Secrets slowly revealing (chapter 4 pt 7)

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Y'all, I made some ratatouille!

And before you ask, yes, I'm a rat in a chef hat. I'm a fucking G at making this stuff!

Enjoy the chap if you don't mind...

"I don't want to set the world on fire~" you sand as you hopped over a branch.

"I just want to staaaarrrt, a flame in your heaaaaarrrt~"

Your voice echoed through the forest as animals scampered out of your way.

A snake was about to strike a bird on a branch before pausing and slithering out of sight.

It was better to leave on an empty stomach than to risk it all...

You skipped around, wanting to call your teammates but also wanting to not attract any enemies. It was taking a toll on you though, hearing nothing but the wind.

At this point, you just wanted to hear people talk, even if they're the enemy team...


"W-What the hell is this!?" Kiba exclaimed.

Standing in the middle of a crater of gore, Kiba and his team scanned the area. Hinata held a hand over her mouth in shock and disgust at the animals and feathers decorating the torn up trees.

"Hey." Shino said while picking up an object.

Kiba and Hinata immediately walked over to see what he was holding.

"A... headband?" Hinata muttered.

Kiba caught a scent from it and shook his head.

"Not just any head band..."

Akamaru sniffed it before burying himself deeper into Kiba's coat in fear.

"'s (Y/n)'s."

"Do you think... that they..." Hinata muttered out.

"No." Kiba said.

"Their scent is strong. They're still alive... but there's something off about them." Kiba looked into the direction where your scent was coming from.

It had been an hour and you still couldn't find your team.

How big is this damn forest? Why did your dumb ass get separated from your team???

You heard screams up ahead and stopped.

'Uh oh. Somebody's getting murdered.' You thought as their screams died out.

'I should go the opposite way like a sensible, normal person...' you looked into the direction of the screams.

'But I'll go in THAT direction since I'm sO qUiRKy!'

And so, you went into that general direction, you know, like a moron.

It didn't take long for you to find the source of the screams, which was Gaara suffocating some faceless assholes you completely forgot about.

'They probably have families waiting at home for them, maybe have little siblings that look up to them, or children based on how old they are...' you thought before a smile grew on your face.

'NAHHHHHH! Nobody likes these pricks.'

It appeared that Gaara was hungry for more blood, because he set his sights for the people in the bushes near him.

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