Honking revelation... (chapter 3 pt 4)

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You have been swimming in this void for HOURS.

Okay, maybe not hours... but it was loooooong.

This wasn't like your first death.

You had no thoughts. You felt no fear nor happiness. You weren't able to feel bored.

You were practically nonexistent.

But here?


This was completely different.

It was dark, but there seemed to be a dim light around you despite there being no light source.

You were in a large body of water but no shores to be seen in the darkness around you.

And the weirdest part? There were no waves in the water. Even as you swam, the ripples were small and smooth. The water wasn't freezing, nor was it warm and there was no sound.

But wait.

You see something in the distance.

A few trees slowly appeared, half of their trunks were submerged in water. You didn't know what kind of trees they were, but they were gorgeous looking, you must admit.

The more you swam, the more trees that appeared around you, and the more restless you got.

Are you there yet? Wherever that might be????

And then a large gust of wind appeared. But only for a moment. It's heat surprised you, making you shut your eyes unconsciously.

You stopped swimming and opened your eyes back up, expecting to see nothing when your eyes met with something rather huge.

The creature standing, or rather, sitting before you was covered in brown, tan, and white feathers. It's head was jet black with a white marking under its jaw. It's black beak was filled with shiny black teeth lined up perfectly and two icy blue eyes stared down at you.

The giant hissed at you and reared its head back, lifting its many wings and puffing up.

You stared up at it, wondering if you were on something before the creature let out a loud noise.



It looked to be a Canadian goose... but with the characteristics of other geese as well. It's neck was thicker than a regular Canadian goose's neck, and it had a large basal knob, something that Canadian definitely did not have.

And what made this goose different from a Canadian goose, or any bird for that matter, wasn't just the towering size, but it's SIX. FUCKING. WINGS.

The giant bird aggressively forced you under the surface of the water before pulling you up by the scruff of your hoodie. You dangled above the water before being dropped. Instead of going back into the water, you landed harshly on the surface as if it were made of concrete.

You lost your breathe for a moment and stared up at the beast who glared down at you like any goose would.

"...this is the weirdest fever dream I've ever had..."

The creature honked loudly, though this time you could understand it.

Somehow, it's honking translated into words in your head.


It honked again, this time pecking you in the stomach harshly, crushing your intestines and flattening your stomach completely.

You wheezed and threw up involuntarily before feeling your insides regenerate and your stomach puff back up to it's normal size.

"What the hell? Fucking bird." You said calmly before earning another angry peck.

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