the ground. He put Izuku on his lap, hugging him and wispering to the boy. "What is happening? Is something worng with Izuku?" asked Aizawa, who was still held by his back collar by Itadori, not really bothered and more concerend about the boy. "It is because of his past. He is most likly having a nightmare and that can be dangerous for poeple around him. If he doesn't calm down or wakes up suddenly he would attack the ones around him, cause he is scared." muttered Itadori. "How bad could it become?" asked Aizawa. "Uhm let's see, uhm it would be like a scared animal that tries to protect themself. He could probably seriously hurt you without meaning it." responded Fushiguro. The heros began to back up more to give the dou on the ground more spaces. "What happened in his past?" asked Kayama looking sadly at the green bean. "That we are not telling you, let's just say it was pretty messed up" said Fushiguro. Izuku begun to calm down again and stopped shaking. Gojo stood up with the green bean in his arms and walked to the heros. He gave the jacket back. "First of Itadori could you put Aizawa down. secondly thanks for the jacket and that you watch him while i didn't, Third we are going home and I am going to tell the girls." said Gojo. After that the 4 left the heros.

"Well that was something diffrent." commented Kayama. "Yeah and is it just me or is Gojo the oldest and like a father of the group or more to the little one?" wondered Yamada. "It sure looks like it." commented Aizawa. "He is. The boy i mententioned earlier is Izuku. Gojo found him in an alley late at night. Izuku had a high fever and showed signs of abuse." stated Chiyo. "and if you say that to anyone then i am never going to heal you guys again." she addded and walked back home. " I don't know about you but i didn't hear a thing tonight exept the names." stated Aizawa. The other 2 agreed and they all headed home.

"We found the name of 4 out!" called  Yamada out walking in to the teacher lounch. "Say them and how you come to know."commanded Nezu. It became normal that he would be there in the mornings. "So we were out on patrol when we came across 4 of them and heard them talking but they ran the seconde they notice us. First of the little green bean is Izuku, Next the one with pink hair is Itadori, black haired one is Fushiguro and lastly the white haired one that was missing for weeks is Gojo." explained Kayama. " Hmm, there is more, right?" chirped Nezu looking at Aizawa. "Yeah we also think that from what we wittnessed Izuku is traumtized by something and Gojo is actually the oldest of the group. At least it looked like it when he helped Izuku calm down, when he got triggered." Aizawa said hoping that Nezu is beliving that it's all. "Mhm intressting, so our guessed ages for them are not even close to right, well we have names let's see what we can find on them." Nezu said tipping on the labtop. "Well thats intressting there aren't any documents in the system for 3 of them. There is a Child called Izuku that would fit the guessed age, but there is only a brith certification. The rest is deleted it seems. So they have a hacker that wipped their records if there even was one." stated Nezu looking at the screen.  "Oh come on. I just had a bit of hope we could catch them finally!" complained Snipe.  The little hope the teachers had to get a normal day at school was destroyed. "How are they walking around not even hiding their face and we can't even manage to catch one of them" came from All Might, who was there to get use to being in the chaos that's UA. 

The day went by and the teacher began to make prepartions for the entance exam. "It's sad at Izuku seems to be the same age as the kids taking the exam. HE could be a good hero just like the rest so why? Why don't they go to a hero school and become heros?" said Cementos. "They don't like heros, Gojo made that kinda clear when he talked to Aizawa." responded Yamada. It made everyone wonder why they didn't like the heros. "Maybe they just do it to make more work for us or want to creat choas." stated All Might (AllMight is going to be an arogant bitch). "For the love of god, Shut the fuck up!" snapped Aizawa. "Why should i? I am right" retorted AllMight.  "Oh fuck off, you little bitch! They probably can't become heros because of reasons, beyonde us!" yelled Kayama. "What's gotten into you? Why are you defending them?" asked Vlad King. "The things they said and what we wittnessed them do, made us rethink somethings and change our view of things." answered Yamada holding back a furiouse Aizawa. "So they manupulated you." stated All Might. "OKay you brought that upon you." retored Yamada letting go of Aizawa. Aizawa attacked All Might. Hitting and kicking the number one hero that was overwhlemed by the numbers on attacks. "Aren't you going to take him off All Might?" asked Ectoplasma the 2 friends of Aizawa. "No they aren't and no one is going to. All Might deserved this and it is his own fault." replied Chiyo. "Yeah he deserved it." said Nezu walking out of the room with Chiyo. 

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