Chapter 11

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Let's take a recap of what happened to Brian, Samukelisiwe, and Ethan

Brian was still in hospital after the crash and the day he was discharged. That morning Ethan and Samukelisiwe went to their lectures but got three hours of detention for being late, afterwards they rushed to the hospital only to find out Brian was discharged by his psycho ex-girlfriend posing as his cousin.

That night...

Ethan and Samukelisiwe barged into their apartment and what they saw ended up with Samukelisiwe on her knees sobbing on the ground and Ethan mad about what happened and hugging Samukelisiwe then gave her a long kiss on her forehead

"Noooo, Brian!!!" Samukelisiwe shrieked

"Fuck." Ethan said

Samukelisiwe stood up from the ground and went to Brian who was laying on the floor of the living room with one of Samukelisiwe's summer scarves around his neck after seeing him she figured out what happened. Samukelisiwe knelt and removed the scarf from his neck. She saw red lines on his neck and touched them lightly stroking them and Ethan approached both of them checking to see if he still had a pulse.

"Samu..." Ethan said

"What?" Samukelisiwe answered wiping her tears

"We need to call an ambulance now, he still has a pulse but barely breathing," Ethan said

"Okay." She nodded and ran to the door to get her phone out of her purse

She started dialing 911

"Come on come on pick up...hello? Yes, this is Scarlett Jones, yes you need to come to Hyde Park Boulevard, yes it is urgent, my boyfriend was strangled and we need an ambulance now." Samukelisiwe shouted over the phone

She dropped the phone then put it on the table and she put her hand over her mouth

Thirty minutes later...

The paramedics arrived and then put Brian on the stretch bed and all of them including Ethan and Samukelisiwe got into the ambulance and drove as fast as they could. On the way there they put Brian on a ventilator to help their breathing. They arrived in the hospital parking lot and rushed through the doors and the nurses took it from there and set him up on the machine

A few hours later in the ward...

Ethan went to get more details from the surgeons about what will happen, in the meantime, Samukelisiwe was sitting with Brian waiting for him to wake up and after sitting there for half an hour he woke up...

"Hello?" Brian said

"Heyyy," Samukelisiwe said softly putting her hand on his cheek

"Samu?" He said putting his hand on her cheek

Samukelisiwe lightly chuckled and buried her head into his shoulder. She felt relieved that he was awake

"What are you laughing at? That your boyfriend is in hospital?." Brian asked smiling

"No man, I'm relieved that you're okay." She smiled

Brian brought his hand to her cheek wiping the tears and wiping her eye lightly

"Oh, so you're my girlfriend now hmm?" He chuckled

"Well, duh I mean you're lucky you even have all this." She said

"I'm sorry we weren't there this morning it was my fault, we stopped for coffee before our lectures and we got in late and had detention," Samukelisiwe explained

"Shut up," Brian said

Before she knew it his lips were on hers and that moment lasted for a short while.

"You don't need to explain yourself to me." He said looking into her glassy eyes

"But if I were here you wouldn't be in this situation and getting kidnapped and almost getting strangled to death by that psychopath Sloane," Samukelisiwe said closing her eyes and tears ran down her cheeks

"Hey hey look at me... the only important thing is that I am alive and I get to spend a lifetime with you and Ethan but I'm mostly directing it to you because you're the one I want and love the most. Okay?" Brian said

"Yeah okay, I just feel bad that's all," Samukelisiwe said

"Come here," Brian said

Samukelisiwe listened and she put her head on his chest and she heard how fast his heart was beating then it started slowing down. Brian looked at her and kissed her forehead and stroked it until she fell asleep under his arm

"That's the impact you have on me Samu," Brian whispered

"Awww you guys are so cute!" Ethan said

"Yeah but at least she's calmed down and don't worry bro it's cool you don't need to explain yourselves," Brian said

"Dude she was so worried and I've never seen her like that since you know? Like it's scary and I mean she's a gift and you have a gift so don't ever lose her." Ethan said

"Yeah, you can say that again?" Brian said kissing her goodnight

"She wasn't herself but I tried my best to make her happy and I think I succeeded." Ethan chuckled

"Well she can easily get excited over anything, she also gets excited around us." Brian laughed

"We don't even give her sweets, unless we take her to a café." Ethan laughed

"Promise me something, if anything happens to me or I'm an asshole and I push her away, just be there for her." Brian said

"Don't worry I will and nothing will happen to you and all I know is she will be so stupid if something were to happen." Ethan said

"Fuck and I remember I was such a dick to her when she was at her lowest in high school, I still am but not in that way anymore." Brian said

"Well at least she has support now." Ethan said

"At least she has you and I know you like her and I don't mind as long as you didn't kiss her or anything." Brian smiled

"If you only knew." Ethan said under his breath

"What did you say?" Brian asked

"Nothing, I was just thinking about Sloane and Clarissa, we found them sitting outside your ward two nights ago." Ethan said

"Why would Clarissa be involved?" Brian asked

"She thought I broke up with her because I liked someone else, which I don't well I thought I didn't until two nights ago." Ethan chuckled

"It's crazy how we are both wrapped around a girl's finger and I mean different girls." Brian said

"Yeah, but I hope nothing happens to us, because I don't want to jeopardise my relationship with her." Ethan said

They both went to sleep a few hours later at 23:00 and Ethan slept on the chair, Samukelisiwe was under Brian's arm and Brian cuddling her

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