Chapter 4

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It's been a couple of days since Samukelisiwe and Brian last talked...well since Brian had exams, they had only seen each other in the halls and she always tried to wave hi but he always turned the other direction to avoid her...Samukelisiwe was walking to her lecture and saw Brian standing outside the door with his hoodie and shorts on. "Damn, he looks hot." Samukelisiwe thought to herself, when she got to the classroom all they heard was silence and the silence was eating at her. It was too awkward

"Hey, we need to talk," Samukelisiwe said

"Yeah we do," Brian responded

"Look I'm sorry for what I said it wasn't supposed to come out that way and about the boyfriend thing I didn't mean it I was just really tired and hungover, I don't have one anymore because he cheated on me with Natalie. What happened wasn't a mistake well it was 'cause we are friends but it was also the best thing that's ever happened in a long time like I haven't felt that special and wanted since 6 months ago, but you made me feel that way, I know I hurt you and I was shocked that you liked me but I hope you can forgive me and we forget this." Samukelisiwe explained

"Yeah we can do that and I enjoy our time together and maybe or maybe not we can be friends with benefits," Brian responded

"Ok then and yeah I wouldn't mind at all but we have to keep it on the DL for now because people talk." She chuckled

"Ok now come on let's get to class drama queen," Brian said whilst putting his arm around her shoulder and pulling her

"Yeah yeah you idiot," Samukelisiwe said

Brian and Samukelisiwe sat down at the back of the class and he put his arm around her then she put her hand on his leg, the teacher came in and started writing today's topic on the blackboard and everybody started coming in.

"We look like a couple in this position." He whispered in her ear

Samukelisiwe let out a laugh loud enough for everybody to hear

"You're going to get us into trouble dumbass." She said

The teacher started teaching and she got tired, she rested her head on his shoulder and then woke up

"Your shoulders are so comfortable oh my god what the hell." She laughed

"Really?" He responded with a laugh

"Yeah, they are." She said kissing him

"Ok guys that's it for today bye see you tomorrow." The teacher said

They stood up and went out into the courtyard to meet up with Ethan

"Hey, do you want to go out for lunch," Ethan asked

"Yeah, sure! Can Brian tag along?" Samukelisiwe asked

"Yeah, no problem, of course, he can come," Ethan said

The three of them went out to lunch at a restaurant near campus. When they got there and ordered they sat down and started talking and laughing about what happened when Samukelisiwe got wasted at a party that her whole family hosted, and she felt Brian's hand caressing her thigh. She thought it felt amazing but Samukelisiwe was genuinely shy so at first, it felt uneasy and Ethan noticed

"Hey, you good bro?" Ethan asked

"Yeah I'm great I'm just tired." She answered then looked at Brian and looked down

"Uh huh okay now I see what's going on, you smashed right?" Ethan laughed

"Dude no what the fuck." Brian said clenching his teeth

"Okay if you say so." Ethan smiled

She knew he had a feeling something was wrong but was certain that he didn't know what happened or did he?

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