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"Mommy! Daddy!" I felt small children jumping on me. I opened my eyes to see Charlotte and Harper tackling Owen and I.
"Good morning you two," Owen chuckled as he leaned across and kissed me.
"Ew!" Harper said, "can we go downstairs?"
"Is your brother up?" I asked as I ran my fingers through her hair.
"No but he sleeps forever can we see if Santa came?" Charlotte asked.
"Go wait in your room and we'll get your brother up okay? Then the five of us can go down together," Owen said. The girls smiled and nodded as they ran down the hallway.
"Merry Christmas Ames," Owen said softly and kissed me.
"Mhm merry Christmas," I smiled.
"Can't believe they're so old now," Owen said.
"I know," I said. Charlotte was now 8 and Harper was 7.
"You know they'll kill us if we don't get Derek up," Owen chuckled.
"Ugh I know," I said, "it's so early."
"We could lay here a little longer," Owen said as I snuggled into him.
"We would have angry little children running down here in about five minutes," I laughed and he chuckled.
"Yeah," Owen said, "alright let's get up." We both got up and I walked into Derek's bedroom. Derek was 4.
"Hey buddy," I said softly as I rubbed his back.
"Mommy?" He said in his sweet little voice, "did Santa come?"
"Well, you have to go see with your sisters," I said.
"Did they wait for me?" Derek asked.
"Yup, they're in the hall right now with daddy waiting for you," I said and kissed his head, "Merry Christmas my sweet boy."
"Merry Christmas mommy," he said. I kissed his head again and he ran out into the hallway with his siblings.
"Can we go down yet?" Charlotte begged.
"Please?" Harper asked.
"You have to take one picture for me and then I promise," I said grabbing my phone. The kids smiled and then Owen gave them the go ahead. They sprinted down the stairs and I chuckled. Owen put his arm around me and kissed my cheek.
"I love you," he said.
"I love you too," I smiled and kissed him.
"Mommy! Daddy! You have to open presents too!" Derek said as he ran over to us. We both chuckled as we sat down and watched the kids open presents.
"Daddy wheres the gift we got for mommy?" Harper asked as she looked around the tree.
"It's the one in the red paper over there," Owen pointed.
"Derek go get the gift you guys got for daddy," I said. They got the gifts and brought them over to us. The kids continued opening their presents and I took some pictures of them.
"Mommy! Daddy! It's your turn!" Derek giggled. He ran over and sat on my lap and I smiled. My kids were so precious and adorable. We finished opening gifts and the kids ran to play with all their new toys.
"This is for you," I said as I handed Owen a box. He smiled as he opened it. It was a keychain for his keys with a locket for each of the kids names and ours.
"It's perfect I love it," he said and kissed me, "thank you."
"You're welcome," I said.
"And this is for you," he said and handed me an envelope. I opened the envelope and my mouth dropped. It was two tickets to Hawaii.
"Wait are these real?" I said.
"Is what real?" Harper asked.
"They're real," Owen chuckled.
"Owen!" I said and hugged him, "we're going to Hawaii."
"We are," he smiled and kissed me, "I figured we could go renew our vows."
"I love that idea," I smiled.
"And we can get some alone time," he whispered in my ear and I smiled. The kids had already gone back to opening up their toys and I kissed Owen again.
"You're the best," I said.
"I know," he said. I hit his chest and he chuckled.
"Do you think they had a good Christmas?" I asked.
"Definitely, we did good Ames," he said.
"Mommy! Daddy!" Derek complained, "the toy won't turn on!"
"I'm sure it needs batteries buddy," Owen said.
"What's that?" Derek asked.
"It's what gives the toy it's power to turn on," Owen said.
"Do we have them?" Derek asked.
"We have batteries in the kitchen come on bud," I said and picked him up. I put him on the counter and grabbed batteries for his toy car.
"Did you have a good Christmas bud?" I asked as I ruffled his hair.
"Yes," he giggled, "did you and daddy?"
"We did," I smiled and kissed his forehead.
"Mommy!" Charlotte and Harper ran into the kitchen.
"Yes?" I said.
"It's snowing!" Charlotte said. I looked out the window and smiled. It was snowing. Finally a white Christmas.
"Can we go outside?" Harper asked.
"Why don't we wait for the snow to start sticking to the ground before we go play in it," Owen said as he came into the kitchen.
"Okay," the kids said and went back into the living room. Owen came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled.
"Did you have a good Christmas?" He asked me.
"Are you kidding? We're going to Hawaii," I chuckled.
"I'm pretty great arent I?" He laughed.
"I love you," I smiled.
"I love you too," he said.
"Did you have a good Christmas?" I asked.
"Yeah," he said, "I'm so glad it's snowing the kids have wanted snow forever."
"I know," I smiled.
"You're coming out with us," he said.
"Oh come on it'll be cold," I frowned.
"Don't care, it's Christmas, you're coming outside," he said.
"Okay," I said and kissed him. I turned around and snuggled into him as I watched our kids play with their toys together by the Christmas tree. I had everything I could ever ask for.

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