A Second Kid?

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I got up in the morning and opened my birth control pills. I took the one labeled Monday and pulled my hair into a bun. I checked my phone and looked at the date. Thursday. Crap. I missed three pills. Oh my god. I checked my period tracking app and I was late. I was 5 days late. I've been so caught up with everything that I didn't realize. Shit. I scrambled to look for pregnancy tests in the bathroom. I found two from when we were trying for Charlotte and peed on them. I waited the two minutes and then didn't want to look. It's not that I don't want more children, because I do, but right now? I wanted to wait until Charlotte was a little bit older, and I feel so overwhelmed right now. I looked down. Pregnant.
"Ames I'm home!" I said as I walked in the door. There wasn't a response so I walked upstairs and she was sitting in bed with Charlotte reading a book. She was so adorable. Lately she's been feeling a lot better, mentally and physically, it's really good to see.
"There my two favorite ladies are," I smiled.
"Hi!" Charlotte giggled. She still only says Hi and Mama but it's the most adorable thing ever.
"Hi sweetheart," I smiled.
"How was work?" Amelia asked.
"It was good," I nodded.
"Alright well it's time for this munchkin's nap so give me a minute," Amelia said. She left to go put Charlotte down. When she came back she closed the door behind her.
"We need to talk about something," she said.
"Okay," I said.
"Remember the last time we had sex?" She asked.
"Uh yeah why?" I asked.
"I'm not going to get mad but did you wear a condom?" She asked.
"Yeah," I said. Was she pregnant?
"Okay well, I'm pregnant," she said, "and I missed a few birth control pills so I'm not saying it's the condom but I'm pregnant." I didn't know if she was happy. I didn't know if she wanted to keep the baby. I didn't know what she was thinking.
"You're pregnant?" I tried not to be too happy in case she was having second thoughts.
"Can we talk about it?" She asked. I felt my heart sunk. I'm hoping it wasn't bad. I'm hoping she wants the baby but I can't force her to have a baby she doesn't want.
"Do you want more kids? We never talked about it," Amelia said.
"I do, do you?" I asked.
"Yeah, I just uh, I don't know it seems soon. I just imagined we'd have a second kid when Charlotte was a little bit older," Amelia shrugged.
"Yeah me too," I admitted, "it is quick."
"I just feel really overwhelmed. I mean we just got done with the trial and I'm still recovering. Charlotte is still little and I feel so overwhelmed to think there's another kid on the way," she sighed.
"So what does that mean?" I asked her.
"I don't want an abortion though," she said, "I want to have another kid with you. We can handle it. Right?"
"I think we can handle it," I said, "you're the strongest woman I know. We can handle it."
"Okay," she smiled, "so we're having another kid."
"We're having another kid," I smiled and kissed her, "I love you so much."
"I love you too," she said, "I'm glad we could talk about this. I was kinda scared to."
"Scared of what?" I asked as I kissed her again.
"Scared that I can't do it," she admitted, "it feels overwhelming but you make it all seem so okay."
"We're in this together, don't worry, you aren't alone," I said and kissed her cheek. I was so excited. It was kinda early to be having a second kid, but I am so excited. I'm so excited to grow our family with the love of my life.
"Okay Charlotte let's try again," Amelia said softly. We were trying to get Charlotte to walk, although it was kinda early for her to completely walk. We had a walker toy but Charlotte seemed to have little interest. Amelia wheeled it over to her and she just sat down and placed with the toy cubes we had. Amelia frowned at me and I chuckled.
"So maybe not today," I laughed as I sat down next to Amelia and we watched Charlotte play.
"We need to talk about her birthday that's coming up," Amelia smiled.
"Wanna throw it here?" I asked.
"Yeah, I mean the pool is open so all the kids and adults can use it, and we can have our families over," Amelia said.
"That's fun," I said, "we can definitely do that."
"I can't believe how big she's getting already," Amelia said.
"I know, me too," I said as we watched our daughter crawl around the carpet playing with her toys. She was so precious, and I'm so excited to think another baby is on the way.

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