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"Listen up, brats! We are going to the USJ. This would normally be later into the year, but i decided to do it now. Get your heros suits or not and get in to the bus!" demanded Aizawa. It has been a few days after the whole incedent. The stundets rushed to get their hero suits, changed into them and go to the bus.  They boarded the bus, after Iidas failed attempt to organize it. 

The bus drive was like every other, chaos."We are here! Get out! " shouted Aizawa. The class got of and walked into the USJ. "Welcome to the USJ!" Thirteen greeted the class and held her speech. The lights flickered, Aizawa was on edge and pissed because someone that's supposed to be there wasn't. "WOW! they even have fake villians!" exclaimed Kirishima. "Those are real! Thirteen protect the class!" Aizawa shouted springing down the stairs. "Where is All Might he is supossed to be here!?" yelled the crusty leader. "Maybe he will come if we hurt some of the students." he contuined. Aizawa fought the low villians taking down one by one. The class got teleported into diffrent parts of the USJ. Thirteen was badly wounded. Iida managed to get outside and ran to get help."Kurigiri get the Nomu!"demanded the leader. "As yoou wish, Shigaraki." replied Kurigiri whil opening a portal. There was a Nomu, but also somone else."Are you sure it's this, Megu...?" Izuku askedd and noticed he wasn't were he was a seconde ago and that he was alone. "Uhmmm... Hi?" unsure of what was going on. Izuku then spotted Aizawa in a fight. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" demanded Shigaraki. "Yo you crusty dusty, it doesn't concern you."replied Izuku. Aizawa froze when his eyes landed on Izuku. He had just finished the rest of the low time villians. "Izuku! Why are you here?!" Aizawa called out. "That's a good question." responded Izuku walking away from the villians towards Aizawa. " A better question is why this crusty bitch has this!" added Izuku pointing at the Nomu. "Nomu get them!" shouted Sigaraki. The nomu charged at the dou. izuku pushed Aizawa out of the way while jumping up to aviod the fist of the nomu. Izuku dodged attack after attack while trying to hit the Nomu. Then Izuku jumped to the side avioding  a punch only to jump in the way of another one. Izuku prepared himself for the impact, but it never came. When he opened his eyes he was in Aizawa' scarf lying befor said man. " Thanks, That hit would have hurt like hell."  Izuku said to Aizawa. "Kid if that thing had hit you, you would have been dead! Go this is not your fight!" Aizawa responded. "Actually it is, you see , Megu and me were sent to kill that thing." Izuku explained. Just then the Nomu appeared behind them. Izuku pushed Aizawa out of the way, but couldn't dodge himself. 

The class reunited on the stairs again. They were all just arriving there, when they saw their sensei gotten pushed to the side and Izuku being punshed into the ground. "IZUKU!" yelled Bakugo ready to jump down and help, but got holden back by Kirishima. The class was shocked, worried and scared. 

"IZUKU!" yelled Aizawa after seeing what happend beside him. "Man, how bad i wish Yuji was here." Izuku said sttanding up again. "Izuku stop it, you are hurt!" shouted Aizawa, wondering how Izuku was even able to stand up. Izuku had blood running down the side of his head and just looked like he was hit by a car. Izuku gotten out a few throwing knifes. "Now it's game on, you son of a bitch!" Izuku shouted and throw the knifes at the nomu, it dodged a few but Izuku manipulated the trajectroy. The knifes hit the back of the nomu. "Some knifes aren't going to stop the nomu! It was made to kill All Might!" Shigaraki shouted and laughed. "Crusty shit, I know that it isn't going down with just the knife, but their are not just any knifes." Izuku said and then you could see that there was something blue around Izukus hands. Izuku clapped and the nomu was down. It looked like he was pierced by staffs made by the same material as what is around the hands of Izuku. Everyone was silent shocked what just happened. "You cheated, there is noway. CHEATER!" yelled Shigaraki. "You have a  transfigured human and don't know about us? Man you are dumb as hell. Does Jujutsu sorcerers ring a bell?" questioned Izuku. "You are a Jujutsu sorcerer!" shouted Sigaraki. "You just noticed? News flash I am one of Gojo Satoru'S students and his adoptive son." mocked Izuku. "You are the son of him?!" yelled Sigaraki "Yes!" replied Izuku anoyed. "Kurugiri get us out of here!!" shouted Shigaraki. Just then the doors busted open. "Took you long enough, heros" Izuku said rolling his eyes. Shigaraki and Kurigiri fled the scenes. "Izuku! Stop fucking moving!" yelled Aizawa and went to Izuku, already done with his life. "Yeah about that... I can't move anymore anyway." Izuku responded and collapsed. "Fuck!" yelled Aizawa runnig to catch Izuku before he hits the ground. He barely managed to catch Izuku and picked him up runnig out of the USJ to an ambulance. 

"What happend, Aizawa?" asked Nezu. The teachers along of class 1-A was in a meeting room. "We were just in, when the lights flickered. Shortly after that Kirishima pointed out the villians mistaken them for fake ones. i comanded Thriteen to protect the students. While i was fighting the villians one with a teleportation qurik turned Thirteens qurik against her and teleported the students in diffrent parts of the USJ, where other villians waited for them.  They managed to reunited at the top of the stairs. Shigaraki, the leader commanded the villian with the teleportation qurik to bring the Nomu. When he did that Izuku was with it. He was confuised like the villians. I noticed him after i defeated the last low time villian. He walked to me while mocking the villians. He question them why they had the Nomu. The leader comanded the nomu to attack us. Izuku pushed me out of the way and jumped upwards. He kept on dodging the attacks and sometimes managed to hit the nomu. When he jumded to avoid a punch he acedentally jumped infront of anothr punch. I pulled him away, towards me. I told him to go away, since it wasn't his fight. He answered me that it was his and that he and Megu, it's how he calls Fushiguro, were sent to kill it. Just as he finished talking the nomu was behind us, he pushed me away, but could dodge himself." Aizawa paused. "He got hit into the ground, but he stood up again. He muttered something along the lines that he wished someone else would be there. I could hear who tho. After he stood up he pulled out throwing knifes and throw them at the nomu. The knifes that didn't hit the target, izuku used his qurik to redirect them. The leader laughed and said that knifes aren't going to take it down and that it was made to kill AllMight. Izuku replied that i knew it and then clapped his hands. The next thing we saw was that the nomu was pierced by blue and black staffs, where the knifes sticked. Izuku defeated the nomu. The leader called him a cheater and throw a tantrum. Izuku mocked the leader again, but what he said was horrofing. The nomu was a human before." Aizawa stopped, still socked about that fact. "SO he killed someone! He is a villian!" All Might shouted. "Are you an idiot if it wasn't for him killing that thing, we would have all gotten killed, because you weren't there, yeah i heard Aizawa asking Thriteen where you are!" shouted Bakugo. "Bakugo, be quiet! I know how you feel but you can't just shout at the number one hero." lectured Aizawa thinking how much he wanted to punch All Might again. "Anyway Izuku did asked the leader if Jujutsu socerer ring a bell by him and it appearntly did. It seems like thats what they are calling themself. However Izuku said he is one of the students of Gojo Satoru and his adopive son. This fact scared the leader for odd reason."  Aizawa said. "Well for more information, we need to wait for Izuku to wake up. dismissed!" spoked Nezu.

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