10. Consequences

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The room was so quiet for a moment but then there was a loud crash. Damon was no longer in the center of the room he was up against the wall with a very angry Hybrid holding his neck.

Klaus spoke no words. All he did was look into Damon's eyes with a fury so deep in his eyes it consumed him. The white of his eyes now a solid black while his pupils are a glowing yellow. Never before has he felt such a deep hatred for someone. Bonnie and Stefan were quite not uttering a single word or sound.

Bonnie's eyes filled with tears that were now running doin her face. Stefan just hung his head down in shame and he was barely breathing at what his brother did and that he did nothing to stop it.

"Klaus please let him go." Elena begged, being the only one to speak for Damon who was turning purple by this time and now passed out under Klaus iron grip.

Caroline was looking off in the distance, and seemed to be lost in a nightmare with her hands put protectively in front of her still flat stomach. She flinched when Elena screamed her name.

"CAROLINE!! Make him stop. He is killing him."

"Ms. Gilbert, you will not ask her that again." Elijah said, making his presence known because he had been standing outside listening to the entire conversation. He comes into the room just as Damon is suffocated and as Klaus drops his body to the ground with a thud.

"Take Damon to the mansion." Klaus says through his teeth to Elijah. His anger not letting him say any more. Elijah looks into his brother's eyes and his own eyes widen as he sees Klaus' anger vibrating around him. He only nods and grabs Damon's body and speeds off.

"No! Let him go." Elena shouted in the direction Elijah took Damon.

Klaus was seething with rage. He does not even know if he can control it.

"Elena you don't get it do you? He compelled me into his bed but after a while he didn't. He enjoyed having me beg him to stop and fight with everything I had only to lose. He wiped my memory only when he wanted to, leaving holes in my memory that made me lose my mind. I hate him. But for you, my best friend, I force myself to tolerate him. But do you want to know what hurt the most? That my friends, the people I have come so close to death for, the only thing they did was spike my drink with vervain so the next time he fed on me he would take the vervain too." Caroline yelled, as she saw everyone held regretful looks. "I think you all need to leave now." Caroline said to the others in the room as she looked at Klaus and saw him on the border of losing control.

"Not until he lets Dam-" Elena was cut off when Klaus shouted

"OUT." Klaus bellows. His voice filled with so much rage and power that it made everyone shiver and shrink back terrified. All but Caroline. Without another word Stefan fleshed a sobbing Bonnie and angry Elena out of the house as fast as he could.

Caroline exhaled as another tear fell from her eye. Caroline closed her eyes and took a breath in. After calming herself she opened her eyes to see Klaus still holding fury. His fists white and claws out, drawing a small amount of blood from his palms, his breathing coming out harshly, his eyes still black and yellow. Caroline walked over to Klaus and gently grabbed both his fists and held them in her hands. She looked directly in his eyes. She opened his fists and he let her. She gently put them on her stomach over their growing child, ignoring the blood on his hands.

"It's okay, I am okay. We are here." She said in a whisper looking directly in his eyes.

After looking at his hands on her stomach, he looked into her eyes that were still shiny from her earlier tears. His eyes slowly went back to his stormy blue and his shoulders relaxed slightly. He moved his hands from her stomach to her waist and buried his head in her neck, deeply breathing in her sent that calmed him instantly.

"That is not okay Caroline." he said, his voice raspy.

"I know. I know. None if it was okay." she whispered as he tightened her hold on him. Tears fill the eyes again. "I remember it." she paused and sniffled. "I remember it all." she started sobbing into Klaus hold. He said nothing to her just letting her cry into him. Trying his best to calm her as she calmed him.

Never has Klaus comforted anyone other than Rebekah and even with her he knew he was not good at it. But he out of his own accord today seemed to know exactly what he was doing. 

As she continued to cry and collapse into him like he was her lifeline, he whispered into her ear. "None of this is your fault. You did nothing to deserve this. I am here, love. Nothing will ever harm you or our child ever again, I promise you." Caroline took a second to pause and listen, "Caroline you are my mate, in the past 1000 years of my life I never thought I would have one, let alone she be someone like you. I have never met anyone like you. You're strong, beautiful and I have found myself feelin..." he couldn't finish his words and she knew it too. 

If possible, Caroline just tightened her hold in understanding telling him she knew what he was saying, without him needing to say anything else.

Caroline and Klaus just held each other in the middle of the living room though neither knew how long they stayed there it could have been minutes, hours or days, they just held each other for as long as they could, as the silent tears still fell from Caroline's eyes. 

Sorry this one is so short I have been working a lot lately and I am finding it hard to find the time to wright. 

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