Goodbye burritos... (chapter 4 pt 5)

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"You are not going to be separating from us, (Y/n)."

You looked at Sasuke with confusion before speaking.

"Huh? What makes you say this all of the sudden?" You said in an innocent tone.

Sasuke sighed and crossed his arms while glaring at you.

"Knowing you, you'll try to run off and get killed-"
"Yeah, you're right." You said while holding your hands up in surrender.

"-which will make the rest of us fail."
"Oh yeah, I forgot about that part."

Sakura placed a hand on your head and pushed you down a bit in a bowing position while she leaned down with you.

"Do not screw this up, (Y/n)! At least try to act like you care about your own life!" Sakura said.

"Is that a challenge???" You said while eyeing her.

Before she responded, Naruto interrupted by pointing his finger at you.

"Yeah! We double dog dare you to not try and kill yourself!" Naruto exclaimed.

"I don't know, that sounds impossible." You said.

Naruto seemed to deflate at this before straightening up again and pointing his finger into your face.

"Then I double dog dare you to not try and kill yourself for at least the rest of this exam!!! ...oh! And I'll buy you lots of milk!!!"

You stared at him before putting your mouth over his finger, sucking it, and then releasing it.

"I'll accept your challenge." You said.

Naruto visibly paled before proceeding to spazz out, wiping his finger all over his pants and shouting "EW!!!" Over and over again. Sasuke and Sakura made faces at this before Sakura released you.

"Why are you so weird...?" Sakura said in disgust while face palming herself.

"Cuz I'm a freak!" You said before making a 'V' with your fingers and licking in between them.

Sasuke and Sakura then proceeded to smack you upside the head while Naruto rolled on the ground, having a seizure.

The test had finally begun, and you were practically vibrating.

The aura of death was everywhere, and you KNEW people were targeting your group.

Your team noticed this and knew that shit was really gonna hit the fan. You were basically becoming not only their meat shield, but their death detector.

"Hey! How do we pass this test?"

You blinked when you noticed all three were staring at you.

"Are you asking me?"
"Yeah, don't you remember telling us about the future or something?" Sakura said while placing her hands on her hips.

"Um... I thought I told y'all, it doesn't work the way you think it does. I only saw the future play out once a long time ago... I can't remember everything." You half lied.

Hey, watching the show once counts as seeing the future, right?

Man, thinking about it now, you almost forgot about your past life. It's like you just, I dunno... blend into this world, kind of.

Really funny if you think about it.

Sasuke glared harshly into the woods while Naruto and Sakura tried to process what you said.

"They won't be any help with avoiding obstacles... the best we can do is move forward with caution." Sasuke said while walking forward.

Naruto and Sakura looked to each other before following. You followed for a bit before stopping at the sound of screaming.

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