Chpater 18

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Later that night...

Ethan and Brian were sitting in the waiting room waiting for the doctor to give them feedback about what was happening with Samukelisiwe. Ethan noticed Brian was lost in his thoughts.

"You know this is your fault right?" Ethan said looking at Brian

"Yeah dude, don't you think I fucking know that!?" Brian shouted

"Dude why the fuck would you get drunk and lash out on Samukelisiwe like that? Your girlfriend who loves you and you hurt her." Ethan shouted at him

"Hmm...well my girlfriend and my best friend were making out," Brian said

Ethan clicked his tongue and went to go wait outside the ICU and left Brian alone in his thoughts. A while later Samukelisiwe's brothers showed up and they were pissed off

"Hey, Brian why the fuck would you hurt my sister like that!" Xavier shouted then punched him

"Dude you know her and what makes this situation worse is you don't know if she crashed or had something else in mind," Matthew said shoving him

"Woah gents rest please," Ethan said stopping them both

"You are such a dumb-ass, you know that?" Xavier said slapping his shoulder

"I already said I'm sorry and I mean it," Brian said touching his bleeding lip to see if there was any blood

"This will not fix anything and do not apologize to us, apologize to your fucking girlfriend who is laying in the ICU probably connected to a ventilator and many other machines to keep her alive. Oh and help her breathing probably on her deathbed and we don't know because she's not awake because of you, boyfriend of the year." Matthew said clapping his hands sarcastically

Xavier and Matthew went to speak to the nurse at the front desk.

"Hi, we have a patient in the ICU, and in case you do not let us in right this minute, you must know our father is a well-known lawyer," Xavier said

"What he means is we need to see our sister Samukelisiwe." Matthew interrupted and calmed Xavier down

"Okay, you will see her in a second." The nurse said

They left to go chill with Ethan and Brian outside the ICU and the doctor came to check some of Samukelisiwe's files and realized that she's been to the hospital a couple of times because of her epilepsy and self-harm.

"Oh my god, her brain cells have increased over the years but yet her medicine controlled the seizures so what has made a rapid increase on one of the brain cells and her X-rays on the body, her veins have been damaged and this X-ray is from a few years ago." The doctor said to himself

"Doctor, the brothers request that they see her and their father is a big-time lawyer so we can't afford to put the hospital's future in jeopardy." The nurse said

"Okay yeah they can and I'll inform them about her condition at the moment." Doctor Dlamini said

Doctor Dlamini proceeded to tell everyone her condition at the moment and allowed them to see the patient

"Thank you doctor Dlamini, we can't thank you enough," Kei said shaking his hand

"No problem, but she's sleeping at the moment and she has a concussion so just be careful not to put her under pressure and any of her emotions get out of control because the worst that could happen is that she goes into a coma and have a seizure. I suggest you go in one at a time so she isn't overwhelmed and given the rapid increase in her brain which has caused a problem with the shock waves and we need to have X-rays again she has had many of them but we need to check if her diaphragm had any pieces of glass stuck inside, but she may have to stay a few more months and if we lucky maybe she can go home next week because we have to run some tests to make sure everything is stable but when she wakes up because chances are she may slip into a come." Doctor Dlamini said

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