Explain (2)

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"Was that what Gojo meant with we didn't know the truth about the world and that are thing that we can't beat?" asked Aizawa. "Yes, he did. Curses are strong and can only be defeated with cursed energy"replied Izuku. "What is your connection with Bakugo Katsuki?" asked Nezu."Huh? Ähm we used to be friends when we were little,but when he got his qurik and i didn't get one , he changed. He became my main bully, well he didn't hurt me with his qurik,but he did hit me and called me names or said other stuff." replied Izuku. "You know he is sorry for it." commeted Aizawa. "I know, but i can't forgive, maybe sometime, i know he didn't meant to hurt me in anyway. I could always see it in his eyes, but he still did it." responded Izuku. "It is the same with when we came across your trap for us. I could see that the man who acted as the bad one didn't want to do it. It is a ability i had learned to survive with my so called mother. I can read and anylise people like an open book." he added. It was silent, then Nezu laughed. "Could it be that you know about a certain persons secret?" he asked Izuku. "If you mean All Mights injury and his time limit because of it, yeah we know, all of the Tokyo Jujutsu School know it. We all kinda figured it out after about a year after he got the injury."answered Izuku. The heros were shocked and Nezu just laughed more. "You said school?" Aizawa asked after he recovered. "Yeah ther are schools for Jujutsu sorcerers, we do need to learn to fight curses, just like heros need to learn to fight villians. In the tokyo one are only a few sorcerers. We were actaly only 4 in my year. Man that were funny times." Izuku explained. "Oh Shit! If he asked i am not here!" shouted Izuku and dived behind Aizawa to hide. "What?" asked Aizawa. Awindow shattered and Gojo stood in the room. "Where is that little shit?!" he asked looking around. "You mean Izuku?" asked Chiyo. "Yes! Who else would i call a little shit." Gojo replied. "Behind Aizawa." She said and pointed at the hero. "Really?! why did you expose me?!" complainted Izuku, before gulping and having shivers roll down his spine. "IZuku! You damn Idiot! What did i say about fighting alone without back up?" Gojo asked sickly sweet. "That i am not allowed to?" replied Izuku. "what did you do?" questioned Gojo. "Fight alone without back up?" answered Izuku. "Why isn't he allowe to fight alone?" asked Yamada. "He is still only 13 !" Gojo replied. "Hey! Megu, Yuji and Nobara-nee did already fight alone in our first year!" Izuku pipped in. "They were 15 to 16 in their first year! They also didn't do the crazy shit you pull." responded Gojo. "wow! being called out for being crazy form him, does say something." commented Fushiguro sitting in the broken window with Itadori. "Oh thank you very much! you aren't better than me" said Izuku. "It's the jumping from a skyscraper for me." came from Itadori. "It's the eating a cursed object for me" retorted Izuku. "It's the nearly getting kidnaped by the yakuza for me" returned Itadori. "Could you both stop, or do you wanna die?" asked Fushiguro pointing at Gojo, who was shaking in his place. "You got what now?!" he yelled. "hehe you didn't know?" asked Izuku cratching his neck. "You know we wanted to come and get you, but now? No no. Have fun!" Gojo said turning to leave. "Wait! What?!" shouted Izuku. "The elders want you to stay here and be the conection between heros and Jujutsu sorcerers. Gojo wanted to get you out of here, since he know that it is going to be hella boring for you here. Have fun being a hero in training!" Fushiguro explained smirking. He used a Nue to fly away. Gojo and Itadori just droped to the ground outside the builing.  Izuku was on the ground mutterind about ho unfair it is.

"What just happened?" asked Yamada. "It looks like the sorcerers were thinking of the same thing as me. We are having an agremment of sort with them and a new student to help strengthen it." explained Nezu grinning. "What agremment they just left us Izuku here?" asked Aizawa. "It's probably to repay the damage i caused and to have heros stop interfering with our work." Izuku replied and stood up. He looked at Nezu waiting for him to say what's going to happen next. "Well there is a spot open in class 1-A, you are going to be part of that class." Nezu said. "Do i need to wear the unifrom or can i wear the uniform of Jujustu schools?" asked Izuku. "Hmm since you are technically a exchange student and you are going to be able to go out durring periods to do your job if  Gojo sees it that you are needed, i would say you can were your old uniform if you want." Nezu answered. "Damn i am not going to get out if only he can allow it, but thanks for lettig me wear my normal uniform. Oh and do i need to explain that to the class?" utterd Izuku. "why yes, i think it would be good if the heros would know about the Jujutsu sorceres, so they don't interrupt  in their work." replied. "I am going to teach all hero classes about jujutsu socerers, aren't i?" asked a defeated Izuku. "Yes, you are!" chirpped Nezu. "What did i do, to deserve this?" asked Izuku no one.

Th next school day, Class 1-A talked about the attack, but avioded to talk about Izuku near Bakugo. Aizwaw came in and everyone was quiet. "Class, we have a new student, before anyone says something it. I don't care. Now get in here!" he stated. Izuku came in wearing his jujutsu school uniform. "Hi my name is Izuku just that and i am here because i have to." he interduced himself. "You need to wear the UA uniform as a UA student!" lectured Iida. "No I don't. I am an exchange students for a new coopartion between heros and my people. Plus i have some extra rules." responded Izuku. "What do you mean you were part of a vigilante group?" asked Shinsou. "No we aren't. Even though we use our powers to save others in danger from other people, we don't fall under the quirk law." replied Izuku. "But you use your qurik!" argued Jiro. "Aha there you went worng. I don't have a qurik." responded Izuku. "We fucking saw you use it, don't play dumb!" shouted Bakugo finally recovered from his shock. "No, that wasn't a quirk." said Izuku. "It is true it wasn't a qurik. He used something called cursed technique while fighting the nomu." added Aizawa kinda happy to see his class suffer the same he did. "Cursed technique?" asked Todoroki. "Yes, it is a the overall name of the techniques my people uses to fight." said Izuku. "Your people? There are more that can use that?" asked Momo. "Yeah the whole group you ggot told were vigilants use techniques that needs crused energy to work." answered Izuku. "cursed energy? techniques? Do you by any chance know a girl named Maki?"asked Kirishima. "Yeah she is like a older sister to me. Wait you are Eijiro KIrishima, right?" replied Izuku "Yeah" responded Kirishima. "Thanks for helping her when she got hurt badly fighting a curse! She told us about you. You are an idiot but still we are crazy too so, meh." said Izuku shrugging. "Frist why am i even suprissed, second what do you mean he is an idiot andthird you said we don't you  mean you?" asked Aizawa. "First question i don't know, second he simalar to you witnessed a fight but pushed Maki out of the way of an incoming car and later helped her recover, Thrid no we are all crazy in our own way, probably because of the shit we see and need to do." answered Izuku. "Anyway have fun teaching them about jujutsu sorcerers, if your done your seat is behind Bakugo." said Aizawa. "Sweet near the windows"exclaimed Izuku. "DOn't even think about jumping out the window, I have Gojo's number and  i am going to call him if you do" Aizawa warned. "You wouldn't" Izuku stated. "Bitch, don't fucking try me! I am already done with you after i recived a list of things i need to watch for with you! I needed a fucking hour to sort through it and got a fucking death threat from multiply people,because of you!" Aizawa ranted. "Aha yeah that is my family for you." Izuku commented. aizawa got into his sleeping bag and slept. "Is this normal?" asked Izuku and  got a chorus of yeah's. after all that Izuku began to explain everthing he had told the heros.

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