Chapter 8

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The next morning...

"Brian?" Samukelisiwe said

"Yes!" Brian responded

"I thought about it and i want to have an abortion, I don't want to have children yet because I want to spend time living life, exploring and going on adventures with you and I doubt we would be able to do that having children at this really early stage in our lives." Samukelisiwe said

"Yeah I understand, but I just hope we have children at some point and create a family." Brian said

"Thanks for understanding." Samukelisiwe said

"Ok I ordered food for us and I rented your favourite movie." Brian said

"Ahhh!!!" Samukelisiwe screamed

After that Brian laughed at her tilting his head back. He had to use the bathroom and whilst he was gone he got a message from a girl, Samukelisiwe looked and then just in time Brian came out of the bathroom.

"Hey babe what's wrong? Are you okay?" Brian asked

"Brian who's this?" She asked showing him the notification

" one." Brian answered

"Wow I cannot believe this." Samukelisiwe said clicking her tongue

"What? We aren't even a real couple." Brian said

"How could you say that? It was your idea to start this friends with benefits thing I thought you wanted us to be a couple at some point and I actually did not want this." Samukelisiwe said

"Then why did you agree? In fact why did you tell me that you wanted me." Brian screamed

"I was drunk Brian and you cannot tell me that because I was vulnerable I would have said yes to anybody but you the one who carried me home so why didn't you leave when you had the chance." Samukelisiwe shouted

"I didn't leave because I love you Samukelisiwe I've loved you since you told me you were in love with me when we were in high school." He said

"That was long ago I told you so many times that I wanted you and I loved you but you just turned me down and chose your ex over me and even before you dated the girl I told you how I felt about you and you rejected me then you flirted with me!" Samukelisiwe screamed

"Oh yeah? Well at least I wasn't selfish and self centered at least when you had a boyfriend and I was in love with you, I didn't try to ruin your relationship and our friendship, I waited for you to be single." Brian said

"You literally hurt me over and over again, I knew you were in love with me even when you had a girlfriend because it was obvious." Samukelisiwe said

"Okay I was an asshole to you, but that's because you were being selfish and you told me that you loved me whilst I was in a relationship and looking like I had to choose." Brian said

"You cannot tell me that you love me six years later." She said

"Yeah well I don't know why I fell for a self centered person like you!" Brian screamed

"What? You know what this isn't the first time you've called me that and I really really wish you were dead Brian and I mean it!" Samukelisiwe shouted with tears rolling down her face

Samukelisiwe turned and walked away wiping her tears away and a hand grabbed her.

"Samu wait I didn't mean it I'm sorry." Brian sighed behind her

She escaped from his grip then walked away from him

A few hours later that day around 18:00 pm...

Samukelisiwe was walking across the courtyard on campus going to the dorms and she did not feel like talking to anybody because she was still hurt about the fight she had with Brian and on her way she kept hearing people whispering and looking at her. When she was about to get into the building she spotted Ethan running towardsb her with a worried expression on his face.

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