Chapter 17

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The next morning...

They returned to New York City and Ethan wanted to go on a run with Samukelisiwe, so he went to go wake her up by spilling water on her, and Brian and she woke up wet.

"Dude why the fuck would you do that!" Brian shouted

"Come on idiot let's go for a run," Ethan said

"Fine I'm going to change and meet you in the living room," Samukelisiwe said

"Don't take too long or kiss because your brothers told me about last night," Ethan said

Samukelisiwe left and gave Brian a quick kiss saying she will be back and then ten minutes later, on their way they were talking and Samukelisiwe was behind him.

"You know it's bad to speak whilst running right?" Samukelisiwe said

"Yeah, but now I'm getting tired," Ethan said

"Oh by the way your shoes are unlaced," Samukelisiwe said

Samukelisiwe ran past him fast but she hit herself on a pole and Ethan passed her.

"Come on you can do better than that." Ethan smiled

"Okay if you say so." Samukelisiwe smiled

She tackled him to the ground, but he escaped and went on top of her and pinned her arms down.

"Get off," Samukelisiwe said with a frown

"No, tell me I'm faster than you," Ethan said

"Umm...last time I checked you're a basketball player and I'm a swimmer, so I don't get sprained ankles or twisted." Samukelisiwe smiled

"You're annoying and yes you do," Ethan said

Ethan let go of her and helped her up only for her to get ahead of him. Ten minutes later they went home and they got into the house laughing. Ethan went upstairs to shower and Samukelisiwe went to the kitchen where Brian was

"I hate you," Samukelisiwe said

"Love you too," Ethan said

"Hey baby, how are you?" Samukelisiwe asked

"I'm okay and how was your run," Brian said

"It was great, but it seems like something is bothering you," Samukelisiwe said

"No I'm okay, why don't you go shower? Your brothers are waiting for you to take you shopping." Brian smiled

Samukelisiwe finished showering and then she saw Ethan outside so she went to him to check on him.

"Hey, dude what's up with Brian?" Samukelisiwe asked

"I don't know he seemed fine," Ethan said

Samukelisiwe sat down next to him and they talked, Ethan finally confessed his feelings for her.

"Hey Samu, I've been wanting to tell you that I am in love you and I have been ever since the time we were at practice and you ran on the court and stole the ball from me and made the shot and I know you're with Brian but I just wanted to say that," Ethan said putting his hand on her thigh

"You only confess now? Okay I like you a lot and these past few months have been fun with you, you really understand me and we are really comfortable with each other, but we can't do that to Brian and yeah he can be a dick and all we do is fight, but maybe in another life we would be together and there still a chance for us I know that." Samukelisiwe said cupping his hands

Ethan looked at her lips and grabbed her jaw to kiss her, Samukelisiwe gave in but what they didn't know was Brian saw everything but left before he saw what she did.

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