𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 ツ

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"Now let's call for Sung Jin-Woo to introduce himself in front of class."

Our teacher was telling the student toward the front to introduce themselves. Majority of the student who introduce were confident, some were scared including the boy that was called at this moment.

The parents were still in the side for moral supports, but after the introduction the parents should be waiting in the waiting hall until the dismissal or else they won't learn how to work and do well in school. It was mandatory that was instructed by the teacher toward the parents to follow the rules.

"Hello..." Jin-Woo shyly look at everyone, before looking down.

"My name is Sung Jin-Woo... I want to be a hunter when I grow up." He stated before hearing lots of claps by the people inside the classroom.

Jin-Woo, who was watching the crowds can't do anything but sigh in relief before going back toward his seats.

"That was a good introduction, Jin-Woo." [Y/N] exclaimed while showing a thumbs up at him, which made the boy scratch his head from shyness that was coming toward him.

Jin-Woo then look at his Sung Il-Hwan, who just give him a smile and nod which made him glad.

"Thank you for introducing yourself, Jin-Woo." The teacher clap as she started to look at the list of student within her class in this school year.

"Now let me call Chang [Y/N] to introduce themselves in front of the class." She stated before clapping making everyone in the classroom to clap with her.

[Y/N], who was feeling a little nervous made him look at Chang Minseo. His face was telling his father that he don't want to do it, but in the end his father didn't understand him but give him a hand signal to go toward the front of the class and to introduce himself.

'Let get this over with...' The boy thought before going toward the front of the class.

The parents and students were now gossiping toward each other, while looking at the boy who was about to introduce himself toward the class.

Although he was young, the boy was already taller than people around his age. Both his nose and eyes were sharp, while his skin was pale that fit the Korean Beauty Standard. They can't say anything but in their mind was filled that this man will be popular when he grow up.

"I'll make this quick." [Y/N] stated with a cold tone which alerted everyone in the classroom.

"Hello everyone, I'm Chang [Y/N]. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I will know in the future," As he introduce himself, the people around them felt a voice of a commander of a battle field within him.

Everyone was quiet... Before [Y/N]'s father Minseo started to clap toward the introduction making everyone to clap with him.

"This kid is very smart."

"Smart and Handsome at a young age, amazing!"

"A future prodigy?"

They just look at the boy, with a hope in their eyes. Somehow this feelings started to deteriorating, when they realize that this world was filled with gates and monster. They know for a fact that this type of thing is useless, when the world is very dangerous and people will be dying on any catastrophic event that will be happening in the future.

For now, they just look at the man who just clapped earlier to see the same guy were a plenty of women started to approach him for his handsome looks.

Some of the men inside the classroom were jealous of him.

"Imagine being handsome and well built body."

"Also, he and his son are both beautiful.

They parents in the classroom thought before looking at [Y/N] who was now going down the stage toward the table he was sat earlier that time.

Their mind just wander off, wanting to have a son like him but they are here with a trouble child.

"That was a wonderful introduction, [Y/N]." My teacher was clapping once again, before telling the parents that it was their time to be out of the classroom so the children will be experiencing a class without their parents with them.

As soon the parents left, some students were already crying.

They don't want to be left behind without their parents, but they reassured that they will be their with them on waiting room which made them calm.

Il-Hwan was scared that his son, will be crying looking for him.

As he look at Jin-Woo it seems he was fine, which made him sigh that he was fine before going to the place and talk with his friend for 'business'.

Now it was now the student and teacher, [Y/N] was now looking at Jin-Woo and some student who were now paying attention before wandering his mind off from nowhere.

Not knowing that snack time was fast approaching.

Everyone was now eating the snack that was bought by them, they were now enjoying and talking with their new friends.

[Y/N] went outside, just to throw the trash outside the classroom. Before entering to see a group of girls were approaching a girl that was eating snack alone.

"Why is your parents not here with you?"

"What is that snack, that look disgusting."

The group of girls were calling her out, which made her look down. [Y/N] know that her feelings was hurt, before approaching them which made them look at him weirdly,

"Why are you here, aren't you supposed to be with the boys?" One girl said as she furrowed her eyebrows at me.

"If you say that to her again, I will tell the teacher you are bullying a girl already." I stated before looking at me with fear before going toward their table as fast as possible.

Now as they were leaving, I started to go toward my table but suddenly felt a someone tugging my shirt to see her.

The girl's face was red, as she look down and said toward [Y/N].

"Thank you for helping me." As tears were forming toward her eyes, which made me feel like I bullied her even though I didn't do anything but help her about earlier.

"No worries, don't let them mess with you and just eat your snack." I shook my head before going toward my table with Jin-Woo, who was also looking down at the table which made feel like he was sick which made me feel worried toward him

"Jin-Woo are you okay?" [Y/N] stated worriedly.

"Yeah... but please don't talk with her again?" Jin-Woo declared before looking at her angrily.

Why is Jin-Woo angry at her?

All I did was just help her from the bullies, but why is he getting furious at her.

I don't understand...

Solo Leveling's Author POV 【Male Reader】Where stories live. Discover now