Gender Reveal

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"Ames!" I chuckled, "come on everyone's gonna be here." I walked upstairs when I got no response. Today we were having a gender reveal party for our families to tell them that we were having a little girl. I opened our bedroom door and the closet was closed.
"Ames?" I asked. I walked over to the closet door and I could hear crying. I opened the door and Amelia was sitting in the corner crying.
"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked. She looked up at me and frowned.
"Should we reschedule today what's wrong Ames?" I asked again.
"No we can't reschedule today," she frowned.
"Then what's wrong?" I asked.
"I'm fat," she said.
"No you're not," I said and sat down next to her.
"The outfit I wanted to wear fit last week and now it doesn't," she said angrily, "it's so annoying."
"Well why don't we find another one?" I said.
"I guess so," she said.
"Ames you look beautiful in everything you know that," I said and lifted her chin with my finger. She looked up at me and I kissed her forehead.
"Amelia I promise you'll look beautiful like you always do," I said, "I promise."
"Okay," she said in a small voice. I helped her up and she found something else to wear and got dressed. I walked into the closet and smiled at my adorable wife.
"You look so pretty Ames," I said.
"You don't have to tell me that just because I was crying before," she chuckled and walked into the bathroom.
"Well I'm not telling you that because you were crying I'm telling you that because you are pretty," I said.
"I'm sorry I'm in a shitty mood it's these fucking hormones," she complained, "thank you."
"It's okay, and you're welcome," I said.
"Is there anything else we have to do for today?" She asked.
"Nope," I said, "just gotta wait for everyone to come over and then we can pop the balloons in the backyard for everyone to see the pink confetti, and we can show everyone the nursery once they know it's a girl.

I kinda had a rough morning because of these stupid hormones. It was always stupid things. I literally cried over a shirt not fitting it's so ridiculous sometimes. Owens the best though. He's always understanding about it all and always comforts me. I love him so much, he's the best really. Everyone was at our house now and I was so excited. Owen and I were popping balloons in the backyard and pink confetti was going to come out to say that we're having a baby girl. After everyone knew we could show them the nursery. The nursery had pale pink walls and a crib. In the corner there was a rocking chair that I adored. I couldn't wait to hold our baby girl in my arms and sit in that chair. On the walls were some photos Owen hung and we had some other furniture. We got our families outside and I grabbed Owens arm as we each grabbed a balloon.
"Are you ready?" I giggled.
"Yes," he smiled.
"Count to three with me?" I asked.
"That rhymed," he said.
"Is that a yes?" I giggled.
"Mhm," he said.
"Okay, 1, 2, 3!" I said as we popped the balloons together and pink confetti came out.
"Oh my gosh!" My mom smiled and hugged me.
"Mommy auntie Amy is having a girl!" Ellis giggled and then she ran over to me. I hugged her and smiled.
"Congratulations!" Maggie smiled.
"Oh this is so exciting!" Evelyn said, "have you started the nursery?"
"We can show you it now since you all know it's a girl," Owen said.
"Oh my gosh it's finished?" Meredith smiled, "that's adorable."
"Let's go," I smiled. We all walked upstairs and Owen opened the door to the nursery.
"Oh this is adorable!" My mom smiled.
"A rocking chair!" Zola said and ran over and sat in it. I ran my hand over my stomach as I looked around the room. Soon our baby girl would be out in the world and in this room. I was so excited for it all.

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