Chapter 27.

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(A/N: Random little scenes of what you and Leo do at camp, sometimes alone, sometimes with the others.

For today, here's some needy Leo.






"Yo, Valdez."

*Loud, exaggerated snores*

You sighed.
He's doing it again.

"Hun, I was trying to read," you whine.

You should be.

Not too long before this, you were enjoying sitting in the amphitheater alone, under the warm summer sun with a good book. A little peace and quiet, save for the sounds of clashing swords and spears, was nice once in a while. Besides, without the sounds of battle, it didn't feel like home.

Your orange Camp Half-Blood t-shirt was bunched up on the side, held by a ponytail holder. Your blue jean shorts cut off at mid-thigh, leading down to your purple converses (which you stole from Nikki).

You flipped page after page, your eyes taking in each word hungrily. You were at the best part.

'The spikes flew at impeccable speeds towards the group of kids. One rather large one heading straight for Craig's brother, who was unconscious. He bolted forward, leaping to his brother's form, and- '


Oh, goddammit.
Perfect timing, huh?

The familiar voice of your boyfriend rings throughout the amphitheater as he searches for you. You make no move to make yourself known, and continue with your book.

"(Y/N)~" you can hear the smirk in his tone. "Don't make me come find you~"

Currently, you were tucked away under one of the stands, so the sun didn't completely block the view of the words on the page. Leo's tone of mischief brought a smug grin to your face. No way was he gonna disturb your peaceful day. Yes, you loved him to death, but you need some you time.

"(Y/N), pwease?" He begged, his voice changing from cocky to whiny, making you giggle.

Big mistake.

Your tinkly little giggle caused his head to snap in your direction with a smirk. You tucked your knees into your chest, hoping not to be seen.

Too bad he already saw you.

He darted forward as you let out a strangled yelp, scrambling up with your book snapped closed in one hand. You ran.

Half way across the amphitheater, you felt a pair of arms and a lean torso tackle you to the ground. You shrieked, the impact of the ground knocking the wind out of you.

"Oof," you wheezed.

You were face-down on the ground, your goofy boyfriend going completely limp as he lay face-down on your back, nuzzling his nose into your hair.

"Leo," you grunted. "Move."






"Yo, Valdez."

*Loud, exaggerated snores."

And now here we are, the present time.

Leo snored loudly and continued to remain limp, effectively pinning you to the ground.

"Leo, your not asleep."

He snored louder.

"Hun, I was trying to read," you whine.

"Can't you hear me sleeping?"

You laughed loudly and face palmed. Leave it to him for this kind of humor.

"Why are you laying on me?"

He kissed the nape of your neck.
"That damned book gets more attention that I do, so I broke you from its evil spell of ignore-your-boyfriend powers," he announced proudly, now cuddling the crook of your neck.

You only smiled. He's so needy today, but you didn't think that was a bad thing.

"Are you gonna get off of me?"

"I'm still sleeping."

Oh, boy.

Bring It On, Valdez (Leo Valdez x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now