Chapter 12

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The next day it was Brian's birthday and Ethan had already signed the discharge papers the previous night. Samukelisiwe and Ethan had to go to their lectures and promised Brian that afterward, they will come back to the hospital.

"Dude I still can't believe the shit that happened with Sloane when I think about it, if we didn't figure it out and got to the house we would've lost Brian," Samukelisiwe said

"Ugh don't even talk about it and I know if we lost him you would've pushed me away and I don't know, you would've planned how to follow him. Then I would've lost both of you." Ethan said

"Yeah, I know but at least we won't let Brian out of our sight from now onwards," Samukelisiwe said

"Come on let's get to our lecture and learn about criminal law and this time we will be extra early," Ethan whispered in Samukelisiwe ear and smiled

Samukelisiwe giggled and they ran up the stairs to their first lecture of the day.

A few hours and two lectures later...

Samukelisiwe and Ethan met on the stairs and proceeded to the Samukelisiwe to have lunch

"So how was your lecture?" Ethan asked

"It was good but the professor wasn't there so at least I got time to study," Samukelisiwe said

"Lucky bastard," Ethan said shaking his head and throwing a stone at Samukelisiwe playfully

"Heyyy well it's not my fault he wasn't there." Samukelisiwe laughed

The break was over and they went back to the last lecture of the day but Ethan had a basketball game...

"Well, we have an essay to do on how the law works when it comes to business," Ethan said

"Ugh shame man, I wish I can help," Samukelisiwe said 

"Who said you won't help me? Hmm?" Ethan shouted

"Me!" Samukelisiwe shouted  

They went their separate ways. Samukelisiwe went to her last lecture and Ethan went to go change for the home game

Thirty minutes later...

Samukelisiwe checked the time and ran from where she was to the other side of campus and luckily she got there in time for Ethan's game.

A while later before halftime...

Samukelisiwe got a call from Brian and she left the bleachers and went to the entrance of the field to hear what he was saying.

"Samu?!" He shouted

"Yeah what's wrong?" Samukelisiwe responded

"There has been a shootout at the hospital and I don't know what to do." Brian panicked

"Okay calm down I'll be there soon," Samukelisiwe said

"Please hurry and in case anything happens I..." Brian said

"Brian? Brian!" Samukelisiwe shouted over the phone

"Fuck!" Samukelisiwe said under her breath

When it was halftime Ethan saw Samukelisiwe pacing nervously next to the bleachers and thinking.

"Samu?! What's happening?" Ethan asked putting his hand on Samukelisiwe shoulder to snap her out of it and calling her three times

"I need to go, bye I'll see you later and have a good game and do not get hurt." She instructed and kissed Ethan on the cheek

"Wait Samu?!" Ethan shouted

At the hospital...

Samukelisiwe parked her car and saw glass everywhere on the outside but she went inside then she went to Brian's room and he was awake, fortunately.

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