Chapter 14

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The next day...

It was a rainy day and it was pouring so they went to their lectures and by the time it was the end of the day. Brian and Ethan met outside and went to the café next to the college.
On the way...

"Yo dude have you seen Samukelisiwe?" Ethan asked

"Nahhh I last saw her in the morning, don't you guys do the same lectures?" Brian asked looking at Ethan

"Yeah, but we didn't talk as much," Ethan said

"Damn, she isn't even talking to you, I wonder what she witnessed last night that made her go off the radar," Brian said

Ethan looked at Brian with guilt

"Yeah, anyway come on mate it looks like we both need a distraction," Ethan said hitting Brian on the back

The two of them went to the café and they were about to go in when Brian saw Samukelisiwe as Ethan was opening the door to the café, he saw Samukelisiwe in the corner as well. She was leaning against the wall and she was with a guy, he had his hand against the wall next to Samukelisiwe and she was holding his arm, and they kissed

"Samu?!" Brian said

"Oh shit," Ethan said

"Dude get the fuck off her!" Brian yelled at him and shoved him off of her

"Ayo bro we were just making out and she's the one who came up to me and started kissing me." The guy said

Brian was pissed off at what Samukelisiwe did and grabbed her to go talk to her privately

"Like seriously Samu? I thought we loved each other and we were loyal to each other." Brian said

"Oh, you're the one to talk about loyalty," Samukelisiwe said

"You are the one who's kissing another guy," Brian said

"Yeah, so?" Samukelisiwe asked

"I thought we loved each other. What's going on with you Samukelisiwe? What happened that night? What did you see?" Brian asked grabbing her hands and putting them on his chest

"Oh, you wanna know what I saw that night? Well, I saw a girl grinding up against you and later saw her tongue down your throat, so that's what's up and it hurt me so much no matter what state you were in I don't give a fuck." Samukelisiwe shouted

"Well, you didn't have to do what you just did," Brian shouted

"Oh yeah well, payback's a bitch isn't it, and karma can come back and bite you in the ass," Samukelisiwe smirked

"I have no idea what you're on about? Wait... is that why you were cold towards me in the car?" Brian asked

"Well, I'll be inside with Ethan who cares about me and wouldn't do what you did whilst you recall what shit you did that night," Samukelisiwe said walking away then went inside and proceeded to the table where Ethan was

"Samu did you have to be so harsh with him? I mean the poor guy was hammered and you know that he doesn't drink that much all the time." Ethan said

"Ethan, you were there weren't you, you saw what he did right?" Samukelisiwe said

"Yeah but still," Ethan said

"But what?" Samukelisiwe said starting to get angry

"Fine but at least go tell him how you feel about what he did after this, I mean the guy is standing in the rain and getting wet," Ethan said looking out the window

Samukelisiwe stayed quiet and continued drinking her coffee and eating her muffin and Ethan gave up on talking to her because he knew he couldn't get through to her.

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