13. Opinions are just Opinions

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No One's POV

Like any other normal day Caroline pulled into the school parking lot. Normally she would just meet up with Elena, Bonnie and Stefan but today Caroline is doing her best to avoid them.

From their reaction from what Carline said Damon did to her she has little idea about where she stands with her friends. Though Bonnie and Stefan seemed remorseful Elena looked like it barely fazed her. Though she loves her friends and would do everything to protect them she does not want to face the music; at least not right now.

Obviously that is not what happens.

When they were at her house Elena had been scared and defensive of Damon. But today as soon as Caroline made eye contact she could see the fury in her eyes, and all of it was directed towards Caroline.

Quickly she spun on her heals as the bell rang and everyone disappeared from the hallways to their classes. All but Caroline and Elena.

"Caroline!" Elena shouted but not loud enough to disturb the people in the classrooms.

"We have to get to class Lena, can we talk later?" Caroline asked calmly. She knew what Elena wanted to talk about and she did not want to have anything to do with it. 

Damon was her torturer and she doesn't want to talk to Elena about how he does not deserve it and how Klaus is the bad guy for taking him. 

"No Caroline. Where did they take Damon? How could you just let them take him. Caroline, what were they even in your house? You need to help get Damon back. Klaus and Elijah have no reason to take him. CAROLINE SPEAK!" Elena kept firing questions at her while Caroline just looked at her.

"Elena, I want nothing to do with any of this. Listen, we can talk later. I need to get to class. I have missed enough school." Caroline turned to go to her class but was stopped when Elena grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her back using her strength, enough to make Caroline stumble and wince from the pressure.

"No you are going to help us get Damon back you are going to distract Klaus and we-" She was stopped mid sentence when Caroline with a sudden bolt of anger and strength pulled her arm out of her grasp and pushed Elena up against the lockers holding her in place.

"Elena, you are one of my best friends and I never want to hurt you but..." Caroline walked closer to whisper into her ear, "If you ever try to make me do anything against Klaus I will not stand for it. Try to hurt me again and I will make sure you regret it." Her voice held no anger or emotion; it was frighteningly calm.

Elena shivered. "Who are you? Who have they turned you into?"

"Klaus has been nothing but loving to me. He takes care of me and I know he always will because he cares about me more than anyone has ever cared about me before. More than you can imagine and I love him for it. For making me see that I can be myself and still be loved for it." She loosens her hold

"In the years I have been your friend you have made me dependent on you. You have made my  world revolve around you. For once I am choosing to let myself be put first. But in the little time I have known Klaus I finally know I am enough just for being me."

In a stunned silence Elena froze against the lockers. Caroline let her go and walked away only to turn around when Elena spoke again. "You will never be enough Caroline."

She sighed, "You have shown me that your opinion means nothing to me anymore. Goodbye Elena."


Klaus POV

"Wake up Damon" Klaus said as he walked into the dungeon and smirked when he saw Elijah's work on Damon's mouth. "Well, looks like you have annoyed Elijah. I, for one, think it is a major improvement. The stitch is a little crude but I just hope that means you were awake for it" His smirk grew to a smile when Damon just glared.

"But personally I like listening to your commentary. Because I also get to listen to your screams." Klaus took a sharp knife from the table in the corner of the room and roughly put it in between the stitches pulling on the skin with every cut. As Damon's mouth became more free he began giving off pain filled groans. He left the thread in his skin for Damon to take out with his teeth. "There we go, all done."

"Okay asshole what did I do to you this time?" Damon asked tiredness in his voice from the blood loss.

"Oh, it is not what you did to me. I bet if you thought hard enough even with your small bain you could figure it out."

"Blondie? That was ages ago she is over it-AH" Damon was cut off when Klaus pushed a dagger into his stomach "Aaaahh" he kept screaming as Klaus began to carve out one of his organs slowly.

Klaus smiled as the organ fell to the floor. "Now your liver is gone. Is there anything else you want to comment on?" Damon only glared "This is going to be fun... for me"

No one's POV

Several hours later

Driving back from school was not easy for Caroline. After just a couple of minutes of driving she tasted the tears she didn't realize were falling. One of her closest friends that she has known her entire life, one of the people who she believed knew her the best, turned their back on her. And now Caroline is finally accepting that. 

Elena has never been there in the way Caroline has been there for her. Every turn of the corner, every bad and impossible situation Caroline has been there to fight by her side. She got nothing in return except scorn after she for once chooses herself. Elena was her best friend and she is finally accepting that Elena had never thought the same.

No One's POV

At first it was a small itch. He felt he was missing something. Klaus had finished with Damon for the day after compelling him to keep stabbing himself until Klaus told him to stop. He was enjoying hearing his pain from the basement as he sat in living room with a scotch and his sketchbook. Klaus was beginning to get a more urging feeling in the pit of his stomach, one that he couldn't ignore. He knew this was Caroline. The moment the realization hit him he started running. He ran so fast even he did not know where he was but he was letting the tough guide him.

This was the same feeling way he felt just a couple weeks ago when he first felt himself turn into his wolf. But the ache this time less then but Klaus knew he was not going to slow down. Strangely he felt no need to shift only to run. It took him only a couple of minutes to make it to Caroline's house but Klaus could feels she was in the woods behind her house. 

He found her sitting in a large clearing in the trees just laying down, eyes closed and tear marks on her face. "Caroline" He whispered and her eyes shot open. She gave him a sad and small smile but immediately went up and ran into his arms. 

"Klaus." Relief flooded her voice as she felt completely and utterly safe within his arms. She just cried. Letting off all the grief from loosing her friend that she believed loved her.

It was only several minutes later that her tears finally dried and Caroline felt immensely better as she felt him hold her and whisper sweet nothings into her ear "I love you Niklaus." 

Goosebumps formed all over his body at hearing her say his full name. Feeling this Caroline giggles and pulls him closer. 

"Do you like hearing me say that Niklaus?" 

Klaus trying to erase the discovery she just made from her thoughts just said 

"I love you too Caroline."


Sorry for the super long update time. I am a Senior in high school and I have some pretty tough classes and some family issues. I hope you like this chapter, feedback is appreciated though I am well aware I have major grammar issues. :) 

Let me know what you think!

-McKenna Gracine   

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