Disaster...Or is it?

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I walked into the cafeteria and saw Meredith, Derek, Maggie, and Owen eating. I grabbed something to eat and I sat down next to Owen.
"Hey," Owen smiled as he leaned in to kiss me.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Get a room," Derek joked.
"Shut up," I said.
"Anyways Amelia I have something to tell you," Derek said.
"Don't say it," I frowned, "mom's coming to town."
"You're so smart Amy," he chuckled.
"When?" I sighed.
"Tonight," he said, "and she's requesting your presence."
"Nice of her to tell me she's showing up," I mumbled.
"I'm just the messenger," he said.
"Don't you remember what happened last time she showed up?" I said.

"I hate these things," I said to Derek.
"Amy I know but just hangout for an hour and then act like you got paged. Ask Owen to fake page you or something," Derek said.
"He's already on it," I chuckled.
"He's a good friend," Derek said.
"Yeah," I said. The doorbell rang and I knew that was my mother. Meredith and Zola opened the front door for her. She said hi to all the kids and hugged them. It irked me. She would never be that way with my kids, if I even have kids at this point I've been single forever.
"Amelia," my mother smiled.
"Hi mom," I said.
"I see you're still single?" She said.
"Uh yeah," I said. She shrugged and walked into the kitchen with Derek. I rolled my eyes as I followed them. It would be a long night. We all ate dinner together and it was tolerable because the kids just talked to their grandmother the whole time. It was fine. We finished dinner and I helped Meredith with the dishes to try to get out of talking to my mother, although it was completely unavoidable. She pulled me outside and I sat down on one of Derek's deck chairs.
"Amelia what are you doing with your life?" She said.
"Excuse me?" I said.
"All you do is latch off of Derek, I mean you aren't married, you have no boyfriend in sight, and you're just hiding in his neurosurgeon shadow. I raised you better than this!" She said.
"You raised me?" I laughed, "when was the last time you were here for me."
"Maybe if you didn't do so many drugs we wouldn't be in this mess. Ever think of that? Maybe if you didn't shoot so much oxy you would have a husband," she said.
"Don't talk about Ryan," I said.
"It's the truth," she said.
"You don't know anything that happened with Ryan," I said, "keep his name out of your mouth."
"So you're just gonna stay hung up on your dead fiancé for the rest of your life?" My mom scolded.
"I have a life!" I said, "Derek and I are doing great research and I have my own work besides him. I'm not hiding in his shadow! I'm my own fucking person! Who cares that I don't have a boyfriend?"
"You're pathetic," she said and rolled her eyes. My pager went off and I looked at it. It was Owen thank god.
"I have to go," I said, "stay out of my life."

"I do remember that," Derek said, "but maybe she wants to talk to you."
"I'm not going," I said.
"If you show up with Owen maybe she'll leave you alone," Maggie said.
"I'm not using my boyfriend as a pawn against my mother," I said.
"I'll go," Owen said and I hit his arm.
"We're not going," I said.
"Maybe if you just please her she'll stop," Meredith said.
"Guys stop," I said.
"Amy it might work," Derek said.
"What time?" I sighed.
"6:30," Meredith said.
"We'll see you then," I sighed.

We were going for dinner at Meredith and Derek's tonight. Amelia's mother was going to be there and I know Amelia wants to run 100 miles in the opposite direction. Her and her mother have never gotten along for as long as I know. Before we were dating she would always call me crying every time they spoke or complain about it. They have a really rocky relationship and I know it weighs a lot on Amelia. I walked into the bathroom and Amelia was pacing back and forth.
"Hey," I said softly.
"Hey," she said. I noticed her hands were shaking and she looked like she was gonna be sick.
"Ames," I said.
"What?" She said as her voice broke. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her head. She started crying and I held her.
"We don't have to go," I said, "I can order your favorite food and we can watch a movie. We don't have to go." She continued crying and my heart broke for her. I know she wanted a good relationship with her mother more than anything in the world. She pulled back from me and wiped her eyes.
"No we're going," she said softly, "but we're leaving early and whatever happens there stays there."
"Okay," I said, "understood."
"Great glad we're on the same page," she said.
"Ames we don't have to go," I said.
"Owen I just need her to see that my life isn't a total shit show anymore so she can leave me alone okay?" She begged.
"Okay," I said.
"I'm sorry she brings out the worst in me," she sighed.
"Hey it's okay," I said and rubbed her back. We got ready to go and I drove over to Derek's house. There was another car on the street which I assumed was Carolyn's.
"Ready?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said. I got out and held her hand as we walked up to the door. Amelia rang the doorbell and Meredith opened it.
"Hey," she smiled, "you made it."
"Hey," Amelia and I said as we walked inside.
"Is that Amelia?" Carolyn called from the kitchen.
"It is," Amelia said as we both walked in.
"And you brought someone to dinner," Carolyn said, "look at you."

"Mom this is my boyfriend Owen," I said.
"I know who Owen is, how are you?" She asked him.
"I'm good how are you?" Owen said.
"Good," my mom said, "how long have you guys been dating."
"3 months," I said.
"That's nice," my mom said.
"Yeah," I said.
"Uncle Owen!" Bailey ran into the kitchen.
"Hey buddy," Owen said as he lifted him up. I smiled because he was so cute with the kids.
"Can we play outside again?" Bailey asked.
"Go ask your mom and dad and I'll meet you outside okay?" Owen said. Bailey ran down the hallway and Owen let go of my hand. Shit he's leaving.
"I'll be right back," Owen said and kissed me.
"Okay, love you," I smiled.
"Love you too," Owen said. I smiled as I walked him to outside with Bailey.
"He's good with kids," my mom said.
"Yeah," I smiled.
"Are you going to have kids?" My mom asked.
"Right now?" I asked.
"No," she said.
"In the future yes," I said, "Owen and I want kids."
"That's good," she said.
"So do you like him?" I asked.
"I've always liked Owen," she said, "he's a good guy."
"Yeah," I smiled.
"You got a good one," she said. She was being really nice. It was so weird, but it was okay. Maybe Owen totally won her over for me. Whatever it was it was fine by me, because I can go home happy.

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