Chapter 2: the mistake

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The next day...

Samukelisiwe woke up and showered then she remembered what happened the other night with Brian and she couldn't believe it so she decided she would avoid Brian for a few days.

"No no no no Fuck! this cannot be happening." She said

Samukelisiwe started dressing up and left for lectures and when she sat down in the room she ignored Brian.

"Good morning," Brian said

Then later at break, Brian came to sit with her.

"Listen last night was a mistake." She said

"What?" He asked shocked

"I was drunk last night Brian and I have a boyfriend who I love and loves me even though we are on a break but still I wasn't thinking straight," Samukelisiwe explained

"But I mean you must've enjoyed last night I've never spent such an amazing night with any girl I've met especially with you because I love you and I have since we were young," Brian said

"Brian I know and I love you too but I'm so close to fixing things with my boyfriend and I don't want to ruin any of it because of a mistake and a distraction," Samukelisiwe said 

"Oh, so I'm a mistake now when just a few hours ago we were studying watched a movie," Brian said shaking his head

"No, I didn't mean it like that I meant...I meant." She said hesitantly

"You meant what huh? You are lost at words now but you always talking all the time." He said with his eyes watering

Brian turned walking away and Samukelisiwe grabbed his arm.

"Brian I just don't want to hurt you or cause a heartbreak." She said

"Haven't you hurt me enough for today, you're a bitch you know that." He said trying to release his arm from her grip

Samukelisiwe let go and Brian went out of her dorm slamming the door she sat on her bed wiping the tears running down her face then started crying. She couldn't believe what just happened, she thought maybe she deserved to be called a bitch by her best friend because she hurt him by telling him it was a mistake when the whole thing was a lie just because she didn't have the guts to tell him that she loved him and wanted them to be in a relationship. Samukelisiwe broke up with her boyfriend last month but Brian didn't know that yet and she hated lying to him, she regretted what she asked, if Brian knew what she felt for him she doubted he would've loved her back and said yes because they have been best friends since primary school and they are in college now. She couldn't throw all of it away their friendship was too valuable for such.

An hour later, Ethan met Samukelisiwe on their way to lectures

"Hey, dude, what's up? You seem off." Ethan said

"I'm okay, I just had a fight with Brian," Samukelisiwe said

"Yeah he told me but how about tonight we go out for drinks and Clarissa will come," Ethan suggested

"Yeah, I hope it's going to distract me but are you bringing her along because you think Brian who is your best friend will have a problem with that," Samukelisiwe said

"Ummm no but it will, we can just chill and watch Netflix," Ethan said

"Yeah that sounds better and thank you for being there for me but please do not make out in front of me," Samukelisiwe said

"Of course and hey you make out with Brian in front of us sometimes so it's not a crime to make out with my girlfriend." Ethan smiled

"At least we go up to his room and sometime you walk in on us." Samukelisiwe said

"Come on dumbass, let's get going." Ethan smiled putting his arm around her shoulder

After a few hours of lectures, they left to the dorms to watch Netflix with Clarissa.

"So what happened?" Ethan asked

"Umm...well, last night something happened between us and we argued about it, I told him my boyfriend and I were fixing things and he got angry," Samukelisiwe said

"Damn, I hope everything will be okay," Ethan said

"I hope so too because I love him and I don't want to ruin what we have," Samukelisiwe said

"It's fine just keep your distance." Clarissa said

"Do not worry, he will come around," Ethan assured

"Thanks, mate but I doubt he will because I lied to him," Samukelisiwe said

"Samu what do you mean?" Ethan asked

"I told him I still loved my ex but he doesn't know that he slept with Natalie." Samukelisiwe said

"Oh god, you have to tell him or I will." Ethan said

"Okay I will just give me a few days, let's just have drinks tonight, well I'll have water." Samukelisiwe said

"Okay come on." Ethan said

They left to the restaurant to have dinner but Clarissa left and then they saw Brian sitting alone, and Ethan noticed then called Brian to come over.

"What the hell are you doing?" Samukelisiwe murmured

"I'm making you two talk until you make up." Ethan said

Samukelisiwe groaned then shook her head in annoyance. Brian sat down opposite to Samukelisiwe who was eating and he stopped her before she could put another fork of food in her mouth.

"Can we talk?" Brian asked

"Yeah sure, but Ethan just know I'll get you for this." Samukelisiwe said

They went out into the parking lot and talked.

"Look, I'm sorry for storming out like that." Brian said

"I lied about my boyfriend because he slept with Natalie and we broke up a month ago, but you can't do that, you don't understand how much I love you and it's been almost more than a decade and you only tell me six years later that you love me, that's not fair." Samukelisiwe said

"I was just afraid and you know that I love you, like I was the one who took care of you whenever you were sad or like two nights ago when you were drunk." Brian said

"That doesn't count, worse thing is you were a dick to me when you had a girlfriend and we always fought when I confessed though I did it before you had one." Samukelisiwe said crossing her arms and looking down

"No, I didn't mean to treat you the way I did." Brian said lifting her head up

"Though it was a couple of years ago, it was painful and I know I was a home wrecker but I didn't mean to." Samukelisiwe said removing his hand slowly from her cheek

"I'm so sorry and I truly mean it, I was blinded by a lot of things and I promise I'll never ever treat you that way again." Brian said

"I doubt I can trust you with that but I forgive you." Samukelisiwe said

They kissed and Brian brought his hand to her cheek and a few seconds later they went back to carry on eating and they all left the restaurant.

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