Pool Days

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I opened my eyes and I had fallen asleep on Owen's chest. I smiled as I kissed his neck and then his cheek and his eyes opened.
"Hey," he said groggily.
"Hey," I smiled.
"Good morning," he said and kissed me.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"What do you want to do today?" He said.
"Can we go down to the pool?" I asked, "and then maybe a museum?"
"Sure," he said.
"Anything specific you want to do?" I asked.
"We have plenty of time here I'm good with whatever," Owen said as he stroked my hair.
"Okay," I said and kissed him. He rolled us over and I giggled. He started kissing my neck and I wrapped my legs around his waist and he smiled.
"Owen are you ready?" I asked as I grabbed a towel and walked out of the bathroom. He smiled as he looked at me.
"Wow you look," he admired me and kissed me.
"Shut up," I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his lips.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I said. We grabbed towels and walked downstairs to the pool. I laid down at one of the lounge chairs and Owen laid down next to me.
"Ames can't we go in the pool?" Owen chuckled.
"But it's so sunny," I said.
"Amelia," Owen complained.
"I'll come in the pool in a minute okay?" I chuckled as Owen stepped in the water.
"Is it cold?" I asked.
"Find out for yourself," Owen chuckled.
"Owen," I complained as I got up and stepped on the first step to feel the water. Owen got up and pulled me in the pool. I came up from under the water and Owen chuckled.
"Is it cold?" He asked me. I hit his chest and he chuckled.
"It's refreshing," I said as I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he sunk into the water.
"See isn't this better than laying on that chair?" Owen said.
"But I won't get tan in the pool," I chuckled.
"I'm sure you will Ames," he chuckled and kissed me.
"You need to put sunscreen on or you'll burn to a crisp," I said.
"I know I know," he said. I smiled as I leaned into him and he kissed my head.
"We should never leave here," I said.
"I'm fine with that," he said.
"It's so nice here," I said, "so relaxing."
"Yeah," he said, "what do you want to do tonight?"
"We can go to one of the museums here," I said, "then grab dinner."
"Sounds good," Owen said.
"And then maybe take a shower," I smiled and he smirked.
"The hotel is going to kill us for the water bill we're making," Owen said.
"Shhhh were on our honeymoon they'll understand," I chuckled.
"Amelia," Owen said.
"Yeah?" I asked as I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. Owen was already in the shower.
"Join me," he said.
"We can't take forever we have to get to the museum before it closes," I said.
"I know," he said, "we still have a few hours."
"Where'd you put that map?" I asked.
"It's on the desk can you just join me?" Owen chuckled.
"Yes in a minute," I said. I looked at the map and then walked back into the bathroom. I pulled the shower curtain back and stepped in and Owen smiled.
"There's my wife," he smiled.
"Here I am," I chuckled and leaned in to kiss him.

Amelia and I had a really good day. We loved Paris. It was beautiful and there was so much to do. Amelia put her pajamas on and sat down next to me in bed. She snuggled into me and she was adorable. She grabbed the remote and changed the channel.
"Ames that's like the only English channel," I chuckled.
"It's not my fault you don't speak French," she said.
"Ames," I chuckled.
"Come on they're talking about buying a house just use the context clues," she chuckled.
"Only if you translate," I said.
"Fine," she said, "only the important parts."
"How do you even remember French if you spoke it so long ago?" I asked amazed.
"I don't know," she shrugged, "I mean I had to speak it a lot as a child so I think it just stuck even though I haven't spoken it in a long time, and anyway they put in an offer for the house."
"What was it?" I chuckled.
"Guess by the looks of the house," she chuckled.
"500,000," I said.
"650," She said.
"I was close," I said.
"You were," she said and kissed me, "I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled, "my wife."
"My husband," she giggled as she cuddled into me.

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