Chapter 3 : How to Make a Boat Ride Interesting

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Thalia's POV

The journey had been about ten hours to long for Thalia, which was saying something, as they'd only been sailing for nine hours.

"Has it really only been nine hours?" Thalia asked Reyna, exasperation evident in her voice.

"Yes, it has. How about, instead of moaning about how long a trip across the Atlantic is, we go over what that weird brief thing told us to do." Reyna replied with a smile.

"Ok then," Thalia began. "Hecate's brief told us to meet her in some field near where we'll be arriving, before she sends us off to some place called Diagon Alley, where we'll get what we need, before she teaches us the basics of what we need to know." Thalia recited.

"Wow, since when do you listen to instructions?" Reyna asked, looking slightly shocked, but smiling at the same time.

"Hey! That's not fair, I listen," Thalia complained. "Sometimes." she quickly added, seeing Reyna's raised brow.

"You know, if you'd told me a year ago, when I joined the Hunt, that we'd be sailing, on a boat with surprisingly comfy couches as seats, to Scotland to visit a school for magic, I probably wouldn't have joined the Hunt." Reyna said with a laugh after a few minutes of silence.

Thalia couldn't help but laugh as well. It did seem slightly weird when she phrased it like that, even with the amount of weirdness the two had experienced alone and together.

"Yeah, it does sound kinda dumb. Then again, if someone told me that I'd get a new best friend after a war where some of my closest friends were killed, I'd have punched 'em." Thalia said, chuckling and smiling at the girl sitting across from her.

"Don't get sappy on me now, Lia." Reyna replied with a warm smile.

Hearing the nickname sent shivers down Thalia's spine. Not bad shivers, but shivers of longing (or something like that. Thalia wasn't exactly sure how to describe it). The simple fact was: she loved that nickname, but only when Reyna said it.

"How long before Travis and Katie get together?" Reyna asked, after another few minutes of comfortable silence.

"Good question. They're either gonna get together or Katie's gonna murder him. Judging by the fact that he's been pranking her for ages though, I wouldn't be surprised if they come back holding hands and in love." Thalia replied. "I'm more interested in Percy and Annie. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if those two come back and Annabeth's pregnant."

Reyna, who was currently taking a sip of water, spat it out and burst out laughing, causing Thalia's stomach to flutter.

"I mean, you're not wrong. They've been together for ages now, at least by our standards, and they're spending a year in a, from what I've been told, beautiful country, with no one to supervise them..." Reyna said, trailing off, after having finally gathered herself again.

Thalia felt her eyelids droop slightly, as tiredness finally overtook her. She realised that she'd been awake for quite a long time.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who's tired." she said with a yawn, looking to Reyna.

"Ugh, no! Don't yawn, it's contagious!" Reyna shouted, before yawning herself. "Fuck." she muttered.

"Thank the gods. Well, I'm going try to sleep. Maybe it'll make the time pass faster." Thalia said.

Reyna opened her arms, and Thalia raised her brows in surprise. It wasn't that she didn't mind cuddling with Reyna, it was just that she knew Reyna wasn't exactly the touchy-feely type.

"Come on, we're headed towards the old lands, where dreams are a lot worse. We've established that it helps against nightmares. Plus, it's getting cold." Reyna explained, gesturing vaguely.

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