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Timeline: a few weeks later, Owen and Amelia travel to Hawaii to renew their vows

I opened my eyes and saw Owen looking out the window. I smiled as I snuggled into the pillow and watched him. The room was so quiet. It was just us two in Hawaii for a few days and it was amazing. Owen looked over his shoulder and saw me and I smiled.
"Good morning," he said as he came over to the bed.
"Good morning," I said as I pecked his lips, "how long has you been up?"
"About an hour," he said, "I ordered breakfast it should be here soon."
"You're the best," I smiled.
"That's you," He said and kissed my forehead.
"Does it look nice out today?" I asked.
"Why don't you go see for yourself," he chuckled. I got up and walked to the window and I felt Owen's hands on my hips. I smiled as I leaned back into him and watched the waves crash on the beach ahead of us.
"I love you," I smiled as I leaned back and kissed
"I love you too Ames," he smiled. There was a knock at the door and Owen let go of me to go answer. He came back with breakfast and I smiled. We sat down at the table and Owen opened the food.
"Looks good," I smiled as I started pouring the coffee.
"Yeah it does," he said, "hope you're hungry."
"Always," I chuckled as I sat down across from him. I picked up my phone and saw a picture Evelyn sent of us of the kids. She took the three of them to the park today.
"Look at them," I smiled as I showed Owen.
"Yeah I was talking with my mom while you were asleep. She said the kids are doing good," Owen said.
"That's good," I said.
Owen and I were getting ready to renew our vows. I was excited. This is something Owen and I have always wanted to do.
"Are you ready?" I asked Owen as I grabbed the piece of paper that I wrote on.
"Yup," he smiled as he grabbed my hand, "I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled and kissed his cheek. We walked out of the room and down to the beach. I stood in front of Owen and he grabbed both of my hands. I smiled as I admired him. He was the love of my life and I've never needed anything more in my life.
"Can I go first?" Owen asked.
"Sure," I said.
"Amelia, I have loved you since the day I met you. I remember showing you around the hospital when you came to Seattle like it was yesterday. I remember falling in love with you and knowing I was in trouble because I never thought we'd get here, married and with three kids, but it's all I've ever wanted with you. I love everything about you. I love how you need your sleep and how snuggly you are in the morning. I love it when you wake me up with kisses. I love how you are with our children, like how you are Charlotte's TV watching buddy, how you'll braid Harper's hair any time of the day, even if it's five seconds before we have to leave for school or work, and how you always tell Derek how good his artwork is, even though you and I both look at it and are just as puzzled as to what it is. I love you Amelia, you are the strongest woman I've ever known, and I have vowed to love you forever, and I still do. I love you so much and I will love you until I take my last breath," Owen said. I wiped my eyes as I started crying.
"I love you so much," I said as I chuckled and wiped my eyes again.
"Owen, I remember when I first came to Seattle and Derek pawned me off to you because he didn't want to talk to me. I remember how you showed me around the hospital and all I could think about was how attractive you are. I fell for you from day one and ever since then I've known how much I've cared about you. There's nobody on this planet that I would want to live life's journey with, and I'm very grateful that I've gotten to live my life with you, and I'm excited for everything in our future. I love our family more than anything in the world, and you're the best father to our three blessings. You're the best baseball pitcher with Derek, the best speller with Charlotte, and the best tea party guest with Harper. I know the kids appreciate everything you do for them, as do I. I love you so much and I love you more and more everyday. I vow to love you forever Owen," I smiled. He leaned in and kissed me passionately as we heard the waves crash in the background. My life was complete.

The end!

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